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Accounting Fundamentals Solutions: Week 2

Week 2 solutions
Accounting Fundamentals In Society (University of Wollongong)
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
Chapter 1: Decision making and the role of accounting
Discussion questions
Suggested topics for discussions are provided for each question. Discussion need not be
confined to the topics indicated.
1. You are considering buying an apartment. Outline the information you would like to
assist you to make this decision. Identify how much of this information is accounting
Considerations when buying an apartment include factors such as location, type (studio, one
bedroom, two or three bedrooms), size (bigger rooms, additional bathroom, balcony), age of
the apartment, and available funds. Information to assist the purchase decision includes
whether the apartment is for residential or investment purpose, personal taste (e.g. interior
design, view), distance to workplace or train stations, funds to meet ongoing costs like
repairs and maintenance required after purchase, body corporate fees, council rates, and
insurance. Initial purchase considerations include whether the apartment is to be purchased
outright or through a home loan taken with a financial institution, stamp duty to be paid, and
the eligibility of obtaining first-home buyer grant from the federal/state government.
Purchase considerations and ongoing costs represent accounting information relevant to the
decision-making process.
2. Accounting is described as the language of business, and everyone is affected by the
business world. Discuss if everyone should be required to study accounting.
Suggested topics of discussion:
¥ Adults are affected by business activity but not all adults carry on a business.
¥ ÔAccounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating
economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the
information.Õ The Ôlanguage of businessÕ is the communication of accounting
information, not the identifying, measuring and recording of accounting information that
all adults may not necessarily deal with. Language includes the terminology (jargon) used
by accountants in accounting and business reports. Communicating accounting
information consists of preparing of financial reports and other interpretative disclosures
necessary to make the accounting data understandable. It is up to the accountant to
communicate in a language that the client can understand.
¥ Part of an accountantÕs role is to communicate financial information to adults. It is not
necessary for everyone to study accounting as it is part of the duty of an accountant to
6. Users of accounting information can be identified as internal and external users.
List examples of users in each category and the type of information they require.
Firstly, distinguish internal and external users.
The following are examples of internal users and the type of information they require:
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
Section/line managers need to know the impact of increasing or decreasing selling price
on profitability.
Chief Executive Officers and directors need accounting information to make a decision of
whether it would be beneficial for the company to acquire another company.
General managers of divisions need to know if their divisions should make new products.
Account managers require information about how much the company owes suppliers.
Production supervisors need to know the most efficient production process to be
Employees want to know if the company is still able to pay their wages.
External users are often classified as being resource providers, recipients of goods and
services, and reviewers and overseers. The following are examples of external users, who
mainly receive general purpose financial statements which are commonly available to the
general public on an entityÕs website, and the type of information they require:
¥ Shareholders want to know the return on their investments.
¥ Long-term lenders need to know if the company will be able to repay the money lent to it.
¥ Potential investors want to know if they should invest in the company.
¥ Suppliers require information to find out if the company will be able to pay outstanding
¥ Customers want to know if the company uses locally-grown products in their production
to support local economy.
¥ Government e.g. for tax reasons needs to know if the company complies with tax
regulations by paying the right amount of tax.
What about other interest groups? e.g. RSPCA, Greenpeace, World Vision, Unions,
Chambers of Commerce, Community interest groups, The Australian Securities Exchange
(ASX). Are they entitled to receive financial reports?
7. Distinguish between the work performed by public accountants and the work
performed by accountants in commerce and industry and in not-for-profit
Public accounting
Public accountants run businesses which offer their professional services to the public for a
fee. These vary from small businesses to very large international organisations. Members of
public accounting businesses tend to specialise in one of four general services: auditing and
assurance services, taxation services, advisory services, and insolvency and administration.
Auditing and assurance services
An audit is an independent examination of a business entityÕs financial reports, supporting
documents and records in order to form an opinion as to whether the financial reports comply
with certain levels of quality, as specified in accounting standards, and present a true and fair
view of the entityÕs performance and financial position. It is essential that auditors are
independent observers in carrying out their duties.
Assurance services are defined as Ôindependent professional services that improve the quality
of information, or its context, for decision makersÕ. Emphasis is being placed on the detection
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
of fraud and assessing whether the entity is appropriately placed to remain as a going
concern. The auditor is required to report on the ÔcredibilityÕ of information.
Examples of assurance services include:
¥ assessment of risk
¥ business performance measurement
¥ information systems reliability
¥ electronic commerce
¥ health care and care of the elderly.
Taxation services
Accountants provide advice concerning the tax consequences of business decisions.
