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Aquifer Vulnerability Modeling in Ethiopia

Journal Pre-proof
Modeling megech watershed aquifer vulnerability to pollution using modified
DRASTIC model for sustainable groundwater management, Northwestern Ethiopia
Daniel Asfaw, Daniel Ayalew
GSD 100375
To appear in:
Groundwater for Sustainable Development
Received Date: 9 September 2019
Revised Date:
2 March 2020
Accepted Date: 16 March 2020
Please cite this article as: Asfaw, D., Ayalew, D., Modeling megech watershed aquifer vulnerability
to pollution using modified DRASTIC model for sustainable groundwater management, Northwestern
Ethiopia, Groundwater for Sustainable Development (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/
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Graphic Abstracts
Modeling Megech Watershed Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using Modified
DRASTIC model for Sustainable Groundwater Management,
Northwestern Ethiopia
Ensuring access to improved sources of water and safe drinking water for all has been the Nation’s
concern. Groundwater is one of the valuable sources of freshwater. However, groundwater resources
especially in shallow aquifers are susceptible to contamination. In this regard, the quality of
groundwater in the study watershed has deteriorated due to industrial effluents and domestic wastes of
Gondar city, and extensive use of fertilizers for agriculture purpose. Once the groundwater gets
polluted, treatment is very difficult and expensive. Therefore, the most effective and realistic solution is
to protect groundwater from contamination. Assessing the level of groundwater vulnerability is crucial
for effective groundwater management. With this in mind, the aim of this study is to assess the aquifer
vulnerability of Megech watershed to pollution using modified DRASTIC model. The modified
DRASTIC model uses eight attributes including, depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil
media, topography, impact of vadose zone, land use land cover, and hydraulic conductivity of aquifer.
These layers were integrated using Raster calculator tool in a GIS environment. Fifteen groundwater
composite samples were also collected and used to validate the model. The results of vulnerability
analysis reveal that more than 85% of the groundwater of the study watershed is under medium to high
vulnerability to water pollution. Aquifers highly vulnerable to pollution (5.74%) are mainly found in
urban areas while majority of the aquifers (80.34%) which are moderately vulnerable are dominantly
found in the cultivated lands. In the highly vulnerable part of the aquifer, the concentration of nitrate
(17/mg) and total coliform (21/mg) exceeded WHO permissible limit which agrees with the
vulnerability map. Effective management of groundwater resources has now become a critical issue.
Thus, the study will be helpful for the proper management and protection of the available groundwater
resources in the study watershed.
Keywords: Modified DRASTIC model, Groundwater, Pollution, Sustainable management,
Megech watershed
1. Introduction
Groundwater is a major source of water for human activities (Cassardo & Jones, 2011; Salman,
Arauzo, & Elnazer, 2019). A quarter of the world population relies on aquifers for their drinking
water supply (Dochartaigh et al., 2000; Davie, 2008). In developed countries, such as England
and USA groundwater covers 30% (Liu et al., 2011) and 25% (Madler, 2017; Cheryl et al., 2018)
of their freshwater demand, respectively. Sub Saharan African countries depend highly on
groundwater for domestic water supply and livestock rearing (FDRE Ministry of Water
Resources (FDRE MWR, 2011). In Ethiopia, for instance, more than 90% of water demand for
industries and domestic use, and about 80% of total national water supply are covered by water
drawn from the aquifer (FDRE MWE, 2013; Seifu, 2013).
However, recently with rapid population growth, urban expansion and
groundwater resources have been threatened and it has become a serious environmental problem
(Bushra, 2011; Shirazi et al., 2012). This is evidenced by studies conducted in USA (EPA,
2016), China (Wu & Sun, 2016),
India (Atiqur, 2008; Jaseela et al., 2016) and, Ghana,
Zimbabwe, South Africa and Kenya (Yongxin & Brent, 2006).
Similar studies were also
conducted in Ethiopia (Kahssay et al., 2005; Yongxin & Brent, 2006; Abate, 2010; FDRE MWE,
2013; Seifu, 2013; Abiy et al., 2016; Akale et al., 2017; Sahele, Zewdie, & Narayanan, 2018)
and confirmed the presence of contamination and vulnerability of aquifers to pollution.
Groundwater contamination causes a persistent impact on the adequate and safe water supply,
and health of the societies. In turn, it leads to permanent loss of agricultural productivity and
industrial activities (Akhtar, Tang, & Mohamadi, 2014; Pawari & Sagar, 2015). Moreover, as the
contaminated water discharged into the surface water, it damages the aquatic ecosystem. The
impact of groundwater pollution is severe in developing countries and rural communities which
rely on untreated groundwater (Tuinhof et al., 2011). This imposes a burden on the government’s
attempt to meet the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially access to safe
drinking water for all which is central to goal six (FAO, 2015; UN, 2015).
Therefore, proper and early groundwater resource management is vital to preserve the natural
quality of this resource. However, comprehensive information about the actual status of
groundwater vulnerability is not available because of the complex nature of groundwater,
insufficient data, and lack of skilled manpower (Oke & Fourie, 2017). Studies conducted in
Megech watershed and its environs (Singh, 2005; Mengesha et al., 2013; Damtie et al., 2014;
Misganaw, 2015; Akale et al., 2017; Akale et al., 2018) showed that the area has experienced a
high concentration of nitrate and microbes. Even though these studies presented the status of
groundwater quality and level of pollutant concentration, they did not show the spatial
distribution and, prioritise and delineate areas according to their vulnerability level for proper
management and resource allocation.
