Planning Instructional Elements Eugenia Etkina Rutgers University The module consists of several small parts. Each part has either two or more of the following components: brainstorming, information and activities. Assessment for the module will consist of you writing a unit plan and a lesson plan. I. What is an instructional element? 3 steps in planning any element II. Setting goals III. Matching assessment to the goals - formative and summative IV. Planning instructional sequence. Writing a lesson plan V. Writing a unit plan VI. Evaluation of teacher unit and lesson planning and assessment I. What is an instructional element? 1. Brainstorming Look back on all the years that you have been a student. In what kinds of educational activities did you participate? These were lessons in high schools, lectures, and labs. You probably have taken short and long courses and/or workshops. Possibly you have taken a driving course or a music instrument playing course, a cooking or a knitting course. A lesson, a lab, a workshop, and a course - these represent elements of instruction. An instructional element can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as a semester. Think of what all these elements have in common. Make a list of these things. The find a partner, discuss your list with her/him and make a combined list. 2. Information Independently of the size of an element of instruction: let it be a long month unit on magnetic fields and electromagnetic induction or a 20 min mini-lab on collecting position and time data for a moving cart, there are three components that are always present in the planning process of a teacher. The teacher needs to 1 a) Identify goals of the instructional element (this means to articulate clearly how the students will be different after they have taken part in the instruction compared to before). The goals need to be assessable goals (for example, the students will be able to identify conditions needed to induce electric current in a conductor that is not connected to a battery); b) Describe what achievement of these goals will look like (the students will be able to create electric current in a coil of wire not connected to a battery using at least two different methods or the students will be able to interpret position vs. time graph created by someone else). c) Plan the activities in which students will engage so that they move towards achieving the goals (will the students observe a particular experiment or a series of experiments and infer a pattern from them? Will they test the pattern in new experiments? Will they work with simulations? Will they answer a series of questions that you posed and then do an experiment? Will they work individually or in groups? What resources will they use?). In this module we will focus on two different kinds of instructional elements: a lesson and a unit. A lesson is something that occurs on the same day and it can last from 40 to 90 min. For example a lesson can be a review of Newton’s laws before the final test. A unit is comprised of multiple lessons united by the same main concept. For example, a unit on DC circuits or a unit on Newton’s laws. For each of the three components there are certain steps that are necessary to take and issues to think about. We will discuss each of them in detail later in the module. 3. Activities 1. Find a high school physics textbook. Familiarize yourself with the sequence of the material in it. Identify units. Choose one unit and try to figure out about how many 45 -min lessons it will take for the students to master the content. 2. Find physics curriculum for a school district. Can you identify units in the curriculum? How many units are in the curriculum? How long is each unit? 3. Download from the Internet Next Generation Science Standards. Examine the structure of the standards. Find High School Physical Science story line and 2 corresponding core ideas. Are standards grouped around the units of instruction? How do you know? II. Setting goals of instruction. 1. Brainstorming What kind of goals might you set for a lesson (for example a lesson that involves acceleration)? What kinds of goals might you set for a unit (for example a unit of Newton’s laws)? Think of what you need to know in order to set the goals, then turn to your partner and discuss you ideas with her/him. Present your consensus to the class. 2. Information Step 1: Knowing where your students are To identify goals of instruction for any instructional element the teacher needs to fist know very well where her/his students are. How does one learn what his/her students know? I would suggest a few strategies to inform you about (1) Where your students are in regards to the content and practices, that are the foundation of the new material (for example, the students need to master motion diagrams before moving into force diagrams). Here a short quiz on previous material might help. (2) What your students think about the ideas in the new topic. Here you can show (or let students do themselves) a very simple experiment and then ask them to provide as many explanations as many as they can for the observations (we even call these explanations “crazy ideas”) without using scientific terms. This way students will share their ideas without worrying that the ideas are wrong and they will not throw science terms at you that they do not understand. Often pedagogical literature suggests two paths to gain this knowledge: (1) To give a pretest to the students; 3 (2) To elicit their prior knowledge by asking what they know about what they know about a particular idea (for example asking the students: What do you know about energy?) before