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Infectious Diseases: Symptoms & Causes

Gastro-enteritis is the inflammation or intestines due to viral or bacterial infection. It is often
caused from the consumption of food or water that has become contaminated with bacteria or
their toxins. An example of such bacteria which causes this disease is Shigella which can be
present in raw food and contaminated water. Gastro-enteritis is also known as the stomach flu
bvh and some common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.
Typhoid fever simply known as typhoid is an illness as a result of a type of bacterium called
Salmonella enterica serotype Typhoid bacteria. It is contracted by the ingestion of
contaminated food or water. Some symptoms include headaches, diarrhoea and high fevers.
Tuberculosis is a dangerous bacterial infection that attacks your lungs. Tubeculosis is an
infectious disease caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tspread from person to
person through the air. A common effect of this disease is coughing .
Cholera is an infectious disease caused by vibrio cholera which is usually found in food or water
or food contaminated by the feces from a person with the infection . Some symptoms include
watery diarrhoea and vomiting.
Dysentery is most often caused by Shigella species (bacillary dysentery) or Entamoeba
histolytica (amoebic dysentery).
Some common side effects include nausea, abdominal cramps and pains and dehydration .
Scarlet fever is caused by a toxin released by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes
(S. pyrogenes), the same organism that causes strep throat. A small percentage of
patients with strep infections, such as strep throat or impetigo, develop scarlet fever.
Some Symptoms include: Sore throat; Fever; Rash
Worm infestations occur when worms affect the intestines and other parts of the body.
Some common symptoms of worm infections are irritability, weight loss, stomach ache.