In this regard, intrinsic aquifer vulnerability model is vital in providing information about the
vulnerability of groundwater to pollution within a short period and minimum cost over extensive
areas (Shirazi et al., 2012; Jang et al., 2017). DRASTIC aquifer vulnerability model is the most
commonly used and environmentally compatible vulnerability assessment model which
considers the hydrological, geological, and topographic nature of the aquifer (Aller et al., 1987;
Gogu & Dassargues, 2000; Shirazi et al., 2012; Kumar, Bansod, Debnath, Kumar & Ghanshyam,
2018). The model was implemented in studies conducted in Lake Tana sub basin, Dire Dawa
and other parts of the country (Abiye, 2008; Tilahun & Merkel, 2009; Abiy et al., 2016).
Recently, DRASTIC model has been modified by integrating it with Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) (Baghapour et al., 2016), Multi Criteria Analysis - Analytical Hierarchical Process
(MCA- AHP) model (Jovanovic et al., 2006; Mogaji, Lim & Abdullar, 2014; Al-Abadi, AlShamma’a & Aljabbari, 2017; Saida, Tarik, Abdellah, Farid & Hakim, 2017; Jesiya & Gopinath,
2019). The modified model also considers anthropogenic influence (Singh et al., 2015; Zafane et
al., 2017; Ahmed et al., 2018). However, most studies (Singh et al., 2015; Zafane et al., 2017;
Ahmed et al., 2018) did not properly represente the human factor in their analysis like other
parameters of the DRASTIC model. The influence of land use land cover (LULC) on
groundwater contamination is also another parameter which gets lesser attention by most
researchers. Studies (Saha & Alam, 2014; Ebrahimi, 2015; Muhammad et al., 2015; Al-Abadi et
al., 2017; Ramaraju & Krishna, 2017) for instance did not consider the impact of LULC on the
aquifer vulnerability and its contribution to the groundwater contamination. However, the impact
of LULC is indispensable in aquifer vulnerability study since a change in land use has potential
impact on groundwater vulnerability to contamination (Dávila, Schüth, De León-Gómez, Hoppe,
& Lehné, 2014).
Megech watershed has experienced significant LULC change. It is also drained by different
streams that cross agricultural and urban areas which collect contaminates from agricultural
lands, nearby industries, landfills and urban swages. On the other hand, groundwater is the main
source of fresh water supply in the study watershed including Gondar city and other small towns
such as Dembia, Kola Diba, and Tseda. Therefore, assessing aquifer vulnerability to pollution at
the watershed level is timely for sustainable groundwater management and priorities for
intervention. The present study is an attempt to assess the vulnerability of Megech watershed
aquifer to pollution with spatial variation using the modified DRASTIC model.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of the study area
Megech watershed is located in the Northwestern highlands of Ethiopia, in Amhara National
Regional State. It is part of Lake Tana sub-basin which extends from the southern fringes of
Northern Central Massif near Semeine Mountains National Park to the northern shore of Lake
Tana. The study watershed is drained by Megech and Little Angereb rivers. Geographically,
Megech watershed is located between 12o16′ to 12o45′ North latitude and 37o22′ to 37o38′ East
longitude (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Location map of Megech watershed
Megech watershed consists Gondar city, and part of Gondar Zuria, Dembia, Wegera and Lay
Armhacho woredas (districts). Its elevation ranges from 1785 to 2978 meters above sea level and
has a total area of 664.74 square km. The watershed has experienced mean annual maximum and
minimum temperature ranging from 26 to 28.8 °C and 9.9 to 14.2 °C, respectively. Rainfall of
the watershed and its surrounding region is characterized by a unimodal pattern that falls in the
summer (Kiremt) season which extends from June to September. The mean annual rainfall of the
watershed ranges from 973.9 to 1100 mm.
The geological structure of the watershed is dominantly formed by two major geological
structures, the Termaber and Aiba basalts (Figure 2). The Termaber basalt covers majority of the
watershed. The lowland along the periphery of the Lake Tana is covered by thick Quaternary
alluvial and lacustrine deposits, and colluvium (Workineh et al., 2011). Based on the lithology
and structural formation, the watershed has three major aquifer systems: the Tertiary Volcanics
(mostly including the Aiba and Termaber basalts), the Quaternary basalt aquifer and the
Quaternary alluvial and colluvium deposits (SMEC, 2007; Workineh et al., 2011). Soil is the
result of geological and geomorphic processes that describe the hydrogeological nature of an
area. According to FAO (2006) soil classification, Luvisols, Fluvisols, Leptosols, Vertisols,
Cambisols, Xerosols, Regosols and Nitisols are major soil groups in the study watershed.
Figure 2. Geology map of Megech watershed
2.2. Data type and sources
In order to assess vulnerability of the aquifer in Megech watershed, eight datasets from different
sources as described in Table 1 were used. Global Positioning System (GPS), pH meter, and total
dissolved substance (TDS) meter were used to collect water samples while ERDAS1 Imagine
2015 and ArcGIS 10.5.1 were used to process the collected data. The spatial resolution of data
used in this study varies from 10m Sentinel satellite imageries to 30m DEM, however, nearest
neighbor resampling technique (Canty, 2009) was employed to bring all the data layers involved
in the analysis into the cell size of 30m by 30m. Hence, the spatial resolution of each parameter
in the analysis and the final aquifer vulnerability map of the watershed was 30m by 30m.
