The growing urban-rural divide in the graduating class… Its time of year where students are graduating from the college after four long years of learning, fun and togetherness. Now nearly 17 years after I graduated (I belong to the class of 2003 in under graduation) the situation has completed changed. When I graduated in 2003 I had only one thing in mind to go for higher studies I worked hard even though I was not up to the mark in the competition (otherwise the rat race) I graduated with two extra degrees. I also know a lot of my friends who are here in LinkedIn went abroad for higher studies and are in good positions today. Now in 2020, where I see my role reversed as a faculty I see the students who are graduating or about to graduate with a complete difference as compared to our days. These graduating students were born more or less in the year 1999 or in 2000 when I joined engineering., the so called millennial kids.