moving forward. I would advise against both approaches every day; they need to be used occasionally and with extreme care. Dangers of a pre-test: It is impossible to write a pre-test about the new material without using the words that students do not understand. If there is no shared meaning of the words, the interpretation of students’ answers is impossible. In the past 20 years physics education community has been using Force Concept Inventory (FCI) as a pre-test as this test originally attempted to avoid the above pitfall - it does not use any words other than FORCE that everyone is sure all students know. But even this word, seemingly familiar to the students, does not have a shared meaning and we do not know what a particular student thinks when she/he read the word “force”. In addition, tests like FCI that have carefully chosen distractors based on student ideas expressed in the interviews (interviewed students were post-instruction), might lead your students to create the wrong ideas in their minds that they did not have before they took the test. Thus the test might make the subsequent learning more difficult. Does it mean that we should abandon pre-testing? Not at all! But while giving those tests we need to be aware of the complications that they create and to make sure that we do not do it too often - twice a year is probably a reasonable number. Danger of directly eliciting prior knowledge: Teachers often ask students directly questions to answer which students need to make answers on the spot “What do you think momentum is?” or they will bring in their every-day knowledge that they have constructed in the real world situation not in the simplified physics environment: “If you drop a heavy and a light object from the same height at the same time, which one will land first?” The first approach makes students speculate about the word, which does not have a shared meaning, and the second might indicate that students have a “misconception” (I put this word in quotes as I do not like it). While in fact, in their everyday lives they observe and experience many times that heavier objects move downward faster. Only their experience is in the airrich environment and the teacher’s question is about air-less environment. 4 These two examples show how tricky it is to know where your students are and how it cannot be done in 15 min either through a test or a discussion. Learning where your students are is a continuous process of careful observation, documentation, thinking and conversations with your students. The more you listen to them without judgment, the more you know where they are. Step 2: Deciding where you want them to be Imagine that you have an idea of where most of your students are at a particular point in time. How will you decide where they need to be after your instruction? Your own knowledge of physics, the district curriculum and the textbook that your school uses in the course and the Next Generation Science Standards provide guidance for you. For example, you are planning a lesson in the unit on work and energy, specifically the lesson that addresses the standard NGSS HS-PS3-2: Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles (objects) and energy associated with the relative position of particles (objects). Although the standards set the boundary as “explaining the meaning of mathematical expressions used in the model” you wish your students also to know where the expressions came from. You might state the goals as follows: The students will be able to explain the meaning of variables in the expressions for gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy and they will be able to show where these expressions came from. While achieving these goals the students will engage in the practices of mathematical and computational thinking and in developing and using models. The key cross cutting concepts that will be used in the lesson will be system and system models and cause and effect. Try not to formulate the goals in terms of what students will learn or understand. These are not assessable goals. When thinking about goals, always try to formulate them in a way that would help you assess whether the goals were achieved. 5 3. Activities How do you set the goals? Sometimes it is helpful to break the goals into disciplinary core ideas (DCI) goals, science practice goals and crosscutting concepts goals (see those in the NGSS). For example you can set the following goal: students will test whether the energy is constant in an isolated system (DCI-related goal). Another possible goal can be: students will be able to interpret graphical information for different types of graphs in kinematics (Science practice-related goal). Finally the goal for the students to be able conduct energy analysis of the same process using two different systems can become a crosscutting concepts-oriented goal. a) Examine NGSS for a core idea of Energy for High School. Use materials in the standards to identify 3 goals of instruction that your students can achieve studying energy in mechanics (a unit) and describe the evidence that the standards recommend to use to find whether the goals are achieved. What should students already know or be able to do to be able to achieve these goals? b) Choose one hypothetical 45-min lesson from the energy unit in mechanics and list the goals that address the disciplinary core ideas, science practices and crosscutting concepts. Describe briefly what students should learn in the preceding lessons to be successful in achieving the goals. c) Find curriculum for a school district and familiarize yourself with it. Can you identify goals of instruction in the curriculum? Make a list. III. Matching assessment to the goals - formative and summative 1. Brainstorming Brainstorm possible ways of assessing student achievement of a particular goal. Share your ideas with your partner. What is the same in your thinking about assessment? What is different? 