Information associated with depth to water table (D) was obtained from borehole data. A total of
27 wells and springs which are distributed in and near the study watershed were utilized for
identifying specific depths of the water table. The site of wells and springs were identified via
geological triangulation method (MacDonald, Davies, & Dochartaigh, 2002). Based on their
spatial coordinates and depth attributes a point shapefile was created. Subsequently, using
inverse distance weight (IDW) interpolation technique (Paramasivam & Venkatramanan, 2019)
the spatial distribution of depth to the water table was generated. The depth to the water table
varies from 3.15 to 105 meters. Net recharge media (R) was also computed from 30 years (1988
– 2018) mean annual rainfall of five meteorological stations by using Equation (3) and ordinary
Earth Resources Data Analysis System software used to process and analyze satellite images
kriging interpolation method (Kalkhan, 2011) was employed to generate the spatial distribution
of R media.
Table 1. Data sets, type and data sources
Data type
Meteorological data
30 years Rainfall and Temperature
National Metrological Agency
SRTM (30 * 30 meters resolution)
USGS website: http://www.usgs.gov/
Satellite image
Sentinel-2 (10 * 10 meters resolution)
USGS website: http://www.usgs.gov/
Borehole data
Groundwater table (Point data)
Amhara Design and Control, and Central
Gondar Zone Water and Energy Offices
Water sample
Point data (Field and laboratory analysis)
Field survey and laboratory examination
Soil map
1:20,000 (Vector format)
Geological map
1:50,000 scale (Toposheet)
ANRS Bureau of Environmental Protection,
Land Administration and Use (BoEPLAU)
Geological Survey of Ethiopia
2.3. Data analysis and model description
Modified DRASTIC model
DRASTIC model was developed under the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in association with the National Water Well Association (Aller et al., 1987). It was
developed based on the concept of all major geological and hydrological factors that affect and
control in and out movement of groundwater (Merchant, 1994; Shirazi et al., 2012; Zafane et al.,
2017). It was used to evaluate an area more than 40.5 hectares. As per Aller et al. (1987),
DRASTIC model takes into account seven physical parameters from the geological and
hydrological environment that controls and determines the groundwater pollution potential.
However, change in LULC from natural vegetation into agricultural activity, industrial activity,
and settlement generates waste and pollutant chemicals that contaminate poorly maintained
springs and boreholes (Eldrandaly et al., 2005; Dávila et al., 2014). Therefore, in order to relate
the impacts of human activities to the aquifer vulnerability analysis, LULC was incorporated as
one parameter. DRASTIC model was modified so as to consider LULC change and expressed as
modified DRASTIC model (DI) (Dávila et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2015; Ahmed et al., 2018;
Hosseini & Saremi, 2018) and described mathematically as:
= ∑
Where: DI - modified DRASTIC model,
w=weight of parameter ith
r= rate of parameter ith
i= parameter
2.4. Weight and rate of modified DRASTIC model parameters
The relative weights and ratings assigned to parameters based on their phylogenetic relations to
the contaminants. Accordingly, the relative weight assigned ranges from 1 to 5 (Aller et al.,
1987; Saha & Alam, 2014; Baghapour et al., 2016; Majolagbe et al., 2016; Hosseini & Saremi,
2018; Kumar et al., 2018). This shows the relative importance and susceptibility of a parameter
to contaminants. The most significant and more susceptible parameter is weighted to 5 whereas
the least significant and less susceptible parameter is weighted to 5 (Table 2).
Based on the level of susceptibility, each parameter also classified into sub classes (range) and
assigned value of rate which ranges between 1 (least important) and 10 (most important) (Aller
et al., 1987; Baghapour et al., 2016; Ramaraju, 2017; Ahmed et al., 2018). This indicates the
relative importance and susceptibility of the sub classes of each parameter to contaminants
(Atiqur, 2008; Zafane et al., 2017).
Table 2. Range, rate and weight of modified DRASTIC model parameters for Megech
Depth of Water
Table (m)
(R) Net Recharge
Topography / Slope (%)
Soil Media
Aquifer Media
Impact of Vadose
Land Use
Land and
Conductivity (m/sec)
4.6 -6.8
12.1- 15.2
Basalt (Tarmaber and
Alluvial and Colluvial
Sand clay loam
Clay loam
Cultivated land
Urban area
Grazing land
Forest and Plantation tree
(Aller et al., 1987; Shirazi et al., 2012;
Abiy et al., 2016; Jaseela et al., 2016;
Moslem & Ashournia, 2017)
(Aller et al., 1987; Al-abadi et al., 2017;
Ramaraju & K. Krishna, 2017)
(Aller et al., 1987; Alwathaf & Mansouri,
2011; Shirazi et al., 2012; Dávila et al.,
2014; Singh et al., 2015; Saida et al.,
2017; Oroji, 2018)
(Aller et al., 1987; Shirazi et al., 2012;
Dávila et al., 2014; Jarray et al., 2017;
Moslem & Ashournia, 2017; Oroji, 2018)
(Aller et al., 1987; Atiqur, 2008;
Baghapour et al., 2016; Ersoy & Gültekin,
2013; Moslem & Ashournia, 2017)
(Atiqur, 2008; Voudouris et al., 2010; Alrawabdeh et al., 2014; Ewusi et al., 2016;
Shukla et al., 2013; Baghapour et al.,
2016; Souleymane & Zhonghua, 2017;
Kumar & Thakur, 2017; Mfonka et al.,
(Elizabeth, 1994; Healy & Scanlon, 2010;
Dávila et al., 2014;Malik & Shukla, 2019)
(Rupert, 2001; Abdelmadjid & Omar,
2013; Al-rawabdeh et al.,2014; Singh et
al., 2015; Baghapour et al., 2016;
Ouedraogo et al., 2016; Kumar & Thakur,
2017; Thapa et al., 2018; Wu, Li, & Ma,
2018; Nazzal et al., 2019)
2.5. Vulnerability index and vulnerability class
After a thematic layer for each parameter was prepared, Equation 1 was used for the analysis and
the result of the model was categorized into different vulnerability levels based on the
vulnerability index (Table 3).
