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Injection Molding Prelab Worksheet - Lab 4b

Prelab 4b
Names_________________________________________________ Section________
Prelab Worksheet: You can write down your answers on a sheet of paper. No need to print this out
What are the temperature and pressure used for the spiral experiment? (1 pt)
How long is the injection time that we set in this lab? (0.5 pt)
What might happen if we start the injection molding from high pressure settings? (1 pt)
Describe the injecting molding process of your designed part using the machine, starting from
the insertion of the machined part to the mold till the removal of the injected plastic part (2 pt)
Provide at least one insightful note for the lab 4b prior to the molding experiment. (0.5 pt)
(What to be aware of during the lab? What to observe/expect during the lab? … etc)