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Macroscopic Anatomy of the Nervous System

Macroscopic anatomy of the
nervous system.
PharmDr. Tomáš Rajtík, PhD.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Faculty of Pharmacy UK
Imhotep, 3000 b.c. – Egyptians understood the brain mainly as an
organ which produces mucus and coordinate the functions of eye
and ear
Hippokrates, 2400 b.c. – „O zraneniach hlavy“, chápanie mozgu,
ako orgánu, ktorý determinuje naše vedomie a intelekt
Galen, 2. stor.n.l. – medicínsky experimentátor, ktorý preukázal, že
mozog je zodpovedný za tvorby fyziologickej odozvy tela –
prerušenie rekurentného layrngeálneho nervu ošípanej spôsobilo
stratu hlasu. Popísal, taktiež 4 mozgové komory
*Ranní kresťanskí filozofi si adoptovali grécku antickú náuku, avšak pre potreby
náboženskej náuky boli niektoré informácie pozmenené, napr., že mozog obsahuje 3
komory, čo lepšie korelovalo s ideou svätej trojice
Ibn Síná (Avicenna), 9 stor.n.l. – Popísal pasáž podnetov a myšlienok v rámci
Andreas Vesalius, 1543 n.l. – De Humani Corporis Fabrica, najdôležitejšie
medicínske dielo renesancie. Vesalius chápal mozog ako ústredný orgán
zodpovedný za vedomie, pamäť, tvorbu myšlienok
René Descartes, 17. stor.n.l. – Cogito Ergo Sum, za sídlo duše označil corpus
pineale (šuška, mozgový prívesok), ktorý sa podieľa na tvorbe o.i.
melatonínu a potenciálne aj N,N-dimetyltryptamínu (endogénny
Thomas Willis, 1664 .n.l. – Anatomy of Brain and Nerves, snaha o prepojenie
anatomických oblastí a funkcií, je považovaný za otca moderných neurovied
Luigi Galvani, 18. stor.n.l. – priekopník bioelektromagnetizmu,
vykonával experimenty na izolovaných tkanivách využitím
John Walsh, 1776 n.l. – na základe experimentov s elektrickým
úhorom postuloval ako prvý myšlienku, že ľudský nervový systém
funguje vďaka elektrickým výbojom, ktorá zostala v platnosti do
dnešných dní
Piccolino M, Bresadola M. Drawing a spark from darkness: John Walsh and electric fish. Trends Neurosci. 2002 Jan;25(1):51-7.
Mozog ako
Funkcia mozgu
Vnútroneurónový prenos väčších štruktúr (dynamin, kinesin)
2017 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition Dr. Jeffrey A.J. van Haren
Support glial cells:
Ependymal cells
On macroscopic level:
1. Grey matter
Non-myelinated neuron bodies, dendrites
and axon terminals
In some brain areas form layers and
elsewhere clusters of neuronal cells called
2. White matter
Mainly myelinated axons of neurons since
myelin give typical white appearance
Axon bundles interconnecting different
regions of CNS are called tracts
– adheres to
skull bones and spinal canal
and creates ducts (sagital
sinuses) which drains
venous blood from the brain
and spine
– adheres
to pia mater, doesn’t have
blood vessels, but consists
of containers filled with
cerebrospinal fluid
– adheres to brain
and spine, nests into fissures
and gyruses, its thin and
richly perfused by blood
• Ependymal cells produce CSF
and creates choroid plexus
which consist of ependymal
cells, endothelium of brain
• Ependymal cells creates
epithelium-like lining of brain
• Provides osmotic gradient in
brain ventricles (ionic
• Ensures physical protection
(against shock, impact)
• CSF crosses the ventricles into
the subarachnoid space and
• Last protective layer of brain
between interstitial fluid and
• Brain capillaries are
selectively permeable
(dopamine vs. L-dopa)
• Hypothalamus-hypophyseal
portal system or emetic
center of medulla doesn’t
contains BBB
Vertebral arteries
Perfusion of head and brain
from aortic arch
- Arteriae carotides
- Arteriae vertebrales
Circle of Willis
High demand on blood perfusion – cca 15% of all arterial blood
Primary energetic source for ATP production is glucose (cca 50% of all
glucose consumption in body*)
• Pia mater – place of origin of
small veins
• Venous canals forms
cerebral veins which crosses
arachnoid mater to
endothelium lined do
sinuses – sagittal sinuses