Individuals and business entities have to collect or pay various forms of taxes including
income tax, capital gains tax, fringe benefits tax, goods and services tax, local government
rates, and other taxes. Accountants are often engaged to help in tax planning to minimise the
tax liability of the business, consistent with the rules and regulations established by taxing
agencies. Accountants also are often called upon to prepare tax returns, including business
activity statements (BASs), required by law.
Advisory services
Accountants provide advice on:
¥ overcoming detected defects or problems in a clientÕs accounting system.
¥ the installation and modification of computer systems,
¥ budgeting, forecasting and general financial planning,
¥ design or modification of superannuation plans
¥ company mergers and takeovers,
¥ personal financial planning, and
¥ managing deceased estates.
Forensic accounting
Forensic accounting develops investigative techniques in order to generate information and
opinions for use in the legal system, such as in court, and to provide opinions as an expert
witness if needed.
The forensic accountant is often needed to resolve disputes in circumstances such as
bankruptcy, embezzlement, fraud, employee irregularities, business partnership disputes,
personal injury claims, road accidents, divorce proceedings, business losses, and claims for
professional negligence.
Visit the following website for further information: www.forensicaccountant.com.
Insolvency and administration
Public accountants help businesses administer their recovery from trading difficulties or
insolvency, if possible. However, if recovery is not possible, accountants then help in the
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
winding-up of the businessÕs affairs. In the case of the company form of business
organisation, such a wind-up is referred to as liquidation.
Accountants in commerce and industry
An entityÕs chief financial officer (CFO) has overall responsibility for directing the activities
of accounting personnel. In a large company, the CFO may have several management
accountants as part of the finance team. Overall responsibilities include:
General accounting
The accountant in commerce and industry is required to oversee the recording of transactions
undertaken by the business entity and to prepare reports specially tailored for use by
management in their planning, control and decision-making activities.
Cost accounting
The accountant deals with the collection, allocation and control of the costs of producing
specific products and services. Knowledge of the cost of each manufacturing process and
each service activity is important in making sound business decisions.
Accounting information systems
Accountants are often heavily involved in designing both manual and computerised
accounting information systems. Once systems have been designed and installed, their
operation is constantly monitored for improvements and system maintenance. Integrity of
data and privacy issues are of paramount importance.
Accountants deal with the preparation of plans and forecasts of future operations. Budgets
also serve as control devices when used in conjunction with performance reports, which
measure actual results for the period. Budgets also are used in assessing the efficiency of
Taxation accounting
Businesses are assessed for a variety of taxes all of which require the preparation of periodic
reports to the various taxing agencies. The effects of tax must be considered in every
investment and financing decision made by management. Some businesses rely on public
accountants for some tax-planning advice and tax-return preparation, but many large
companies also maintain a tax accounting department to deal with tax issues and problems.
Internal auditing and audit committees
The internal audit committee in a business conducts ongoing reviews to make certain that
established procedures and policies are being followed. Thus, any deficiencies can be
identified and corrected quickly.
Not-for-profit accounting
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
City councils, shire councils, state governments and the federal government collect and spend
large amounts of money annually. Many of the problems and decisions faced by government
officials are the same as those encountered in private industry, but accounting for not-forprofit entities may require a different approach in some respects because of the absence of a
profit motive. Government accounting is concerned with the efficient usage of its resources,
consistent with the provisions of city, shire, state and federal laws.
Other not-for-profit organisations
Churches, hospitals, charities, clubs, private educational institutions also have specialised
accounting needs.
13. ÔAccounting is all about numbers.Õ Evaluate.
Although it is a common perception that accounting is all about numbers, the field of
accounting encompasses broader issues than merely numbers. Accounting is defined as the
process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating economic information to
assist users of the information in making informed economic decisions.
Based on the definition above, there are four elements of accounting associated with
providing information that is useful for decision-making. Identification involves selecting
economic events that are relevant to a particular entity. Even though the economic events
eventually need to be expressed in measuring unit (numbers), the identification process itself
requires knowledge about the entity and its operations rather than just looking at the numbers.
After the identification of the transaction, accounting information must be expressed in a
common denominator so that the effects of transactions can be combined. This is where
measurement takes place. It is true that measuring economic events mostly involves numbers;
however it also requires knowledge of various measurement techniques, relies on judgments
and assumptions, and involves knowledge of relevant accounting standards.
Economic events or transactions that have been identified and measured are then maintained
systematically through recording process. In order to be useful in making decisions, recorded
data must be classified and summarised.
Finally, classified and summarised accounting data need to be communicated to the potential
users of the information. The communication process consists of placing accounting
information into financial reports and preparing interpretive disclosures necessary to make
the date understandable. For accountants to be able to help users of the reports to make
economic decisions effectively, the accountants who prepare the reports must have a full
appreciation of who the users are and their needs for accounting information.
