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Making Water Drinkable: Treatment & Supply Worksheet

How do we MAKE water drinkable?
Learning Intention:
Success Criteria:
To gain an understanding of how we get
MORE drinkable water.
Complete the following and understand how
Australia gets more drinkable water.
2. Watch the following video about how water is treated to make it suitable for drinking.
3. Students will access the following website and complete the table below to show the 5 key stages in
water treatment
Treatment of Water for Drinking
Name of Stage
Description of Stage
4. Use the internet to research the location of freshwater plants for the following locations:
Central Coast
Answer the following questions:
1. Where does the water supply to your house come from?
2. What sort of events can have an impact on a regular supply of water?
What the following video ​https://youtu.be/0_ZcCqqpS2o​ so you can answer the following questions.
As you watch the video think about and answer the following questions.
3. Where does groundwater originally come from? Watch the animation of water making its way into an
aquifer. Why is the layer of sand important?
4. Dr Rick Evans says that we have plenty of groundwater, but what is the issue with it? What are two
threats to a regular supply of groundwater for human use?
5. Dr Toze wants to test the process of 'managed aquifer recharge': what do they suggest is treated to
create more groundwater?
Now for some thinking questions.
6. When talking about the Earth's resources, what is the difference between finite/infinite and
7. If groundwater resources are not managed, what are the possible consequences?