Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Electric Power Systems Research journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/epsr Symmetric and asymmetric multilevel inverter topologies with reduced switching devices Ebrahim Babaei ∗ , Mohammad Farhadi Kangarlu, Farshid Najaty Mazgar Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 3 August 2011 Received in revised form 23 November 2011 Accepted 19 December 2011 Available online 5 January 2012 Keywords: Multilevel inverter Symmetric multilevel inverter Asymmetric multilevel inverter Reduced switching devices a b s t r a c t Multilevel inverters have been developed to handle high power and high voltage in the flexible power systems. These inverters offer some inherent advantages over conventional 2-level inverters. High quality of the output voltage of the multilevel inverters is one of the most important advantages. In this paper, new symmetric and asymmetric multilevel inverter topologies are proposed. The proposed multilevel inverters use reduced number of switching devices for a specified number of output voltage levels in comparison with the conventional multilevel inverters and other non-conventional topologies. Hybrid topologies extracted from the proposed topologies are proposed for operating in higher voltage levels. In order to validate the proposed topologies, the simulation results with PSCAD/EMTDC software as well as the experimental results from a laboratory prototype are presented. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The general function of a multilevel inverter is to synthesize a desired output voltage from several levels of dc voltages as inputs [1]. Multilevel inverters receive more and more attention from both academy and industry. This is because of some inherent advantageous features such as ability to operate in higher voltage/power condition and improved quality of the output waveform and better electromagnetic compatibility [2]. The concept of multilevel inverter is to produce a staircase output voltage using the available dc voltage sources. The higher the number of voltage level the better the output voltage quality. There are three well-known types of multilevel inverters. These are the cascaded H-bridge (CHB) multilevel inverter, the flying capacitor (FC) multilevel inverter and the neutral point clamped (NPC) multilevel inverter [3]. The CHB multilevel inverter can be symmetric in which the values of the dc voltage sources are equal or asymmetric in which the values of the dc voltage sources are not equal. The symmetric CHB multilevel inverter offers the advantage of high modularity. However, this topology uses high number of switches. Increase in the number of switches results in high cost and control complexity. In order to get higher number of output voltage levels, the dc voltage sources that are used in the CHB multilevel inverter can have ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 411 3300819; fax: +98 411 3300819. E-mail addresses: e-babaei@tabrizu.ac.ir, babaeiebrahim@yahoo.com (E. Babaei). 0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2011.12.013 different values (asymmetric topology). However, the topology looses modularity. The NPC inverter was based on a modification of the classic 2level inverter topology adding two new power semiconductors per phase. Using this topology, each power device has to stand, at the most, half voltage in comparison with the two-level case with the same dc-link voltage. So, if these power semiconductors have the same characteristics as the 2-level case, the voltage can be doubled. However, the NPC inverters require clamping diodes and are prone to voltage imbalances in their dc capacitors [4] which have kept the industrial acceptance of the NPC topology up to three levels only [5]. The FC inverter has attracted a great deal of interest in recent years mainly due to a number of advantageous features. For instance, it seems that the extension of the inverter to higher than three levels is possibly easier than the NPC alternative in commercial applications. However, a number of drawbacks need to be further addressed. These include large capacitor banks, additional precharging circuitry, and in particular voltage imbalance amongst FCs [6]. The above-mentioned topologies are the basic topologies. Many modified topologies have been introduced. A multilevel inverter using bidirectional switches has been presented in Ref. [7]. This topology can be both symmetric and asymmetric. However, when it is symmetric it does not have any advantage. Even if it is asymmetric, the number of power electronic components remains high since it uses bidirectional switches. Moreover, it cannot generate all the expected voltage steps. Another topology using bidirectional switches has been presented in Ref. [8]. This topology is slightly E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 Table 1 States of the switches for different output voltage levels in the proposed symmetric multilevel inverter. Vdc S nu 1 S nu 2 Vdc S nu 123 S nu 3 4 S 3u Vdc T1 S1u S 2u vo S 2l T3 T4 S 3l S nl 3 −nVdc . . . n−2 n−1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 . . . 