AAD RESEARCH METHODS Waterfootprint assessment and integration for green building design Background Water is a rare asset. Its characteristic accessibility is dependent upon wide variances. Simultaneously, interest for studies on water consumption and recycling has been establishing its field among other disciplines of science and technology. Expanded water use by people has significant contrary impacts on oceanic biological systems and their species, causing serious natural threat. Therefore, water shortage is unequivocally distinguished as a significant worldwide by Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Articles conveying the audience about water shortage expresses that one of the fundamental reasons for the same is physical deficiency or institutional failures or the absence of satisfactory foundation to guarantee an ordinary inventory. Globally, demand for water has developed at much faster rate when compared to the pace of populace growth, however, is still expanding in all the areas. The impacts of environmental change will increase the danger of draughts. More than two million people are subjected to water stress till date and the numbers have been increasing exponentially. Water clock is a free online service tool that envisions the quantity of individuals living in zones with water scarcity. Individuals can utilize the Water shortage clock to think about water accessibility and its utilization among nations as a vague measure. Water accessibility numbers are likewise powerfully introduced and acclimated to show worldwide and nearby population rate living in zones within various limits of shortage. Its target was to elevate worldwide awareness about the truth of water as a limited asset and give individuals a granular and significant data to educate activity towards worldwide accomplishment regarding the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6. Image of water scarcity clock 1 This further prompted concepts of water footprint by Hoekstra in 2002 as an accountable measure over supply chains of material production and course of services regarding industries and businesses. Every product in the market is comprised of Water during its assembly. If water was seen as a currency BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS or value of a product in terms of percentage of water utilized and discharged then it would lead to a huge market where water consumption becomes a currency and a mode of exchange. For example, 3 2 , 4 As indicated by the Water Footprint Network technique these are: Blue water footprint: A blue water footprint is a measure of water that is expended from freshwater assets (for example lakes, streams and springs). Green water footprint: A green water footprint is the measure of rainwater that is consumed. Grey water footprint: The grey water footprint communicates the measure of freshwater that is required to soften the pollutants. A water footprint is estimated in m3 of water consumed. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS 5 Great data with respect to water footprints of networks and organizations will assist us with understanding how we can accomplish an increasingly efficient utilization of freshwater. There are numerous spots on the planet where genuine water consumption or contamination happens, for example, streams running dry, dropping lake and groundwater levels and species going extinct because of polluted water. The water footprint assists with indicating the connection that exists between our everyday utilization of products and the issues of water consumption and contamination that exist in any piece of the globe, particularly in areas where our merchandise are made. Each item has a littler or bigger water footprint, which is a very important matter to be considered for both the customers who buy those items and the organizations that produce, process, trade or sell resulting products/ services in some stage of their supply chain. Along with water footprint there is likewise the idea of virtual water which is the volume of water used to create customer items. The collective volume of water refers to the aggregate amount of water utilized during manufacturing of an item. For instance: absolute volume water utilized in a food product would incorporate the water utilized in the bundling and delivery. Virtual water is basically "hidden" water that has gone during the production of those product. Each item we utilize contains virtual water. Most people are unconscious of exactly how much water they waste every day. It is anything but difficult to overconsume, particularly when we don't know about the amount, we are consuming. Without understanding our utilization, it is improbable that we will prevail with regards to diminishing our virtual water footprint. Networks and nations around the globe are probably going to confront water issues with respect to shortage, supportability, sanitation and approach to consumption. In order to create awareness among people an initiation by Prof.Dr Frank Heidmann & Prof. Nils Kuger was taken care to build a phone application as a way of communicating products in terms of water footprints through info graphs 6 The Virtual Water Project conveys the world how much freshwater is utilized to deliver for chosen items seeking after individuals to reconsider their ways of utilization. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS Research Methodology 1 A comparable idea is applied in the development business to assess the utilization of water by building materials. A portion of the calculation models for generally utilized building materials were found in the theory material "Water impression of broadly utilized development materials-steel, concrete and glass" by Bosman (2016) 7 This flowchart shows the steps involved in extraction and pre-processing of cement for instance The procedures require water and some form of energy but might include effluents that are harmful to aquatic biomes. The procedure adds to the blue water footprint of the finished result as water is utilized during the procedure. The energy utilization for the manufacturing chain additionally adds to the water footprint of the final product, because the water footprint attached to the fuel supply and power utilization is at last dispensed to the result. A greywater footprint can be the consequence of toxins present after the manufacturing of the product. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS 8 The Research methodology undergoes a 7step process by determining the scaling factors for the processes. As shown in the given table BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS 9 The above graph depicts Energy related blue water footprint of ordinary Portland cement per production process 10 This graph depicts measure of blue water footprint of ordinary Portland cement per production process Water footprint and energy graphs are found for cement and its data is collected. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS Table 1- Depicts measure of process water use for production of ordinary Portland cement processes The theory is an outright exertion to approve input information by finding other information assets, anyway, a lot of information utilized despite everything originates from a solitary source: the ecoinvent database. The information which is utilized for the investigation is accepted to contain minimal errors that impact the outcomes, anyway, working with huge datasets this avoided with all conviction. In this case, to facilitate the research methodology alternative processes of production are not considered. (with respect to that of glass) Gaps: This research method calculates the water consumption during its manufacturing process however doesn’t account for further calculation of water footprint during the process of construction. The calculated water consumption is considered under standard methods of manufacturing. However the data input may vary depending on the method of approach towards materials production line. Research Methodology 2 Water-resource management in building development and activity, be that as it may, has still far to go, particularly on the grounds that the measure of water utilized per unit area of development to a great extent stays undocumented. There has been some spearheading research on epitomized water estimation of numerous non-private structures in Australia and different nations. In this setting, the researches led by Bosman in 2016 looks to comprehend and survey the nature of freshwater utilized in contemporary urban multi-storeyed private structures and reports an investigation led to an actual project in Calcutta, India. Further investigations lead to another examination by S.Bradhan where the computation of water footprint was drawn on specific information. His technique was an expansion to the approach by Bosman where the findings of water footprint included the information that was a resultant of water utilization during the development procedure. However here the time term factor was viewed as a standard of 68 months. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS The significant structure materials having the most elevated stake in developed volume, for example, blocks, concrete and steel were considered in the main phase of appraisal as introduced in the table underneath: Table 2- The above table depicts the Assessment of measure of water within the materials of construction The subsequent stage had two discretionary techniques the first including hypothetical estimation of the water prerequisite for concrete blends and restoring of block stonework just as solid castings, while the different relies upon information assortment on water utilization legitimately from site sources to have a thought on the different roundabout and in any case unrecorded heads for which water during development like watering for sub-level adjustment, dust control, waterline testing and cleaning, use by on-site occupant development workers so and so forth. (Bardhan, S 2011, pp. 5) Table 3- The above table depicts Water consumption for a preset standard of 68 months during the process of construction Gaps The above study is conducted considering pre-set standard techniques of construction and well defined weather conditions under a given geographical setting. For instance component “D” may vary depending on water availability in ground surface with respect to geographical condition and water table at that particular region. Here the study is conducted in India while it may vary in a much dry country such as Australia. