Parts of Speech Pronoun: replaces a noun I, you, he, she, we, it, they, us, them, me, her, him, myself, himself, themselves, mine, ours, yours, who Verb- expresses an action or state of being. I am happy The dog ran The clocked ticked She was excited Adjective- describes a noun or pronoun The red house The huge dog The young man The bright hope Adverb- describes verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs The boy sang very loudly. The pizza was too hot He arrived late. Conjunctions- Join words or groups of words in a sentence. Teachers and students work together I would go, but I have practice. I hope neither you nor I have to stay longer. F=for A=and N=nor B=but O=or Y=yet S=so Articles- A, an, the Interjections- Express strong feeling Oh no! Yuck! Oops, No way! Prepositions: Are the words that indicate location. about above according to across after against along along with among apart from around as as for at because of before behind below beneath beside between beyond but* by by means of concerning despite down during except except for excepting for from in in addition to in back of in case of in front of in place of inside in spite of instead of into like near next of off on onto on top of out out of outside over past regarding round since through throughout till to toward under underneath unlike until up upon up to with within