2. Information 6 Overview: A dictionary provides the following definition of assessment: the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something. In our context assessment means evaluation or estimation of how well a student achieved a particular goal. What are possible ways of doing this? You can stand next to a group of students and listen to their conversations; You can ask them targeted questions and listen to individual responses or give them time to work in groups and listen to group responses; You can give them a written quiz, etc. In any case, ideally their responses should give you an idea of where the student(s) are. You probably heard terms formative and summative assessment. Both relate to collecting information on student learning. The difference is that formative assessment is done during instruction with the goal of adjusting instruction to meet the needs of students. Summative assessment has a purpose of recording where students are at a particular instant in time. One can do summative assessment at the end of one lesson if the results of the assessment do not affect the lesson tomorrow. One can turn the final unit test into formative assessment if the test is followed up by student work on improving their knowledge and gaining additional understanding. Basically, the message here is that EVERY assessment you conduct in your class should be formative. Examples of activities that you can do in the classroom for formative assessment: 1. Traditional conceptual questions 2. Explain XXX 3. How do you know that xxx? 4. You friend thinks XXX – why would she think this way? Do you agree or disagree? If you disagree, how would you convince her in your opinion? 5. Traditional quantitative problems 6. “Tell all” problems 7. Multiple representation tasks 8. Jeopardy tasks (see Multiple Representations module) 9. Ranking tasks 10. “What is wrong” tasks 11. “How would you convince somebody” tasks 12. “Why do you agree with?” tasks 7 13. Data analysis tasks 14. Experiment design tasks 15. Lab reports Think of yourself learning something - to play a musical instrument, to play a particular sport, to knit, or to garden. The key to successful learning is the ability to receive feedback on your performance and improve right away. Unfortunately this process is not always present in the schools. We often give students a grade and it becomes the final stamp of their learning, even if the grade reflects the lack of it. A student receives a C and the class rolls on. Research on learning indicates that it is crucial to give students an opportunity to improve their work. Let it be a quiz, a homework assignment, a lab report students should receive feedback on the quality and an opportunity to revise, improve, etc. Standards-based assessment Traditionally you are familiar with the grades based assessment when a student receives a grade based on the correctness of completing an assignment. Standards-based assessment is different because you are not assessing correctness of solving a particular problem but instead you are assessing how a student meets a particular standard set in advance (for example a standard of being able to represents a situation with a force diagram). This approach requires setting goals of instruction for the students and providing mechanisms of helping them to know whether they achieve the goals. Self-assessment rubrics are one of the ways to set the standards. 3. Activities a) Go to and create an account for yourself as a teacher. Familiarize yourself with the website and learn how its design provides you with the information of where your students are now and what they need to do to get where we want them to be. b) The following resources contain different formats of formative assessment exercises that you might use in your classroom. Your task is to familiarize yourself with the resources compare their advantages for different areas of physics. T. O’Kuma, D. Maloney, C. Hieggelke, Ranking Task Exercises in Physics: Instructor Edition, Pearson, 2003 C. Hieggelke, S. Kanim, D. Maloney, T. O'Kuma, TIPERs: Sense making Tasks for Introductory Physics, Pearson, 2015. 8 Etkina, E., Gentile, M., Van Heuvelen, A. The Active Learning Guide, (a component of the College Physics textbook), Pearson, 2014. c) Find 3 activities from each book that can be used as formative assessment activities. Describe what goals of learning are these activities assessing. Write pretend incorrect student responses and show how you will respond when students demonstrate those difficulties. IV. Planning instructional sequence 1. Brainstorming Imagine you set instructional goals for a lesson and you know what the achievement of the goals looks like. Think of how you will decide what you will do or students will do in a particular time period. Discuss your ideas with your partner. 