2n + 4 . . . u T2 , T3 , S2 , S2l , S3u , S3l T2 , T3 , S1l , S2u , S3u T2 , T3 , S1u , S1l (T1 ,T2 ) or (T3 ,T4 ) T1 , T4 , S1u , S1l T1 , T4 , S1l , S2u , S3u T1 , T4 , S2u , S2l , S3u , S3l . . . u l u l u l T1 , T4 , S2 , S2 . . . , Sn−3 , Sn−3 , Sn−1 , Sn−1 . . . −3Vdc −2Vdc −Vdc 0 Vdc 2Vdc 3Vdc . . . nVdc 1 S nl 4 2 Level creator part A new topology is proposed for both symmetric and asymmetric multilevel inverters. The proposed topologies for symmetric and asymmetric multilevel inverters are quite different. They are described in the following subsections. 2.1. Proposed symmetric multilevel inverter Vdc Vdc Output voltage u l u l T2 , T3 , S2u , S2l . . . , Sn−3 , Sn−3 , Sn−1 , Sn−1 2. The proposed multilevel inverters iL S1l Vdc S nl On switches 1 vL Vdc S nl T2 State H bridge Fig. 1. Proposed symmetric multilevel inverter. better than the previous, from the view point of the number of switches. As a result of using bidirectional switches, the number of switches used in this topology is still high. A 5-level inverter has been presented in Ref. [9]. The topology uses four high frequency, four low frequency isolated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and a dc voltage source. The topology has not been extended to higher levels. Other multilevel inverter using series and parallel connection of dc voltage sources has been introduced in Ref. [10]. In this topology the number of IGBTs is lower than the CHB multilevel inverter. Beside these topologies, many other topologies can be found in the literature [11–22]. These topologies consider improvement in the performance of the multilevel inverters rather than reduction in the number of switching devices. A regenerative multilevel inverter based on cascaded bridges has been presented in Ref. [12]. The inverter is the same as the CHB multilevel inverter in its inverter side. However, this topology reduces the number of switches in its rectifier side using cascaded half bridge inverters instead of full bridge inverters. In this paper, new topologies for symmetric and asymmetric multilevel inverters and hybrid topologies resulted from them with reduced number of switches are proposed. The principle operation and power circuit topology of the proposed multilevel inverters are discussed in the next section. Then a comparison between the proposed topologies and the other topologies is given. After that, the hybrid topologies are investigated. Finally, the simulation and experimental results are illustrated to validate the capability of the proposed topology in generation of desired output voltage. Fig. 1 shows the proposed topology for symmetric multilevel inverter. As the figure shows, the multilevel inverter is composed of two parts: the level creator part and the H-bridge. The level creator part generates the voltage levels using a specific arrangement of dc sources and power electronic switches. The dc sources used in the proposed topology have the same values equal to Vdc (symmetric topology). The dc sources are separated from each other by a switch so that each dc source can be conducted to the output or bypassed leading to a multilevel output voltage. It is obvious that the output voltage of the level creator part is always positive. To change the polarity of the output voltage in every half cycle, an H-bridge is used at the output of the level creator part. The Hbridge is also required to produce the zero voltage level. Based on the states of the switches, different levels of output voltage are V1 S1 S2 V2 T1 S3 S4 T2 vL V3 S6 Vn S5 vo iL T3 1 S2n S2n 3 S 2n 1 T4 2 Vn S 2n Fig. 2. Proposed asymmetric multilevel inverter. 124 E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 Table 2 States of the switches for different output voltage levels in the proposed asymmetric multilevel inverter. State On switches Output voltage 1 T1 , T4 , S2 , S4 , S6 , . . ., S2n−2 , S2n − . . . 