Aim:To study the operation of half wave rectifier. To find is:1-Ripple Factor. 2-Efficiency. 3-Percentage Regulation. Components:Name Quantity 1 1 Diodes 1N4007(Si) Resistor 1kΩ Equipments:Name CRO CRO probes Digital Ammeter Range Quantity (0-20)MHz 2 1 1 1 200mA Digital Voltmeter Transformer Connecting Wires 0-20V 220V/9V, 50Hz 1 Theory:The Half-Wave Rectifier:A diode is connected to an ac source that provides the input voltage, and to a load resistor, forming a halfwave rectifier, As in the following figure:- When the sinusoidal input voltage goes positive, the diode is forward-biased and conducts current through the load resistor, As in the following figure:- The current produces an output voltage across the load, which has the same shape as the positive half-cycle of the input voltage. 2 When the input voltage goes negative during the second half of its cycle, the diode is reverse-biased, In this case no current, so the voltage across the load resistor is zero, As in the following figure:- The net result is that only the positive half-cycles of the ac input voltage appear across the load. Effect of Diode barrier potential on HalfWave Rectifier Output Voltage:diode barrier potential is taken into account, During the positive half-cycle, the input voltage must overcome the barrier potential before the diode becomes forwardbiased, This results in a half-wave output voltage with a peak value that is 0.7V less than the peak value of the input voltage, As in the following figure:- 3 When you work with diode circuits, it is often practical to neglect the effect of barrier potential when the peak value of the applied voltage is much greater (at least ten times) than the barrier potential. Ripple Factor:Ripple factor is defined as the ratio of the effective value of AC components to the average DC value. It is denoted by the symbol " γ". Rectification Factor:The ratio of output DC power to input AC power is defined as efficiency. ƞ 4 Circuit Diagram:Half Wave Rectifier:- Fig.1:Circuit diagram of Half-wave rectifier Procedure:Half Wave Rectifier:1-Connect the circuit as shown in the fig.1. 2-Connected the multimeter across the 1kΩ load. 3-Measure the AC and DC voltages by setting multimeter to ac and dc mode respectively. 5 4-Now calculate the ripple factor using the following formula. 5-Connect the CRO channel-1 across input and channel2 across output i.e load and Observe the input and output Waveforms. 6-Now calculate the peak voltage of input and output waveforms and also the frequency. Observations:Input signal RL Output Signal VAC(V) VDC(V) Ripple Factor 10kΩ 6 Vm p-p(v) Frequency(Hz) Vm p-p(v) Frequency(Hz) 230 50 25 50 Calculations:1-Ripple Factor =____________. 2-Percentage Regulation =_____________. Expected Waveforms:- 7 8 9 Result:1-Half Wave rectifier characteristics are studied. 2-Ripple factor of half wave rectifier =__________. 3- Regulation of half wave rectifier =__________. Viva Questions:1-What is a rectifier? Answer:A rectifier is an electrical device composed of one or more diodes that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), A diode is like a one-way valve that allows an electrical current to flow in only one direction, This process is called rectification. 2-What is a ripple factor? Answer:The ratio of r.m.s value of ac component to the dc component in the rectifier output is known as ripple factor. 10 3-What is a efficiency? Answer:The ratio of dc power output to the applied input ac power is known as rectifier efficiency. Rectifier efficiency ƞ= 4-What is PIV? Answer:Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) is an important parameter of a diode,It is the maximum voltage that can be safely applied to the diode in its reverse direction without breakdown. 5-What are the applications of rectifier? Answer:1- The primary application of the rectifier is to derive DC power from AC power. 2- Rectifiers are used inside the power supplies of almost all electronic equipment, In power supplies, the rectifier is normally placed in series following the transformer, a smoothing filter and possibly a voltage regulator. 11 6-Given some rectifications technologies? Answer:Synchronous rectifier, Vibrator, Motor-generator set, Electrolytic. 7-What is the efficiency of beidge rectifier? Answer:The maximum rectifier efficiency of a bridge rectifier is 81.2%. The reference of the theory:Electronics Fundamentals Circuits, Devices and Application. Thomas L. Floyd David L. Buchla Eighth Edition 12