In conclusion, it is a misunderstanding that accounting is all about numbers. Many people
with limited knowledge of accounting tend to view accounting as limited to recording
numbers and do not comprehend the whole processes involved in accounting as described
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
above, which requires extensive training, business experience and professional judgment
rather than merely calculating numbers.
Exercise 1.4
Choosing a university major
You have just enrolled in a course in business at the Western University. There are
several specialty areas, one of which you must choose Ñ accounting, business law,
economics, finance, management, marketing, information systems. The choice you make
is important as it will affect your future; hence, you must give careful thought to this
(a) Identify two possible specialty areas in a business that interests you.
(b) Set down your goals and personal preferences in selecting a business major. Identify
the factors which will help you make this decision, and specify the factors which are
most important to you.
(c) Establish a set of criteria which must be met before making a decision about your
appropriate specialty area.
(d) Determine the sources of information you will need to make such a decision.
Students may answer this question in the context of their own choices made upon entering
(a) Identify your own personal preferences and strengths and weaknesses with respect to a
choice of major in Business. For example, consider your strengths and weaknesses in
considering whether to choose between an accounting or marketing major.
(b) Possible goals include desired area of employment after graduation, postgraduate starting
salaries, postgraduate study options and desired membership into professional societies. In
choosing a major, you may identify subjects which you enjoyed taking or in which you
achieved good grades. Discuss personal goals and ambitions after your degree is completed.
(c) Criteria for selecting a major:
¥ Postgraduate employment opportunities
¥ Postgraduate starting salaries
¥ Recruiting and training opportunities
¥ Work experience
¥ Professional society membership
¥ Personal choice
¥ Personal interest and work preferences
(d) Identify areas of interest and talk with career advisers, lecturers, members of professional
societies or become a student member of a professional society to gain access to information.
Also speak with more senior students about their experiences with their studies and donÕt
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
forget to read the University Handbook and relevant unit outlines. Consult newspapers and
business press, prepare a resume and apply for a job. Seek work experience in your desired
area of interest.
Exercise 1.8
Economic decisions made by management
Accounting provides much information to help managers make economic decisions in
their various workplaces.
(a) List examples of economic decisions that the following people would need to make
with the use of accounting information:
i. a marketing manager
ii. a production manager
iii. the Chief Executive Officer of a national football league
iv. the manager of a second-hand clothing charity.
i. Marketing manager: decisions about which marketing tools (e.g. radio, TV, billboards,
brochures, sponsorships etc.) are most effective in promoting the companyÕs
products/services; the best times to put advertising (e.g. which times on TV or radio); how
much to spend on advertising; whether it is beneficial to conducts surveys for customers
about the products/services.
ii. Production manager: decisions about appropriate production staff levels; appropriate plant
and machinery capacity to meet customerÕs demands; costs of raw materials, labour and
overhead, such as electricity, in order to make the appropriate goods; where to get the best
suppliers of materials with reasonable price; costs of occupational health and safety; how to
improve the efficiency of the production process (e.g. acquiring new machinery).
iii. Chief Executive Officer of a national football league: decisions about the venue selection
and costs for football matches; ticket pricing for football matches in different venues and for
special events (such as grand final); possible breaches of the salary cap imposed on football
clubs; possible implementation of new rules or abolition of certain existing rules; annual
membership fees; sponsorship enticements and entitlements; selection of new players for the
national draft; addition of new football clubs within the league.
iv. Manager of second-hand clothing charity: decisions about the pricing of second-hand
clothing; appropriate locations and display equipment for clothing stores; the cost of
collection systems to receive donated clothing; the cost of mending any suitable clothing
items; the cost of disposing of any unsuitable items; overheads such as electricity, insurance;
the costs of full-time employment and the management of volunteers.
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ACCY111 - Week 2 Solutions
Exercise 1.9
Choosing an accounting career
After reading the chapter, discuss the areas in which accountants work, and indicate
which area(s) you find most interesting and/or familiar. If you intend to pursue a career
in any one of these areas of accounting, discuss the types of decisions and advice that
you believe you will be involved in making and giving. (LO10)
Refer to the chapter text about public accounting versus commercial accounting. Students can
then contribute to class discussion re their intentions, familiarities and interests.
Are students studying accounting because they have a genuine interest in participating as
an accountant in business? Or in government? Or in not-for-profit organisations?
Do students see themselves as experts in tax? Or in assurance services? Or in running a
small business? OrÉ?
Are any students merely studying accounting because their parents/family have insisted
that they do so?
Do any students have parents/relatives who are accountants?
Are they studying accounting merely as a subject they have to take as part of the course
requirements of another degree? What do they expect to get out of the accounting course,
if anything?
Students can then contribute to the class in the types of decisions that they believe they will
be involved in making.
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