Table 3. Vulnerability index and vulnerability class in modified DRASTIC model:
Vulnerability category
Very low
Moderately High
Very high
Vulnerability index score
Source: (Aller et al., 1987; Singh et al., 2015; Baghapour et al., 2016)
2.6. Model validation and sensitivity analysis
Groundwater vulnerability map is the result of eight hydrological, geological and anthropogenic
related parameters. Conducting sensitivity analysis is imperative to identify the most effective
vulnerability parameters so as to plan for sustainable aquifer crisis management (Moslem &
Ashournia, 2017; Thapa et al., 2018). Moreover, it avoids subjectivity and, identifies important
and influential parameters from the model (Shirazi et al., 2012; Baghapour et al., 2016; Djémin
et al., 2016). It also measures the robustness associated with the model output with manipulated
input variables and the influence of individual input parameters on the model’s output by
estimating the change in output map with each change in input parameters.
In this study, single parameter sensitivity analysis method was used to identify relevant
parameters in assessing the intrinsic vulnerability of Megech watershed aquifer. It was developed
by Napolitano & Fabbri (1996) to detect sensitive parameters from the analytical model. This
method was applied in different studies (Hamby,1994; Djémin et al., 2016; Moslem et al., 2017;
Zafane et al., 2017; Oroji, 2018; Thapa et al., 2018;Wu et al., 2018; Hasan et al., 2019;Tomer,
Katyal, & Joshi, 2019).Thus, the impact and effective weight of each parameter was determined
by using Equation 2.
∗ 100
Where: W= the actual weight of the parameter
Pr = the rating of the parameter P
Pw = the weight of the parameter P
V = intrinsic vulnerability index
Subjecting aquifer vulnerability maps to validation assessment is vital for producing reliable and
valid aquifer vulnerability maps (Mogaji et al., 2014; Majolagbe et al., 2016). Even though,
there are a number of physicochemical and biological parameters that indicate water quality, the
concentration of nitrate (NO3) and microbes are the most common groundwater contaminants
which deteriorate water quality and cause health problems (Tadesse, 2014; Water Aid, 2016).
These contaminants are commonly generated by human activities (agricultural intensification,
sewage discharge, septic tank, landfill, and industrial and municipal) and therefore used for
validating aquifer vulnerability maps (Abdelmadjid & Omar, 2013; Dávila, et al., 2014; Mogaji
et al., 2014; Boufekane & Saighi, 2018). Different studies (Tilahun & Merkel, 2009; Alwathaf &
Mansouri, 2011; Shirazi et al., 2012; Allah, Gharekhani, Khatibi, Sadeghfam & Asghari, 2017;
Jang et al., 2017; Moslem & Ashournia, 2017; Hosseini & Saremi, 2018; Thapa et al., 2018;
Chamanehpour, Sayadi, & Yousefi, 2020) have employed these parameters for validating the
groundwater vulnerability maps.
In groundwater, the physiochemical substances vary very slowly over time thus, a single sample
per year is adequate for groundwater quality analysis (WHO, 2008). Therefore, as this study
focuses on groundwater, a one-time sample was taken from water wells and springs. The samples
were collected purposely from the highly vulnerable and moderately vulnerable part of the
watershed. In the study watershed, a total of 31 water wells and springs were identified and of
which 9 of them were located in the highly vulnerable and 22 were in the moderately vulnerable
part of the watershed. Since the water sources were located in a similar vulnerability level,
composite sampling technique (Heald, 2009) were used to collect water samples. Therefore, six
water samples from highly vulnerable and nine water samples from moderately vulnerable,
totally fifteen composite samples from 31 water wells and springs were collected.
The water samples were taken from the identified wells and springs after 6 – 10 minutes of
pumping (fetched up) and collected in a clean plastic bottle and kept in the cold box, and were
transported to Angereb Dam Water Laboratory and Debre Tabor University Chemistry
Laboratory within 48 hours. The samples were analyzed for nitrate (NO3-), TDS (Total dissolved
substance) and total coliform (Tcf) in the laboratory and the pH was determined using portable
pH meter in in-situ (on the site) because its status change as it was transported. Finally, the result
was compared with the drinking water quality standard described in Table 4.