2n − 5 2n − 4 2n − 3 2n − 2 2n − 1 2n 2n + 1 2n + 2 2n + 3 2n + 4 2n + 5 2n + 6 2n + 7 . . . . . . T1 , T4 , S2 , S4 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S1 , S4 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S3 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S1 , S3 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S4 , S5 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S3 , S5 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) S1 , S3 , S5 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S3 , S5 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S4 , S5 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S1 , S3 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S3 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S1 , S4 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) T1 , T4 , S2 , S4 , S6 , . . ., S(2n−3) , S(2n−3) . . . . . . −(V1 + V2 + V3 ) −(V2 + V3 ) −(V1 + V3 ) −V3 −(V1 + V2 ) −V1 0 V1 V1 + V2 V3 V1 + V3 V2 + V3 V1 + V2 + V3 . . . 4n + 1 T1 , T4 , S2 , S4 , S6 , . . ., S2n−2 , S2n 40 Vi N IGBT i=1 n 20 Proposed symmetric 0 0 generated by proper switching between the switches. For instance, if the switches S1u and S1l are turned on, the output voltage of ±Vdc is obtained depending on the state of the H-bridge switches. Similarly, to generate the output voltage of ±2Vdc the switches S1l , S2u and S3u are turned on. Table 1 shows the switching states of the proposed symmetric multilevel inverter. It is noticeable that the difference between the states of the switches in positive and negative values of the output voltage is related to the states of the H-bridge switches. In this Table, n shows the number of the dc voltage sources. For the symmetric multilevel inverter with n dc sources, the following equations can be written: Nlevel = 2n + 1 (1) NIGBT = 2n + 2 (2) vo, max = nVdc (3) where, Nlevel , NIGBT , and vo,max denote the number of output voltage levels, number of IGBTs and maximum output voltage, respectively. Using (1) and (2), the relation between Nlevel and NIGBT can be obtained as follows for the proposed symmetric topology: Fig. 2 shows the proposed asymmetric multilevel inverter. As like as the symmetric one, the asymmetric topology is also composed of two parts, the level creator part and the H-bridge part. The H-bridge part is as the same as the symmetric topology. But, the other part is quite different. Unlike the symmetric topology, the asymmetric topology must be able to bypass or conduct the dc voltage sources separately. This is necessary to generate all of the desired voltage levels. For this purpose, two additional switches are used to fulfill the requirement of an asymmetric multilevel inverter. As an example, when V2 is required at the output, the other dc voltage sources must be bypassed. Table 2 indicates the states of the switches to produce different levels of output voltage. 10 15 20 25 30 35 Fig. 3. Comparison of the IGBTs used for a given number of voltage levels for the symmetric topologies. For the asymmetric multilevel inverter, the relation between the values of the dc sources is considered as follows: i = 1, 2, · · ·, n (5) Eq. (5) shows a binary increasing of the value of the dc sources. With these values for the dc sources, all of the possible voltage levels can be generated at the output. The number of output voltage levels and IGBTs can be written as follows: Nlevel = 2(n+1) − 1 (6) NIGBT = 2n + 4 (7) The maximum achievable output voltage can be written as follows in terms of the number of the dc sources: vo,max = (2n − 1)Vdc (8) For the proposed asymmetric topology, using (6)–(7), the relation between Nlevel and NIGBT can be obtained as follows: Nlevel = 2(NIGBT −2)/2 − 1 (9) Comparing (4) and (9), the asymmetric multilevel inverter produces much higher number of output voltage levels for the same number of IGBTs or the asymmetric multilevel inverter uses much lower number of IGBTs for the same number of output voltage levels. This is the advantage of the asymmetric topology over the symmetric topology. However, this kind of multilevel inverter requires dc voltage sources with different values, providing of the dc voltage sources with different values can be a challenging issue. 