• Higher brain areas/cerebral cortex
• Subcortical and midbrain areas – brain stem, limbic system and basal ganglia
• Spinal cord level
11 of 12 cranial
nerves ascend from
brain stem
They transduce
motoric and sensory
information from
neck and head
Medulla oblongata
• Blood pressure regulation, respiratory,
swelling and emetic center
• Reticular formation (serotonin – mood),
regulation vital function, pain
2 tracts:
1. Somatic-sensory (ascending)
2. Cortical-spinal (descending)
• Interconnects cerebellum s with
higher brain centers and spinal cord
• Along with medulla coordinates
• Dreaming (REM sleep, rely inputs to
• Eye movement
• Visual and auditory reflexes
• Wakefulness
Consists of white matter
• Coordinates motoric functions and balance
• Relays motoric, proprioceptive and visual pathways
Main functions
Pre-optical a lower
Heat loss – skin vessels
vasodilation and sweating
Heat preservation – skin
vasoconstriction and tremor
Satiety – feeding execution
ADH and oxytocin stimulation
– thirst
ADH a oxytocin secretion
Hypophyseal hormones
• Melatonin secretion (pineal gland) – circadian
• Thalamus – sensory inputs transmission into
higher brain areas
3 main parts:
• Cortex
• Basal ganglia
• Limbic system
Regulates and integrate movement
Sensory inputs processing – hearing, smell, vision, taste, touch
Decision making and thoughts
Cortical-striatal motoric pathway
• Information
processing for
adequate mental
or motoric
response occurs
• Integration – relay
and processing of
input signals
• When the
information is not
used immediately
– stored into
1. Sensory system – monitors inner and outer
environment and initiates reflective responses
2. Cognitive system – brain cortex, initiation of
voluntary responses
3. Behavioral state – cycle sleeping/wakefulness and
internal state of organism (metabolism,
• Bundle of nerve fibers providing inter-hemisphere
• Interconnects somatic and sensory cortex →
transmission of somatosensory signals
• Importance in electrical activity spreading (epilepsy)
Interconnection with cortex,
thalamus and medulla
• Voluntary movements
• Learning
• Subconscious habits – eye movement,
teeth grinding
• Cognition
• Emotions
• Reward system (drug addictions)
GABA, acetylcholine
GABA, glutamate
• Middle part of temporal lobe
• Creation and relying of memories and
association with emotions
• „Fight or flight“ responses – stiffness,
tachycardia, hyperventilation, secretion of
stress hormones
Cingulate gyrus
• Receives signals from thalamus and cortex
• Important in motivation creations in regards to
behavior (eg. some action results into positive
emotional reaction which results to learning :)
→ schizophrenia and depression
• Executive and respiratory control
• Consolidation of long-term memories
• Perception of time and place (navigation) → neuronal plasticity
and LTP
• *Alzeheimer disease
• Area responsible for complex processing of thoughts ,
thinking, planning, rationalization (prefrontal cortex)
• Primary motoric cortex, contains long pyramidal neurons –
long axons which leads to brain stem (cranial nerves) and
into dorsal horns of spinal cord (cortical-spinal tract)
• Integrates subconscious memories often associated with
emotional affect from limbic system (*Phineas Gage case)
• Broca’s area – mostly located in left hemisphere,
coordination of mouth during speech – speech intelligibility
• Primary somatosensory cortex – perception of sensory
stimuli (touch, pain, proprioception)
• Wernicke area – Interpretation of word meaning
(association between Broca’s and Wernicke area)
• Imagination and dreaming
• Auditory cortex – neuronal terminals from ears (not
• Interconnection with Wernicke’s area – area of hearing
association with connotation and meaning
• Olfactory cortex - terminals from smell organ (close to
hippocampus – association with memories and emotions)
• Oculomotor reflex
• Visual cortex – eyes nerves terminals