Table 4. Drinking water quality standard based on FAO, WHO and MoH standard
Physio- chemical parameters
Ethiopia(MoH) 6.5 – 8.5
Total Coliform
Source: (FAO, 1995; WHO, 2004, Mogaji et al., 2014; Tadesse, 2014; MoH, 2014)
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Result
Depth to Water Table (D)
Depth to water table determines the depth through which a contaminant travels before reaching
the aquifer, and it determines the contact time with the surrounding media (Aller et al., 1987;
Jang et al., 2017). Thus, a greater chance for attenuation occurs as the depth to water table
increases because the deeper water table implies longer travel times and less vulnerable to
contamination (Khemiri et al., 2013). The depth to water table was generated from 27 wells and
springs distributed in the watershed with a maximum depth of 105 meters and a minimum depth
of 3.15 meters. Since the depth to water table changes depending on the time (season) of the year
in response to recharge and discharge (Vongphachanh, Ball, & William, 2017; Arya, Vennila &
Subramani, 2018), the measurement was taken at dry or pre-rainy season of the year. The depth
to water table was classified into ranges defined by the DRASTIC model and assigned rates
ranging from 1 (minimum impact on vulnerability) to 10 (maximum impact on the vulnerability)
as shown in Table 2 and Figure 3a.
Net Recharge (N)
Net recharge is the amount of surface water that infiltrated into the ground and reaches the
groundwater (Chitsazan & Akhtari, 2009). It indicates the amount of water from precipitation
that is available for vertical transport, dispersion, and dilution of pollutants from a specific point
of application (Aller et al., 1987). Recharged water serves as a medium for transporting
contaminants within vadose zone to the aquifer. The higher the recharge the more vulnerable is
the groundwater (Hasan et al., 2019). Data for the net recharge was not available, thus, it was
derived from mean annual rainfall where 30 years (1988-2018) of five meteorological stations
were considered.
Net recharge of each station was computed based on the model of Chaturvedi equation
(Chaturvedi, 1973):
= 6.75 ( − 14)
(Eq. 3)
Where R= Net recharge and p= mean rainfall (mm/year)
The model was developed for tropical regions based on water level fluctuations and rainfall
depth. It was implemented in several studies (Adelana, Olasehinde, & Vrbka, 2006; Misstear,
Brown, & Daly, 2009; Aliran et al., 2013; Mogaji et al., 2014). The result showed that the net
recharge value of the watershed ranges from a minimum of 236.55 mm/year to a maximum of
308.126 mm/year. Figure 3b shows the rate of net recharge of Megech watershed.
Figure 3. modified DRASTIC model (a) Depth to water table (b) Net recharge, and (c) Aquifer
media maps
Aquifer Media (A)
Aquifer media refers to a rock in the ground that serves as water storage (Ersoy & Fatma, 2013).
It indicates materials property which controls pollutant attenuation processes based on the
permeability of each layer (Jang et al., 2017). The attenuation characteristic of the aquifer
material is reflected by the mobility of the contaminants through aquifer media. Megech
watershed is dominated by Tarmaber and Aiba basalt deposit and, Alluvial and Colluvial
sediment deposit (Workineh et al., 2011). Thus, its aquifer is an unconfined (fractured) aquifer
and hydrologically very good source of groundwater (Paul, Giordano, Keraita, Ramesh & Rao,
2012; Seifu, 2013; Asrie & Sebhat, 2016; Landtschoote, 2017). As shown in Table 2 and Figure
3c, the watershed aquifer media is grouped into two categories and rated according to the
attenuation nature of the layers.
Soil Media (S)
In the modified DRASTIC model, the soil media represents the capabilities of soil to infiltrate
water and contaminants vertically down to the unsaturated zone. It transports the contaminant
and water from the soil surface to the aquifer. This is based on the permeable character of the
soil which inherited from the parent material and materials constitute (Al-Abadi, et al., 2014).
Soils with clay and silt particles increase the travel time of pollutants. Nitosols, Liptosols,
Regosols, Xerosols, Fluvisols, Vertisols and Cambisols are major soils of the watershed. Based
Figure 4. modified DRASTIC model (a) Soil media (b) Topography media, and (c) Impact of
vadose zone media maps
on the permeability, the soils of the study watershed were rated as shown in Table 2 and Figure
Topography Media (T)
Topography refers to the slope of an area. It controls the likelihood of a pollutant to be
transported by runoff or to remain on the ground where it may infiltrate into the surface (Aller et
al., 1987; Voudouris et al., 2010; Souleymane & Zhonghua, 2017). The gentler the slope (slope
of 0 – 2 %) the higher retaining capacity of water and/or pollutants while the steeper the slope
(slope of +18 %) have lower retention capacity of water and/or pollutants (Souleymane &
Zhonghua, 2017). As shown in Figure 4b and Table 2, the slope of the study watershed was rated
from 0 (slope of +18 %) to 10 (0 -2%).
Impact of vadose zone Media (I)
Vadose zone is the unsaturated zone materials lying below the soil horizon and above the water
table. It determines the attenuation characteristics of contaminants (Aller et al., 1987; Atiqur,
2008).The movement of the contaminants to the saturated zone is controlled by this parameter.
According to Aller et al. (1987) and Maria (2018) if clay content of the vadose zone is higher,
the pollution potential is lower while with an increase of silt and sand concentration, the
pollution potential of the vadose zone increases. Based on this notion, impact of vadose zone of
Megech watershed was derived from the distribution of soil textures. Accordingly, the watershed
is dominantly covered by clay loam (358.18 sq.km) and clay (255.32 sq.km) soils. The
remaining part of the watershed is covered by sand clay loam and loam soils. Based on the soil
texture characteristics, the impact of vadose zone was rated from 1 to 5 classes as shown in Table
2 and Figure 4c.