2. Information Below you see a lesson plan written by a teacher for the first lesson in the instructional unit of kinematics - the study of motion. The author used New Jersey standards to determine the goals. Curriculum materials used in the lesson planning are taken from Physics union Mathematics Curriculum modules which are based on Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) philosophy described on the website ISLE philosophy of teaching and learning physics assumes a very specific approach to student learning of physics. Students construct physics concepts and develop science process abilities emulating the processes that physicists use to construct knowledge by following so-called ISLE cycle. They work in groups and progress from observations of phenomena to pattern recognition, constructions of explanations and relationships, testing of those explanations (with the purpose of elimination rather than support) and finally to application (read more about ISLE cycle on PUM website). Teacher lecturing occurs minimally and only after students have struggled to construct concepts, not before. More about ISLE approach read in reference 1 at the end of this module. Before proceeding to the next step, download Physics II Kinematics Lesson 1 materials from the above website. Note that it might take a day to obtain the login information. 9 Examine the lesson plan carefully and identify the elements that relate to setting the goals, determining whether the goals are achieved and the learning progression for the students. Title: Hey, who is moving here? Essential question: what is motion? What is difficult about it? People perceive Earth to be a special reference frame and they consider an Earth-based observer absolute. Understanding of Geo/Helio centric debate is impossible without understanding the concept of relative motion Next Generation Science Standards: Disciplinary Core Ideas Reference frame (appears in PS2.a - Force and motion - Momentum is defined for a particular frame of reference) Science practices - Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information, engaging in argument from evidence What should students know before they start the lesson: This is intended to be the first lesson of the physics course so other than expecting students to know what North and South are and what a Cartesian system is– nothing more is required. Goals for HS students: Conceptual 1. Students will be able to describe motion from the point of view of different observers, including those who are at rest with respect to the floor. 2. Students will be able to use a reference frame with all of its components to describe motion. Science practice 3. Students will be able to explain what an assumption is. 4. Students will be able to describe how what we learn about motion relates to real life. 5. Students will be able to argue their point of view about whether a particular object is moving or not. Evidence that will convince me that the goals were achieved: 10 1. Students can answer positively and explain their answer to the question “Are you moving now” and “Why did we all think that the train left the station?” 2. When working with the map exercise students are able to think about the object of reference, coordinate system, scale and time of the start. 3. When working with the map assignment students explicitly state their assumptions and suggest alternative answers if the assumptions are not valid. 4. Students will be able to give real life examples of the important of understanding of the relative nature of motion and assumptions at the end of the lesson. Most important ideas in terms of the subject area: motion is relative: both qualitative description of motion and physical quantities depend on the choice of the reference frame, the relativity of motion is important for Galilean transformation of velocity, for Newton’s first law (inertial and non-inertial reference frames) and for special relativity; in addition, none of the spherical astronomy ideas can be understood without mastering the concept of relative motion. For the frame it is important that the object of reference should come before the coordinate system, assumptions are statements accepted without examination (usually people are unaware of making assumptions), thus one should carefully question if any axillary assumptions were made when she/he made a prediction. Students’ ideas that they bring into the lesson: productive – students are familiar with maps, North-South, scales, etc. Unproductive – by the nature of our experiences we are used to thinking of observers who are on Earth as not moving, just the thought that a person sitting on a chair can be moving. To address these difficulties we will have the video clip at the beginning of the lesson and a series of assessment questions at the end (see above). Equipment: PUM materials (see at Physics II Modules, Physics II Kinematics, Lesson 1 - see all activities as they are not repeated in this lesson plan, ball, rollerblades, computer, projector, Internet access, white boards and markers for group presentations. Sequence of activities 11 1. Creating the need to know – a video train%20station%2Emp4 - students observe, the teacher hears the gasp and does not ask for explanations at that moment - says that at the end of the lesson students will be able to explain why they gasped. 2. Developing the idea of relative motion and reference frame: Rollerblading activity – teacher skates along the board holding a ball, students point “telescopes” at the ball, and answer the following question: who sees the ball moving? How do we know? PUM Lesson 1 activities 1- 3 - students work in groups of 3 and present their findings on white boards. Real life connections after 2: when do different people see the same event differently? 