35 (4) 2.2. Proposed asymmetric multilevel inverter 5 NL Vi = 2(i−1) Vdc Vi i=1 Nlevel = NIGBT − 1 [10] CHB Number of devices in current path n 60 30 CHB 25 [10] 20 15 10 5 0 Proposed symmetric 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 NL Fig. 4. Number of semiconductor devices in current path in any instant of time for the symmetric topologies versus the number of levels. E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 125 30 [8] [7] Proposed Topology v o1 Fig.1 or Fig.2 25 iL 20 N IGBT AsymmetricCHB vL 15 T1b 10 Vd Proposed asymmetric vo2 T3b 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 T2b T4b 120 NL Fig. 7. Hybrid multilevel inverters based on the proposed topologies. Fig. 5. Comparison of the IGBTs used for a given number of voltage levels for the asymmetric topologies. 3. Comparison of the proposed multilevel inverters with other topologies The objective in this section is to compare the number of IGBTs used for a given number of voltage levels in the proposed topologies and other existing topologies. In order to have the same condition, the proposed symmetric topology is compared with the conventional symmetric CHB multilevel inverter and the symmetric topology presented in Ref. [10]. The symmetric multilevel inverter presented in Ref. [10] uses the series and parallel connection of the dc voltage sources. It is important to mention that for this comparison, to have the same comparison condition, the cascaded H-bridge cell of the topology in Ref. [10] is neglected. However, if an H-bridge is cascaded with the proposed topology, the proposed topology will be superior to that presented in Ref. [10] in terms of the number of IGBTs used. Fig. 3 shows the number of IGBTs used in the proposed symmetric multilevel inverter and that of symmetric CHB multilevel inverter and the topology presented in Ref. [10]. As the figure shows, the proposed symmetric multilevel inverter uses much lower number of IGBTs in comparison with the other topologies. For instance, for a 15-level inverter, the proposed topology uses 18 IGBTs whereas the presented topology in Ref. [10] and the symmetric CHB multilevel inverter use 24 and 28 IGBTs, respectively. Another comparison has been made between the topologies from the view point of the number of semiconductor devices that are in current path in any instant of time. This comparison is indicated in Fig. 4. As the figure shows, the number of devices Number of devices in current path 12 AsymmetricCHB 8 vo1 4Vdc 3Vdc 2Vdc Vdc 2 t Vdc 2Vdc 3Vdc 4Vdc [7] 10 in current path is lower for the proposed topology. The lower number of devices in current path implies the lower voltage drop on the devices and lower conduction losses. In Refs. [7,8] two asymmetric multilevel inverters have been introduced using cascaded basic units. Fig. 5 shows the number of IGBTs used versus the number of voltage levels in the proposed asymmetric topology, the asymmetric CHB multilevel inverter and that presented in Refs. [7,8]. The proposed asymmetric multilevel inverter uses considerable lower number of IGBTs. For instance, for the 31-level asymmetric inverter, the proposed topology and the asymmetric CHB multilevel inverter use 12 and 16 IGBTs, respectively. The topology presented in Ref. [7] utilizes 20 IGBTs for a 21-level inverter and the topology presented in Ref. [8] produces a 35-level output voltage with 20 IGBTs. The number of devices that are in current path in any instant of time versus the number of voltage levels for the asymmetric topologies has been indicated in Fig. 6. This figure clearly shows that in the proposed asymmetric topology, the number of devices in current path is considerably lower than that of the other topologies. As stated before, this reduces the voltage drop on the semiconductor devices as well as the conduction losses. vo 2 5Vdc [8] 6 Proposed asymmetric 4 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2 t 5Vdc NL Fig. 6. Number of semiconductor devices in current path in any instant of time for the asymmetric topologies versus the number of levels. Fig. 8. Upper figure: typical output voltage of the proposed symmetric topology (with four dc voltage sources) in the hybrid topology, lower figure: the output voltage of the added H-bridge. 126 E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 n s1 Vdc ,1 S 4u ns 2 np 25V S 3u Vdc , 2 25V ns 3 Vdc ,3 S T1 S u 2 T2 u 1 nsn Vdc , n Fig. 9. Providing of the multiple dc voltage sources via transfomers and rectifiers. 