Hydraulic Conductivity (C)
Hydraulic conductivity is described as the ability of aquifer materials to transmit water, in turn,
controls the rate of groundwater and contaminant material flow under a given hydraulic gradient
(Khemiri et al., 2013). It depends on the amount and interconnection of void spaces within the
aquifer. It controls the contaminant migration and dispersion from the injection point within the
saturated zone. Hydraulic property of the watershed was determined based on the average soil
texture properties (Rawls, Brakensiek, & Saxton, 1982; Smedema & Rycroft, 1983;Oosterbaan
& Nijland, 1994; Davie, 2008; Healy & Scanlon, 2010; Dávila et al., 2014; Zekaiz, 2015; Malik
& Shukla, 2019).
Table 5. Megech watershed hydraulic conductivity based on soil texture
Average value of Hydraulic
Standard Hydraulic
Soil Texture
Conductivity (m/s)
conductivity (m/s)
Conductivity Sandy clay loam
Clay loam
Source: (Elizabeth, 1994; Healy & Scanlon, 2010; Dávila et al., 2014).
Clay and clay loam soils consist more fine soil particles that are characterized by low porosity
and less permeable. Thus, the watershed has low hydraulic conductivity (Table 2) and low
pollution potential. On the other hand, sand and loam soil texture classes have less clay particle
content implying more permeable and relatively higher vulnerability potential to pollution
(Figure 5a).
Figure 5. Megech watershed (a) Hydraulic conductivity media and (b) Land use land cover maps
Land Use Land Cover (Lu)
LULC of Megech watershed was prepared from Sentinel 2 satellite image based on Anderson
land use classification system (Andorson, Hardy, Roach, & Witmeer, 1983). The watershed was
classified into five major LULC classes namely water body, built-up area (settlement), cultivated
land, grazing land and, forest and plantation tree (Table 6 and Figure 5b). LULC has a strong
impact on the surface and groundwater quality (Al-rawabdeh et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2015;
Baghapour et al., 2016; Ouedraogo et al., 2016). This shows the impact of human activities to
aquifer vulnerability.
Table 6. Megech watershed LULC classes
Land use land cover
Land use class
Area (sq.km)
% share
Cultivated land
Urban area
Grazing land
Forest and Plantation
Aquifer vulnerability map
All thematic layers of the parameters were rated according to their relative importance and their
susceptibility to contaminants. These layers were multiplied by their weight (Table 2) which
were assigned according to their significance and contribution to contamination (Aller et al.,
1987; Baghapour et al., 2016). The analysis of intrinsic aquifer vulnerability was computed by
summing the product of each parameter using Equation (1). According to the result shown in
Figure 6a, the total vulnerability index value of the study watershed ranges from 102 to 202. The
higher the value of the DRASTIC index, the greater is the aquifer vulnerability for pollution
(Witkowsk et al., 2007; Dávila et al., 2014; Djémin et al., 2016; Abiy & Melesse, 2017). Thus,
the aquifer of the study watershed is vulnerable to contaminants (Table 3).
Figure 6. Megech watershed (a) modified DRASTIC Index map and (b) Aquifer vulnerability map
As shown in Table 7 and Figure 6b, the values of the modified DRASTIC aquifer vulnerability
index were classified into three classes such as low, moderate and highly vulnerable zones. Out
of the total area of the study watershed, about 9256.41ha (13.92%) is in the low vulnerable zone
with a DRASTIC index ranging between 102 and 145. Moderate vulnerable zone with a
DRASTIC index ranging between 146 and 190, and highly vulnerable zone with DRASTIC
index ranging between 191 and 202 cover about 53,404.83ha (80.34%) and about 3813.22ha
(5.74%), respectively. The aquifers at a high vulnerability level are mainly found in built-up
areas (settlement) of Gondar city and Gondar Zuria woreda (district) where industrial effluents
from factories and domestic wastes significantly polluting the groundwater. Moderately
vulnerable areas (80.34%) are dominantly found in cultivated lands of the southern part (Dembia
and Gondar Zuria woredas) of the watershed.
Table 7. Megech watershed aquifer vulnerability level and vulnerable area (ha)
Aquifer vulnerability level
Low vulnerable
102 - 145
Area (ha)
% share
Moderately vulnerable
146 – 190
Highly vulnerable
191 - 202
For the assessment of the impact of individual parameters towards an aquifer vulnerability, a
single parameter sensitivity analysis was performed. The single parameter sensitivity analysis
compares the effective and theoretical weights thereby evaluates the degree of the influence of an
individual parameter for the vulnerability of groundwater. In Megech watershed, effective
weights of net recharge (26.20%) and land use land cover (18.24%) were higher than their
theoretical weights (14.29 and 17.86%, respectively) (Table 8). This implies that net recharge
and land use land cover are the most influential parameters in the aquifer vulnerability analysis
followed by Aquifer media (A) and Groundwater depth (D) with an effective weight of 17.91%
and 17.18%, respectively (Table 8).
Table 8. Statistics of single parameter sensitivity analysis for modified DRASTIC model
weight (%)
Effective weight (%)
Groundwater physicochemical and biological properties of the study watershed were examined
through 15 composite samples taken from 31 wells and springs. The result of physicochemical
and biological properties is presented in Table 9.