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS Review of Research methodology The two methodologies give a convincing data for calculating a total water footprint for a building. The first during the manufacturing of a material from raw form to a usable form and the later during the usage of the material. The current Water assessment tools give a water rating label on buildings considering the consumption and discharge from a building depending on activities of the user and interior plumbing fixtures which is of course plays a larger role in impacting Water footprint. However, this culmination can still be applied to save water till the completion stage on an unoccupied building. Water consumption during manufacturing Water consumption during construction Of a material process Water consumption of an unoccupied building in other terms, Water footprint Water footprint of construction materials Water footprint During process of construction Of an unoccupied building after construction Energy assessing tools in building industry evaluate water efficiency and give a rating under the labels of green building. However, the labels for water footprint is given only to food products and other products of lifestyle and daily usage. BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS Existing energy rating tools Table 4 : The table above that depicts a summary regarding consideration of water efficiency among enumerable energy rating tools across different countries. One of the online tools provides the information of water footprint inform of a report that will have to be furthered sourced after choosing the target country or a place. The report shows measure of water used for importing products or raw materials within the peripheries of the country. In other terms it conveys measure of water footprint related internally and externally 11 BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS CONCLUSION The aim of this review was to investigate the existing research methodologies to facilitate a new logistics for a much efficient design in terms of application of materials with respect to water footprints and further build a direct in-time preliminary assessment tool leading the designer to make much better choices in terms of materials and design strategies. If such a tool could be further investigated to give the water footprint data of a material (during its production and processing during construction collectively) it could lead to an emergence of a new tool among building design software’s in construction industry. This can further help in promoting water labels/green labels as a resultant of design and can further be programmed in a way that the software gives notifications and advices regarding design. This leads to a much responsible way of designing a building and inturn ensures efficiency at the preliminary stages of design than during the functioning of a building. SCHEMATIC LOGISTICS WATERFOOTPRINT DATA BY RESERCH METHOD -1 WATERFOOTPRINT DATA BY RESERCH METHOD – 2 LOACTION AND TIME OF THE PROJECT CLIMATIC DATA WATERFOOTPRINT OF THE MATERIAL CREDIT POINTS DATA WITHRESPECT TO WATERFOOTPRINT WATERFOOTPRINT RATING LABEL CHEMATIC LOGISTICS WATERFOOTPRINT RATING LABEL WATER RATING OF UNOCCUPIED BUDILING WATER RATING LABEL GREEN BUILDING ENERGY RATING WATER RATING OF OCCUPIED BUDILING BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS The aim is to give in-time rating that facilitates the designer to make in-time decisions with respect to selection of material with respect to quantity such that the building undergoes a preliminary design analysis that may cater to further tests of building energy evaluation. This further avoids additional work such as change in design post-energy tests to credit points for acquiring energy labels and reduces the quantity of work from third-party energy assessing organizations and softwires that lead to cost cutting in terms of assessment and certification. Incorporating Rating tools within the widely used softwires rather than plugins that take additional time , effort and cost gives an opportunity to the user to have much more control over the design and also ensuring efficiencies and energies in pre-liminary stages of design rather than post completion of 3D modelling and exporting it to third party software. This also avoids additional investment of time in acquiring knowledge regarding water footprint associated with construction materials on online sources as it directly takes from a pre-fed database. VIRTUAL WATER WATER FOOTPRINT CREDITS 4 WATER-RATING ADDITIONALLY ADDED INFO (a proposal of literature review) IN-TIME RATING BHARATH KANTI - 11026850 AAD RESEARCH METHODS Reference list 1) About – Water Scarcity Clock 2019, Worldwater.io, <https://worldwater.io/about.php>. 2) CLASSIFICATION OF WATER FOOTPRINT n.d., tinkerprograms.com, <https://tinkerprograms.com/wpcontent/uploads/2018/03/water-footprint.jpg>. 3) direct and indirect water use n.d., waterfootprint.org, <https://waterfootprint.org/en/water-footprint/what-is-waterfootprint/>. 4) Hoekstra, A, Chapagain, A, Aldaya, M & Mekonnen, M 2011, The Water Footprint Assessment Manual Setting the Global Standard, viewed 17 April 2020, <https://waterfootprint.org/media/downloads/TheWaterFootprintAssessmentManual_2.pdf>. 5) Nazim Syed Yahaya, SN & Ismail, MA 2014, ‘GREEN BUILDINGS IN CAMPUS: AN SSESSMENT OF GREEN POTENTIAL FOR EXISTING CONVENTIONAL BUILDINGS’. 6) PRODUCT GALLERY n.d., WATERFOOTPRINTNETWORK .ORG, <<https://waterfootprint.org/en/resources/interactivetools/product-gallery/>.>. 7) The app 2010, The water footprint of Products, <http://virtualwater.eu/#about>. 8) Virtual Water 2015, Food & Water Watch, <https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/insight/virtual-water>. 9) WATERFOOTPRINT 2020, CIRCULARECOLOGY.COM, <https://www.circularecology.com/water-footprint.html>. 10) WATERFOOTPRINT ASSESSMENT TOOL n.d., waterfootprint calculator, <https://www.waterfootprintassessmenttool.org/national-explorer/>. 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