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Old English Grammar & Vocabulary Test

Grammatical features
Old English period. Etymological
Test questions on the topic of learning English vocabulary
1. How many there are vocalic stems?
A.3 B.4 C.2 D.6
2. Which part Old English only for speech?.
A.Plural B.Singular C.Dual D.Couple
3. Which one have got present and part tens?.
A.Old English B.Middle English C.Moderen English D.All
4. Old English which language like?. A.Latin B.Germanic C.Spenish
5. Norin, Plural, and possessive which come English?. A.Middle
English B.Old English C.All D.Modern English
6. In Old English grammar, verbs were divided into conjugation
classes according to how many strong verbs there were
A 300 B 700 C 500 D 310
7. In Old English grammar, strong verbs are divided into several
A. 3 B. 7
C. 5 D.
8. How many genders are consonants?
A. 4 B. 2 C. 6 D. 3
9. What language did the AngloSaxons speak?
A. West Germanic B. Old Frisian, C. Old English D. Old Low
10. Old English was synthetic, or fusional, rather than…………..
replace the dots with the desired word
A. Strong conjugations B. Prefixing and suffixing C. analytic or
isolating D. determiner and pronoun were highly inflected
11).Old english began with the invasion of Kent by Hengest and
a) 500 b) 700. c) 449.
12) What language was old english?
a) inflected like Latin or somewhat less German b) Arabic or little
English c) Russian or a little German
13) according to the grammatical function of the noun, there were
several cases in the noun system?
a) 6. b) 4. c) 2
14) what kind of syllables does an Old English noun have depending
on the element it ends in first?
a) vocalic and consonant b) vocalic and vovel c) both
15)How mant tenses are there in Old English?
a) 2. b).3. c) 4
16 How many types of cases there
A 2 B 3 C4
17 What are the gender groups is in old English
A Man and woman B Masculine femineni and neuter C Neauter
man Woman
18 Which are includet in highly inflected
A Compaunding prefixing an suffixing
B Adjevtive determiner pronoun
C Naun verb pronoun vocabulary
19.Several very importent features characterize OE ?
a)6. b)5. c) 11
20.Gender in OE is grammatical.......?
a)pronouns and nouns b)not logical or natural c)compounding
21.How consonant stems could be any of the three gender genders?
a)1. b)3. c) 4
22.How the cart below provides a........?
a)masculine b)paradigm c)noun
23.Like presented fayz Engilish OE han..?
a)singular and plural b)singular c)pronouns
24What are used to refer?
a)pair of people c)case b)genders
25 Replace the dots with the desired word ……….-Here we determine
synthetic and analytic languages,
A Typological aspect B Sociolinguistic aspect C Quantitative aspect