Table 9. Physio-chemical and bacteriological analysis result for water samples
y map
No = 15
Urban (4)
Cultivated (3)
Urban (4)
Cultivated (4)
max !"
As shown in Table 9, the average pH value ranges between 6.2 and 8.3 with an average value of
7.8. This indicates that the pH value in the study watershed is within WHO and FAO permissible
level for drinking (Table 4). The geographical distribution of TDS, NO3 and total coliforms were
compared with vulnerability maps. Attempts have been made to validate the DRASTIC model
using the TDS, NO3 and total coliforms concentration in groundwater. The TDS values for the
water samples taken from highly and moderately vulnerable areas ranged from145 mg/l to 472
mg/l which was below the concertation level expected in potable water (Table 9). However, the
concentration of TDS was higher in the moderately vulnerable part of the aquifer. The average
concentration of nitrate (NO3) was 21 mg /l in cultivated land of the highly vulnerable part of the
aquifer and 11 mg /l in an urban area of moderately vulnerable part of the watershed (Table 9).
Similarly, 21/100ml total coliforms were found from samples taken from highly vulnerable and
4/100ml in samples taken from moderately vulnerable parts of the watershed. The highest level
of nitrate concentration and the total number of coliforms coincide with the results of the
modified DRASTIC vulnerable index which demonstrates the deterioration of groundwater
quality of the watershed and validates the use of the DRASTIC model in the study watershed
with the given data set.
In line with this result, Gondar city water and sanitation service office report showed that
60/100ml and 9/100ml total bacteria, and 3/100ml fecal coliform was found in the water (water
before distribution) from Angereb dam and, 6/100ml up to 9/100ml fecal coliform from
boreholes. The report confirmed that groundwater of Gondar city (highly vulnerable urban area)
is at risk of pollution.
3.2. Discussion
In the present study, the modified DRASTIC model was used to assess the degree of
vulnerability to pollution of groundwater in the Megech watershed. DRASTIC Vulnerability
Index values range were arranged into different classes; low (102-145), moderate (146-190) and
high (191-202). The areas under the high vulnerability level (5.74%) are mainly in built-up
(settlement) areas where Gondar city and Gondar Zuria woreda (district) were identified as a
maximum protection area that requires extreme protection. The majority of the study watershed
is characterized by moderate vulnerability level which is mainly associated with cultivated land
that demands high protection (Witkowsk et al., 2007).
The result of the present study is in harmony with the result of Singh et al. (2015) who conducted
a study in Lucknow city, India using a modified DRASTIC model (DRASTICA) where
anthropogenic influence exhibited a significant contribution for groundwater pollution. Likewise,
a groundwater vulnerability assessment conducted in Algeria (Khemis Miliana Plain) using
DRASTIC-Lu model showed the influence of human activities on groundwater pollution
(Zafane et al., 2017). Similar studies by Al-rawabdeh et al. (2014); Dávila et al. (2014) and
Gómez, Gutiérrez, Nájera, Núñez, and Herrera, (2017) also confirmed the strong influence of
human activities on the groundwater quality manifested via LULC change in the vulnerability
A groundwater vulnerability evaluation was conducted in India, Kerala region near solid waste
disposal site using DRASTIC model and was reported the DRASTIC index values ranged
between 120 to 243, where the eastern and southeastern part of the dumping site was highly
vulnerable to contaminants due to the lower slope of the terrains which allows percolation of
contaminants into the groundwater (Jaseela et al., 2016). Another study conducted in southern
Côte d’Ivoire (Djémin et al., 2016) reported a vulnerability index values ranging from 95 to 187
where about 63.93% of the areas are under very high to highly vulnerable zone which is mainly
in the central part of the region. Similarly, Moslem and Ashournia (2017) reported that a large
extent (48.64%) of Guilan aquifer in Iran is highly vulnerable to pollution.
Analogous to the results of the present study, Ebadati, Motlagh, and Behzad (2012); Al-Abadi et
al. (2017); Souleymane and Zhonghua (2017); Hasan et al. (2019) reported a groundwater map
with three vulnerability classes ranging from very high to low vulnerable to pollution. The
vulnerability class ranging from moderately to the very highly vulnerable part of the region
categorized as an extreme protection region. Voudouris et al. (2010) and Wu et al.(2018)
reported that the shallower part the aquifer and Beihai City fall within high and very high
vulnerability zones in which intensive rain and slope of the terrain were influencing factors in the
vulnerability analysis. Bhuvaneswaran and Ganesh (2019) also reported that shallow
groundwater level, permeability of vadose zone and high rate of net recharge resulted in high
vulnerability of groundwater in Uppar Odai sub-watershed of India.
In the Megech watershed, high vulnerability is associated with the built-up (settlement) area.
Contrary to this finding, a research conducted in Lahore, Pakistan by Muhammad et al. (2015)
reported that low vulnerability is associated with the dense human settlements and low water
level areas while high vulnerability which covers 28.8% of the region associated with
agricultural areas.
Previous studies conducted in Megech watershed (Mengesha et al., 2013; Damtie et al., 2014;
Getahun et al., 2014; Misganaw, 2015; Feleke et al., 2018) using laboratory method confirmed
that groundwater (wells and springs) and surface water (rivers, reservoirs and tap water) of
Gondar city have experienced high risk of pollution. This is because the city has suffered from
discharges from human activities (industrial effluent, landfill, sewages) which contributes to the
pollution and contamination of the groundwater. This report coincides with the result of the
modified DRASTIC model where built-up (urban) areas are delineated as a highly vulnerable
part of the study watershed.