• Area of visual association – associations of images with
• Optic chiasmus (along hypothalamus)
Nerve fibers originate in motor
cortex and descend to the spinal
cord where are synapses with
second motoric neuron
• Starts with great pyramidal
neurons which diverge into
multiple fibers (one neuron
innervate many muscle fibers)
• At the brain level they create
extra-pyramidal pathway
• Apoptosis of pyramidal neurons
– Parkinson disease
Homunculus – adherent motoric-sensory
• Somatosensory pathways provides reflex
responses at the level of spinal cord
Most important descending pathway governing movements, originates with
large pyramidal neurons in substantia nigra (SN)
• (1) dopaminergic neurons from SN inhibits neuron activity with D2
receptors (2) in CS
• (2) stimulates GABAergic neurons in GP (3)
• (3) inhibits thalamic-cortical motor pathways → activation of neurions in
GP (3) decreases movement
• (4) cholinergic neurons in CS stimulate (2) and hence neurons in GP (3) →
tonic inhibition of movement
• upon basal condition dopaminergic neurons in SN (1) stimulate voluntary
movement via decreased activation of neurons (2) in CS and (3) in GP
• These pathways are critical for
transduction of mechanical,
proprioceptive and nociceptive
• Three-neuronal pain pathway – 3
synapses – in spinal cord, in
medulla and thalamus
• More subtle and proprioceptive
stimuli are transduced via 2
neuronal pathway
• Terminated in somatosensory
Definition according to IASP:
 somatic
„An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or
described in terms of such damage”
- superficial
- deep
 visceral
• most frequent cause of medical attention seeking
• its different of other stimuli – warmth, cold, touch,
neuropathic (de-afferent)
– damage of afferent neurons
– polyneuropathies, post herpetic
neuralgia, Phantom pain
– without detectable histologic damage
(less common)
• warning against damage of organism and force for
• intensive and chronical pain traumatize the patient
nociceptive (mechanical, heat and
chemical stimuli)
• signalizing and warning function
• more than 3 months
• not signaling function
• accompanied with psychosomatic changes, sleeping
• mechanical trauma
• chemical factors
• physical factors
„pain receptors“
= nociceptors
= free nerve terminals in
– pain stimulus as such, character, localization
– emotional component – unpleasant feeling, suffering, fear
density of nociceptors
in tissues differs,
highest amount is in
the skin
Tissue injury
• immediate pain, production of
different mediators which activate or
modify stimulus transduction at
nerves terminals
• Interconnection of medulla, brain and
cortical areas
• Inhibitory modulation at spinothalamic
level – 5-HT, NA, opioids, GABA,...
• Excitatory modulation at the level of
spinothalamic pathway – substance P,
glutamate, aspartate, CGRP,...
Three neuron pathway:
1. Periphery neuron
- from periphery to substantia gelatinosa (SG) in
spinal cord
A fibers – myelinates, fast conduction, accompanied
with nociceptors with high threshold. Sharp, precise
localization of origin.
C fibers – unmyelinated, slow conduction (<1m/s).
Dull, diffuse and burning pain
2. Spinothalamic neuron
- from substantia gelatinosa into thalamus
- here is decides if the pain stimulus will be
transferred further and processed on central level or
will be inhibited and blunted by descendent antinociceptive system
3. Thalamic-cortical neuron
from thalamus into cortex
Meninges – meningitis
Brain – encephalitis
Spinal cord – myelitis
Brain + meninges - meningoencephalitides
Based on etiology:
• Bacterial
• Viral
• Molds, fungi
• Parasites
• Toxic – endo- a exotoxins (diphtheria,
tetanus, botulism)
• Spirochetes
• Sarcoidosis
Entering paths:
• Directly (pyrogenic) – inflammatory processes around
meninges, paranasal sinuses inflammation, middle ear,
• Hematogenic (blood) – distant lesion
• Traumas – mostly fractures
• Iatrogenic – non-sterile puncture, needle insertion,...
