Introduction to BOH Trends in Management Unit 1 What is a Business? An organization that manufactures or sells goods or services in an attempt to generate a profit. Trends Two Major Trends: • Technological Revolution Computers, robots, telecom, fiber optics etc.. • Globalization Business has become international • Free Trade Agreements • NAFTA, TPP • EU Trends Cont’d These trends have meant a shake-up through • • • • Mergers, employees & managers laid off, new technologies barriers to trade dropping This has created a new order, which has turned millions of people’s lives upside down. The Technological Revolution History is characterized by a steady improvement in how things get done. • Prior to 1700 – The wheel, writing, the arch, printing, gun powder, clocks • Late 1700’s – Steam power • 1800’s – Railways, telegraphy, photography, telephones, oil and gas, automobiles, electricity, x-rays • 1900’s – radios, refrigeration, airplanes, computers, plastics, rocketry, satellites, television, cell phones, fiber optics Technological Revolution The technological revolution has resulted in: • Operations being revolutionized • The information age • The shrinking planet Information Age information is a crucial factor in the success of organizations. Information is crucial for competitiveness. • Federal Express is able to promise next day delivery to any major city in the world because every package is tied to the main computer system that allows it to be tracked at any time. Globalization of Business From the earliest days, countries have traded with each other. Globalization is the integration of production, marketing, finance and management. This is all carried out with little regard for borders or distances