4. Hybrid topologies Considering Figs. 1 and 2, the switches of the H-bridge part (T1 − T4 ) have to withstand a voltage equal to sum of all of the dc voltage sources. Nowadays, power electronic switches with high voltage and high power capabilities are available which can be used in the H-bridge part of the proposed topologies. In spite of this fact, the high standing voltage of the H-bridge switches can restrict the application of the proposed topologies for high voltage levels. In order to mitigate this problem, the proposed topologies can be used in hybrid forms. Fig. 7 shows a possible hybrid multilevel inverter topology using the series-connected proposed topology and an H-bridge. The dc voltage of the added H-bridge (Vd ) can be determined for several purposes. It can be equal to the sum of the dc voltage sources used the first dc voltage n in the proposed topology plus n V + V1 ) or can be as Vd = 2 i=1 Vi + V1 to get source (Vd = i=1 i the maximum number of output voltage levels. Beside these values, Vd can have any other value depending on the availability of the n dc voltage source or design purposes. However, when Vd = V + V1 , the voltage on the switches of the H-bridge part of the i=1 i proposed topology and the switches of the added H-bridge is almost equally distributed making it possible to use the same switches for them. Moreover, this selection of Vd is more suitable for mitigating the high voltage switch requirements. Supposing a specific rated vL 25V vo S 2l S1l 25V S 4l iL T3 T4 S 3l 25V Fig. 11. The symmetric 11-level inverter based on the proposed topology. output voltage, with this value of Vd , the voltage on the switches of the H-bridge of the proposed topologies is halved which makes them more suitable for higher voltage applications. It is important to note that this technique is applicable for both symmetric and asymmetric topologies. Fig. 8 shows the typical output voltage of the series-connected units for the case of the proposed symmetric topology where upper figure is the output voltage of the proposed symmetric topology and lower figure is the output voltage of the added H-bridge. The figure also indicates a possible modulation scheme to get the desired output voltage. Considering the figure, it can be stated that the proposed symmetric topology is responsible for creating the voltage levels and the added H-bridge decreases the voltage rating requirements of the switches for a specific output voltage rating. It is worth noting that the similar discussion can be done for the asymmetric topology. 5. Simulation and experimental results Fig. 10. Block diagram of the control system. This section deals with the simulation and experimental study of the proposed symmetric, asymmetric and hybrid multilevel inverters. For simulation, the PSCAD/EMTDC software is used. In the simulations all of the switches are considered to be ideal. The load is a series connected resistance and an inductance with the value of 35 and 55 mH, respectively. The output voltage frequency is assumed 50 Hz. It is important to note that the experimental results are given only for the asymmetric topology. The dc voltage sources used in the simulation studies are separated dc sources. In practice, these dc voltage sources may be available via distributed energy resources like photovoltaic panels. However, if an ac source is available, the required dc voltage sources can be achieved by a transformer with multiple secondary windings and rectifiers [23] as shown in Fig. 9. Another solution to provide the required multiple dc voltage sources is given in Refs. [24,25]. This method is based on a combination of using high-frequency and line-frequency transformers. In this method, the multilevel inverter is divided to two parts, i.e. the main part and the auxiliary parts. The main part is responsible for the main fraction of the output power and uses a line-frequency transformer. In the auxiliary parts firstly the available dc voltage source is converter to a high-frequency waveform. The high-frequency waveform is passed from a high-frequency transformer with multiple secondary windings and then they are E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 127 25V S1 S2 T1 T2 vL 50V S4 S3 vo iL T3 100V S6 T4 S5 Fig. 14. The asymmetric 15-level inverter based on the proposed asymmetric topology. converter to dc voltage using rectifiers providing the required multiple dc voltage sources. It is noticeable that many different modulation strategies can be applied for multilevel inverters. In this paper the fundamental frequency modulation is used. Although in this method, the switching angles can be obtained to eliminate some selected harmonics or minimization of total harmonics distortion, these are not the objective of this paper. The control method used in this paper is based on generating an output voltage waveform which has minimum error with its reference value. Fig. 10 shows the block diagram of this control method. The available voltage sources are compared with the output voltage reference value (vL,ref ). The decision unit determines that the reference output voltage is nearest to which of the available voltage levels and then, selects the switches in a way that if they are turned on, the corresponding voltage level will be produced at Fig. 12. Simulation results of the proposed 11-level symmetric topology, (a) output voltage, (b) output current, (c) output voltage of the level creator part. 100 Efficiency 95 90 85 80 75 70 0. 