 Irritation of membranes and spinal roots by chemical or mechanical factors - stretching of the head, flexion
of the lower limbs
 The most common are inflammatory processes in the subarachnoid space, haemorrhage or tumors
Spasms of upper and lower limb muscles
Nausea, vomiting
Photosensitivity and noise
Typical position of the patient in later stages → lies on the side, head tilted, stiff neck and inability
to touch the sternum
1. Kerning symptom - the lying person does not sit down with his knees crossed; standing with
crossed hands on the breasts does not bend without flexing the knees
2. Amos flag - so called. tripod (especially in children) - with outstretched DK unable to sit without
support HK
3. Lumbar puncture - cerebrospinal fluid - presence of PMN bb., ↑ proteins, ↓ sugar, ↑ LDH
4. Biochemistry - blood on blood culture (hemophiles, meningococci, pneumococci)
5. CT, MRI
 Acute infection of subarachnoid spaces and changes caused by the presence of polymorphonuclear cells
(eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils) in cerebrospinal fluid
Emergency - development occurs within 24-36h
Presence of meningeal syndrome
High temperature
Consciousness disorders - somnolence to coma
Sometimes epileptic seizures, cranial nerve disorder - ocular, auditory
Treatment - ATB
Most commonly - Neisseria meningitis, spread from menigogoccal nasopharyngitis by droplet infection (young peo
Gradual onset, sometimes petechiae on the skin
• Hemofilus influenzae - most often children aged 1-5 years, from HDC inflammation
• Pneumoccocus pneumoniae - pneumonia, otitis, sinusitis, often adult (alcoholics, diabetics)
Mortality 20-30%
 LP, blood - sediment, G + and G- bacteria, serological and immunological tests - caspular antigen in CSF, CT, MRI
• Seasonal (!) Viral infectious disease (MayOctober)
• Transmission by hosts Ixodes ricinus, sp. - infection
by infected animals (arboviruses)
• Incubation period - 1-2 weeks
Usually 2 phases
1. Influenza-like phase (headache and muscle
pain, temperature, malaise → either improve
or worsen symptoms
2. Meningeal syndrome, photophobia,
consciousness changes, limb paresis
• Prevention - Immunization
• Treatment only symptomatically - corticoids,
• Transmission by Ixodes ricinus vectors through the skin, spreading to
joints and nerve tissue
• Epidemiological agent - Borrelia burgdoreferi and others
• After curing it can leave immune-mediated chronic problems – fatigue,
rheumatic disease
Clinical symptoms (days to years incubation)
• Most often since the turn of spring / summer - 3 stages
1. Flu-like symptoms, arthralgia, skin rash of wandering concentric circles erythema migrans. In the absence of
treatment / complications →
2. Stage (weeks to months) - subacute lymphocyte meningitis / encephalitis, often paresis n. facialis eventually
the development of peripheral neuropathies. Recurrent arthritis, peri- or myocarditis occurs
3. Stage (months to years) - chronic encephalitis, focal neuropathy and psychiatric symptoms
Antibiotics treatment –
• blood collection - serological
examination (IgM and IgG antibody cephalosporins
• Specific antibodies - WB, ELISA
Pain that occurs along a neuron or nerve, initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous
system. It is often synonymous with neuropathic pain
• However, the very concept of neuralgia does not define the etiology, pathomechanism, or character of pain
• on the skin
• in deep somatic structures
By type:
• constant spontaneous
• shooting pain
• caused
Important neuralgia:
• postherpetic neuralgia
Neuralgia of cranial nerves such as:
• neuralgia n. Trigeminal
• glosopharyngeal neuralgia
• facial ganglion neuralgia
neuralgia n. trigeminus
The cause is a recurrence of varicella zoster
virus (VZV) associated with inflammation
and damage to the dorsal corneal ganglion
The criterion is pain lasting 3-6 months
after shingles episode
Most often affected are older people
without previous history of chronic pain, the
incidence is about 15%
Typical symptoms:
• steady, deep pain as well as intense,
piercing, trigeminal neuralgia-like pain
• There is also a dynamic, mechanical
allodynia (pain after a stimulus that
would not normally be painful as touch,
movement, light) of the sharp pain
Chronical pain caused by 5th cranial nerve disorder. Its accompanied
with strong, stabbing pain, reminiscent of electrical shock on face,
cheeks or frontal, mainly unilateral. One of most severe pains
 Pressure of vessel on nerve in brain stem area
 Multiple sclerosis, stroke, trauma or tumor
 Accompanied with demyelination of trigeminal nerve
• Afflicted areas often include temple, low and
upper jaw, cheek, nose, eye and frontal
• Women are more often afflicted mostly after 50
years of life
• Seizures of pain can be triggered by stimuli such
as talking, washing your teeth, touching your
face, chewing or swallowing
Complex, recurrent headache
Migraine classification:
 Without aura
 With aura
 Retinal migraine
 Periodic syndromes in
childhood – precursors
 Migraine complications
Vascular theory:
 Ischemia induced intracranial
vasoconstriction followed by
vasodilatation and activation of
perivascular nociceptors
 Activation of perivascular neurons results
into release of substance P, neurokinin A,
CGRP and NO, which results into
vasodilation, extravasation and
inflammation stimulating trigeminalcervical complex
Serotonin cascade
• 5-HT1D receptors in
trigeminal sensory neurons
• 5-HT1B receptors in smooth
muscle layer of meningeal
vessels – plasma
Hours - days
5-60 min
4-72 hrs
24-48 hrs
Inability to consolidate
Lack of comprehension