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Respiratory System Structures & Function

Plants have low energy needs as compared to animals. Due to the
branching shape of a plant, all the cells of a plant can get oxygen for
respiration and CO2 for photosynthesis directly from the air by diffusion
the only substance to be supplied to a plant through transport system
are water and minerals. The function of transport system in plants is to
transport water , minerals and the food prepared in the leaves to the
various parts of the plants like stem and roots. The plants have following
two types of conducting tissues :
Xylem : This carries water and minerals from soil to different parts of the
plant body.
Phloem : This transports products of photosynthesis from the leaves to
other parts of the palnt . It also carries hormones made by the plants in
their root and shoot tips.
Transportation In
Components of blood and lymphatic system
Transportation in Humans