Similarly, a study conducted in Guna -Tana watershed using water quality experiment techniques
revealed that agricultural activity is the major contributor to the higher concentration of nitrate in
the groundwater (Akale et al., 2017; 2018). This is in line with the notion that excessive
agricultural activities generate pollutants for contaminating groundwater (Paul et al., 2012;
Zafane et al., 2017; Gómez et al., 2017).
Merchant (1994) also indicated that human activity which discharges contaminants to the surface
and infiltrates down to the aquifer has a significant contribution to groundwater pollution. In this
regard, Hosseini and Saremi (2018); Baghapour et al. (2016) and Nazzal et al. (2019) were
incorporated LULC as a parameter and found that the modified DRASTIC model performed
better in delineating groundwater vulnerability to pollution. Dávila et al. (2014) also compared
the conventional DRASTIC model with the modified DRASTIC model and came up with a
better result for the modified DRASTIC model.
According to the result from single parameter sensitivity analysis, net recharge (N) and land use
land cover (Lu), were identified as parameters which have a significant influence on Megech
watershed aquifer vulnerability analysis. Similarly, other parameters such as geology, soil, and
land use (Abiy et al., 2016), depth to water table (Moslem & Ashournia, 2017), vadose zone and
depth to water table (Djémin et al., 2016; Mfonka et al., 2018; Tomer, Katyal, & Joshi, 2019),
aquifer media and vadose zone (Thapa et al., 2018), depth to water table (Oroji, 2018), rainfall
recharge, aquifer media, soil type, and topography (Wu et al., 2018) were identified as
significant parameters in groundwater vulnerability analysis. This implies that accurate and
detailed information about these significant parameters needs to be obtained for aquifer
vulnerability analysis.
All these revealed that the results of the modified DRASTIC model are viable and representative
of the groundwater vulnerability of the study watershed. Likewise, Shirazi, Imran, and Akib
(2012); Anornu and Kabo-bah (2013); Djémin et al. (2016); Jang et al. (2017) were found the
model appropriate
for groundwater vulnerability assessment and it serves as a tool for
monitoring human activities for the sustainable conservation of groundwater quality.
4. Conclusions
Groundwater is a promising source of freshwater. However, point and non-point sources of
pollutants generated from human activities degrade the quality of groundwater which bring
socio-economic and health problem. This water quality issue became one of the 17 sustainable
development goals of the UN. This is to be achieved by 2030 where reducing pollution and
minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals is a prior task to realize universal and equitable
access to safe water. Proper planning and directing efforts for groundwater management requires
delineating vulnerable areas and identifying the source of contaminants. Therefore, this study
implemented a modified DRASTIC model to delineate and identify the spatial extent of Megech
watershed aquifer vulnerability to pollution. Apart from the conventional DRASTIC model, the
modified DRASTIC model incorporated LULC as a parameter to consider the impact of human
activity on the groundwater pollution.
The result of the study showed that Megech watershed aquifer vulnerability ranges from a lower
vulnerable level (102–145) to a highly vulnerable level (191–202). Moderately vulnerable covers
81.24% (53,404.83 ha) and highly vulnerable covers 5.74% (3813.22 ha) of the total watershed
aquifer. The central part of the watershed which covered by built-up (settlement) areas is highly
vulnerable for pollution. The majority of the watershed which is dominated by cultivated land is
moderately vulnerable to pollution. The sensitivity analysis of the model revealed that net
recharge (R) and LULC (Lu) were the highest contributors for groundwater contamination in the
study watershed. Therefore, planners and local administrates should give priority for the highly
vulnerable part (Gondar city) of the watershed to manage the groundwater so as to meet the
Millennium development goal.
Information on the current status of contamination of groundwater might be used as an early
warning for the responsible authorities to take judicious measures to prevent further stress on this
invaluable resource. In this study, the combined use of DRASTIC model and geographical
information system (GIS) demonstrated as an effective method for groundwater vulnerability
assessment. Furthermore, this study suggests similar studies to be conducted in different agroclimatic and management conditions.
The authors are grateful to the Amhara Construction and Design Monitoring Office, Gondar
town Water and Sanitation Office and Angereb Dam Laboratory officers for their cooperation
and provision of data. We extend our gratitude to Debre Tabor University Chemistry Laboratory
and Mr. Desalew for providing us the water sample collecting kits and instruments. The authors
would like to thank Mr. Getachew Workneh, Mr. Getu Tesema, Mr. Kibru Engida and Mr.
Endalk A. Mr. Seid Kemal for their professional comments and editing the paper. Finally, we
would like to express our gratitude to the editors and the anonymous reviewers for their
insightful review and useful comments.
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Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3a
Figure 3b
Figure 3c
Figure 4a
Figure 4b
Figure 4c
Figure 5a
Figure 5b
Figure 6a
Figure 6b
Competing Interest
The authors declare that there is no competing interest.
Vulnerability of Megech watershed aquifer to pollution was assessed
Modified DRASTIC model which incorporates land use was used
The model was validated using groundwater quality data from wells
Highly & moderately vulnerable areas fall in built-up & cultivated lands respectively
The concentration of NO3 & Total Coliform exceeds WHO permissible level