6 0.65 0. 7 0.75 0. 8 0.85 0.9 0.9 5 1 M Fig. 13. Efficiency versus the modulation ratio for the proposed symmetric topology and symmetric CHB. Fig. 15. (a) Simulation output voltage for the asymmetric 15-level inverter, (b) experimental output voltage for the asymmetric 15-level inverter (Time/div = 5 ms). 128 E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 98 96 Efficiency 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 Fig. 18. Efficiency versus the modulation ratio for the proposed asymmetric topology and asymmetric CHB. the output. It is worth noting that the output voltage in different permissible switching combination is given to the decision unit as a look-up table. This control method is known as nearest level control method [26]. This control method is not effective for inverters with low number of levels, since the approximation error becomes relevant. Hence it is aimed to be used in converters with relatively high number of levels to avoid important low-order harmonics at the ac side. The main advantage is its conceptual and implementation simplicity and the efficiency achieved with this method [5]. Fig. 16. (a) Simulation output current for the asymmetric 15-level inverter, (b) experimental output current for the asymmetric 15-level inverter (Time/div = 5 ms). Fig. 17. (a) Simulation output voltage of the level creator part for the asymmetric 15-level inverter, (b) experimental output voltage of the level creator part for the asymmetric 15-level inverter (Time/div = 5 ms). 5.1. Results for the proposed symmetric topology The simulation results are presented for the proposed 11-level symmetric inverter as shown in Fig. 11. The symmetric 11-level inverter based on the proposed topology requires 5 dc voltage sources. Each dc voltage source is 25 V so that the maximum output voltage is equal to 125 V. For this example of symmetric multilevel inverter, the proposed topology requires 12 IGBTs. This is much lower than that of conventional CHB multilevel inverter which uses 20 IGBTs for a symmetric 11-level inverter. Fig. 12(a) shows the output voltage of the proposed symmetric multilevel inverter. The figure clearly shows that all of the desired voltage levels are generated. The THD of the output voltage is 6.46%. The output current is shown in Fig. 12(b). As shown in this figure, the output current waveform is smoother than the output voltage and its phase angle lags the output voltage phase angle because of the inductive characteristic of the load. The THD of the output current is 0.94%. As mentioned before, the level creator part in the proposed symmetric multilevel inverter can only generate the positive voltage levels. This is indicated in Fig. 12(c) which shows the output voltage of the level creator part. The zero and negative voltage levels in the output voltage are generated by proper switching of the H-bridge part. In order to investigate the efficiency of the proposed topology in comparison with that of the CHB topology, their efficiencies are obtained based on simulation. Fig. 13 shows the efficiency of the proposed 11-level symmetric topology and that of the symmetric CHB versus the modulation ratio (M). The modulation ratio is the ration of the output voltage peak to the sum of dc voltages. As the figure shows, the proposed topology has higher efficiency. This is because of the fact that in the proposed topology there are less switching devices in current path in any instant of time. Considering Fig. 11, in the proposed 11-level inverter maximum 6 semiconductor devices are in current path simultaneously. However, for the 11-level symmetric CHB, 10 semiconductor devices are in current path simultaneously. E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 50V S 4u 100V S 3u S2 T1a 50V S 2u S1 T1a T2a T2a 200V S1u S4 v o1 S3 v o1 50V 400V S 2l S1l S6 T3a 50V S 4l 129 T4a T3a T4a iL S5 vL iL vL S 3l 50V T1b T1b 800V T2b 300V vo2 T3b T2b vo2 T3b T4b T4b (a) (b) Fig. 19. Hybrid topologies used for simulation studies, (a) based on the symmetric topology, (b) based on the asymmetric topology. 