3. Formative assessments and Reflection (see below) Time table (times are approximate and subject to change depending on student responces) Clock reading during the lesson 0 - 2 min “Title of the activity” Relation to the goals Hook – the video 2-12 min Rollerblading activity – goal 1 12-35 min PUM activities 1, 2 and 3 – goals 2 and 3 35-45 min Going back to the video, reflection, assessments – goal 4 Playing the Secret spot game – goals 2 and 3 45-55 min – an alternative to the map activity to invent the concept of the reference frame Students doing Me doing Observing, discussing - whole class Observing, discussing - whole class Working through the activities group work, presentations Discussing Listening Playing Guiding, summarizing Guiding Seeding, monitoring Listening, summarizing 12 4. Formative assessment questions – Goal 1: Activity 1.2 and train video (object of reference, direction of reference – check for both – if missing, ask who is making the statement? How can you say where she is moving? In the summary focus on the object of reference, direction of reference, check for their understanding for the words ambiguous and unambiguous). Additional: we say “the Sun rises” – what is missing from this description of the Sun’s motion? Goal 2: - Activities 1.1 And 1.2 + more. 5. Goals 3 &4: Activity 1.3 – not only details of the reference frame but also the role of assumptions. 6. Formative assessment for goal 2: Find the secret spot game (one student leaves the room and the teacher moves in a particular way reaching a specific point - secret spot, the rest of the class needs to give directions (at once) to the student who did not see the motion so she/he can arrive to the same destination; the students will realize that they need to identify where to start, coordinate system, and scale for measurement.) 7. Reflection at the end of the lesson: What was the purpose of the train movie at the beginning and why did you all gasp at the end? Why was it important to learn what we learned today? What questions remained unclear? What would you ask at home to find out if your parents/friends/siblings understand what you learned today? 8. Homework Relate Describe three situations from your life that are relevant to your idea of relative motion and reference frames. Explain a) Using the idea of a reference frame to provide directions to get to you school from your house so that you can get to the school 15 minutes before the homeroom begins. b) When we say the Sun is rising and the Sun is setting, who is the observer? Where should the observer be to see that the Sun does not move around Earth every 24 hours? c) Someone in your class says the “The Sun does not move,” then why do we have days and nights? 13 9. Project related to today’s class: investigate why we have days and nights on Earth and why the concept of relative motion is important for it. Possible formats: ppt. presentation, a movie, and a show. 3. Activities a) List numbered elements of the lesson plan and explain the purpose of each. b) Does the lesson plan indicate that students are engaged in the construction of their own knowledge or that they are passive listeners? Provide arguments. c) Does the plan indicate knowledge of students’ strengths and weaknesses? Provide arguments. d) Does the plan show the knowledge of available resources? Provide arguments. e) Use PUM Physics II Kinematics lesson 1 to explain how students will achieve the goals. Make sure you articulate the purpose of each activity in the PUM lesson. f) Examine the sequence of activities and come up with possible scenarios of how this sequence might change depending on student responses. Where might students spend more time? Less time? Where a different activity might be necessary? Notice that although the lesson plan has an exact time table it does not mean that the plan needs to be implemented in class to a t. In fact, following the plan no matter what students are saying does not represent good teaching. When implementing your plan in class you need to be ready to be flexible. g) Examine PUM Physics II Kinematics lesson 2 and write a lesson plan for this lesson. h) Choose a set of goals appropriate for one 45 min introductory lesson on Newton’s third law and write a lesson plan this lesson. i) You know from your experience as a student that there are different types of lessons. Sometimes students learn new material during the lesson, sometimes, they practice problem solving, sometimes they do a long lab, sometimes they summarize and review material before a test, and sometimes they spend the whole class period writing a test. Choose a unit of instruction - for example “Vibrations and Waves” and suggest where in the unit different types of lesson might occur. 14 V. Unit planning 1. Brainstorming Think of what should be in a unit plan. The students will be working on a particular topic for 3-4 weeks - what should you be thinking as a teacher about when you plan such a unit? Share your ideas with your peers and come to a consensus for what should go into a unit plan. 2. Information Below you see a possible outline for a unit plan. Reflect on every step - why is it needed? How do the steps match to the list you made during the brainstorming session? Unit plan 1. Title (for example, it can be Newton’s laws, Vibrations and Waves, Geometrical optics, etc.) 2. Local and NGSS standards addressed in the unit. Explain why you chose those. 3. Length total (days and periods). 4. What students should know and have done before the start of the unit. 5. Goals of the unit e.g. Disciplinary core ideas; Practices and Cross-cutting concepts 6. What evidence will convince you that students met the goals? List and describe. 7. Most important ideas in terms of the subject matter - describe in detail. List crosscurricula links. 8. Student potential difficulties and helpful prior knowledge. How can you help with the former and build on the latter? Specific difficulties of ELL students. 9. Lessons outline – list all lessons in the unit with goals and brief descriptions. These should be very short just to give a sense of the flow of the unit. 10. Relevance to students’ lives. 11. Final paper and pencil and performance-based summative assessment: a. Unit test (expected high quality responses to each assignment included). Make sure that your state the unit goals that you can assess with each assignment and no goals are left unaddressed. Describe the grading scheme for the assessment. 15 b. Performance assessment. Provide descriptions with brief guidelines for the students and expected outcomes. c. Student projects. Describe what they are and how you will provide guidance to the students. d. Out of classroom activities if appropriate (field trips, fun competitions, plays, etc.). 12. Modifications for different learners. Describe alternative instructional strategies for diverse learners (i.e. ELL students, students with disabilities, gifted students, minorities) such as the use of multi-sensory teaching approaches, use of instructional technologies, accommodations for test taking (e.g., extended time), advance organizers, peer tutoring and cooperative learning activities. 13. List equipment for the unit and resources for the students. 14. List complete references to all resources you use as a teacher. 15. Reflect on the implementation of the unit including commentary on obstacles in implementing it. You saw that a part of the unit plan is the final test. Yes, this is right - you need to think of the final test before you teach the unit - it will give you an idea about the level of difficulty of the problems and assignments that you will implement in the unit. How does one write a final test for the unit? The main idea is that the test should assess the goals you set for the unit. It also needs to have a combination of problems - a few easy ones and a few difficult so that all the students are challenged at the appropriate level and none feels frustrated that the test is too difficult or too easy. Grading the test is also important - you need to decide whether you will assign points for individual problems or for demonstrated skills. If you wish to send the message to the students that their reasoning and not the final answer is important, you can provide them with the numerical answers to the test problems (those problems that call for the numerical answer) - this way the students will not worry whether their answer is correct but will focus on the work. The length of the test is important too. After you designed your test, solve it and time yourself. Multiple this number by at least 3 or 4 - this will be how long your students will need to do the same work. After timing yourself you will decide whether the test you made is too short or too long. Make sure that you include a variety of problem formats. For different formats consult PUM modules and the following references 16 E. Etkina, M. Gentile, and A. Van Heuvelen, College Physics and The Active Learning Guide, Pearson, 2014. T. O’Kuma, D. Maloney, and C. Hieggelke, Ranking Task Exercises in Physics: Student Edition, Pearson 2003. Hieggelke, C., Kanim, S., Maloney, D., O'Kuma, T., TIPERs: Sense making Tasks for Introductory Physics, Pearson, 2015 3. Activities a) Make a list of units that can potentially make up a physics course. Think the sequence of topics. How can you decide what should come first and what should follow? b) Examine the unit tests for the Kinematics and Dynamics units in the PUM Physics II modules (both MC and Constructed response components). First solve each test and time yourself. How long did it take? Next make a list of goals that the test assesses. Which are content goals? Which are science practices goals? What are question formats that you found in these tests? c) Choose a unit on mechanical waves and write a unit plan following the guidelines in part 2 and material in the Next Generation Science Standards. Develop a scoring scheme for the test. VI. Evaluation of teacher unit and lesson planning and assessment 1. Information As you know, teachers are evaluated for their performance. Unit and lesson planning are a part of this evaluation. There are multiple evaluation frameworks. One of them is the Framework for Teaching and Evaluation by Charlotte Danielson ( Download the 2013 Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument and familiarize yourself with domain 1. Compare what you learned in this module so far with the Danielson framework for teacher evaluation. Make a list of 17 ideas that were familiar to you. Make a list of ideas that are new. How what you learned in this framework will affect your approach to lesson and unit planning? 2. Activities a) Use domain 1 a-f components to self-evaluate the lesson plan that you wrote. b) Use the rubrics to improve the lesson plan c) Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your original plan and discuss how Danielson framework helped you improve it. References: ISLE-based references to help you with lesson and unit planning: 1. Etkina, E. & Van Heuvelen, A. (2007) Investigative Science Learning Environment - A Science Process Approach to Learning Physics, in E. F. Redish and P. Cooney, (Eds.), Research Based Reform of University Physics, (AAPT), Online at 2. 3. 4. E. Etkina, M. Gentile and A. Van Heuvelen, College Physics, AP edition, Pearson, 2014 (includes the textbook, the Active Learning Guide and the Instructor guide. 5. Other resources 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5. T. O’Kuma, D. Maloney, and C. Hieggelke, Ranking Task Exercises in Physics: Instructor Edition, Pearson, 2003 6. C. Hieggelke, S. Kanim, D. Maloney, T. O'Kuma, TIPERs: Sense making Tasks for Introductory Physics, Pearson, 2015. 7. 18