5.2. Results for the proposed asymmetric topology For the experimental studies, the 15-level inverter based on the proposed asymmetric multilevel inverter as shown in Fig. 14 is implemented. The proposed asymmetric 15-level inverter uses 3 dc voltage sources and 10 IGBTs. The dc voltage sources have values 25 V, 50 V and 100 V. So that, maximum 175 V output voltage is obtainable. The IGBTs of prototype are BUP306D with internal anti-parallel diodes. The 89C52 microcontroller by ATMEL Company has been used to generate the switching patterns. For the experimental setup the data as same as the data used in the simulations has been used. Fig. 20. Simulation results for the proposed symmetric hybrid topology. Fig. 21. Simulation results for the proposed asymmetric hybrid topology. 130 E. Babaei et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 86 (2012) 122–130 However, the switches have some forward voltage drop in practice which has not been considered in the simulations. To provide the required dc voltage sources, the dc supplies in the laboratory have been used. Fig. 15(a) and (b) shows the simulated and experimental output voltage, respectively. As the figures show, the expected voltage levels are generated and the experimental output voltage has a good similarity to that of simulation. Any difference in terms of the magnitude of the output voltage is resulted from the forward voltage drop on the switches in practice. Based on simulation, the THD of the output voltage is 4.63%. The simulation and experimental output currents are depicted in Fig. 16(a) and (b), respectively. The results show a good accordance between the simulation and experimental results. Considering the current waveforms, the output current has phase difference in respect to the output voltage. This is due to the inductive load. In addition, as a result of operating of the inductive load as a low pass filter against current, the output current is more sinusoidal than the output voltage. Based on simulation, the THD of the output voltage is 0.54%. The simulation and experimental output voltages of the level creator part are shown in Fig. 17(a) and (b), respectively. Unlike the symmetric topology, in the asymmetric topology the zero voltage level can be generated by the level creator part. Fig. 18 shows the efficiency of the proposed 15-level asymmetric topology and that of the asymmetric CHB versus M. As shown in the figure, the efficiency of the proposed topology is higher. 5.3. Results for the proposed hybrid topologies Fig. 19(a) and (b) shows the hybrid topology based on the proposed symmetric and asymmetric topology, respectively. These multilevel inverters are used for simulation studies of the hybrid topologies. As shown in Fig. 19(a), the proposed symmetric hybrid topology uses 5 dc voltage sources, each of which 50 V, and a 300 V dc voltage source for the added H-bridge. Therefore, the maximum output voltage will be 550 V for the proposed symmetric hybrid topology, 4 dc voltage sources of 100 V, 200 V, 400 V and 800 V have been used so that the maximum output voltage will be 1500 V. Fig. 20 shows the simulation results for the proposed symmetric hybrid topology (Fig. 19(a)). In this figure, from top to bottom the traces are vo1 , vo2 , the load voltage and the load current. As the figure shows the rated load voltage (550 V) is divided almost equally between the two parts of the multilevel inverter. The simulation results for the proposed asymmetric hybrid topology (Fig. 19(b)) are shown in Fig. 21. The figure shows the output voltage of the two series-connected parts, the load voltage and the load current. As the figure shows the rated load voltage (1500 V) is divided almost equally between the two parts of the multilevel inverter leading to reduction in the voltage rating of the switches used in the H-bridge parts. Therefore, the hybrid topologies will be more suitable for higher voltage applications. 6. Conclusion In this paper, two new topologies are proposed for multilevel inverters. One of the proposed topologies is a symmetric multilevel and the other is asymmetric multilevel inverter. The proposed multilevel inverters use reduced number of switching devices in comparison with the other topologies. For instance, a 15-level inverter based on the proposed symmetric topology uses 18 IGBTs where the CHB multilevel inverter uses 28 IGBTs. An 11-level inverter based on the proposed asymmetric topology uses 10 IGBTs. An 11-level asymmetric CHB multilevel inverter uses 12 IGBTs. 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