Super-Open-Bouundary Quadridge Hornn Antennas Vicente Rodriguez ETS-Lindgren L.P. 13011 Arrow Point Dr. Cedar Park TX 78613 USA Abstract—The present work shows the cooncept of the open boundary quadridge horn (OBQH) introducced in 2005 [1] now scaled to lower frequencies. The concept has been taken to extremes by also opening the feed cavity of the horn leaving a fully unbounded antenna. The resulting antenna, although large in size, offers excellent VSWR and gain. The antenna is designed nted to the wall of a to perform both as a standalone unit or moun chamber nested in the absorber treatment. In addition to the antenna introduced in [2] a secondary antenn na operating over a higher frequency range is also introduced. I. INTRODUCTION While attending technical symposiumss and trade shows related to antenna measurements the author became aware of a need in the industry to perform more accuurate measurements at lower frequencies. The lowest frequency of interest in all these cases is around 100MHz. At thesse frequencies the preferred anechoic chamber or range to perform the measurement is a taper anechoic chamberr. Taper chambers have their own limitations. Among them is the need for a horn antenna. Logarithmic periodic dipole arrayy (LPDA) antennas have a geometry that is opposite that of the taper chamber. As frequency increases the radiating element moves m further away from the taper walls. This separation causess the taper chamber not work as intended creating an illumination that has a lot of ripple across the quiet zone (QZ). In I addition when performing Radar Cross Section or any othher test where there a pulse involve LPDA can distort the pulsse because of their radiation mechanism. So Horns are needded at these lower frequencies and because of their large phhysical size it is a better approach to have a dual linearly polaarized horn, whose polarization can be switched by using RF sw witches, rather than mechanically rotating the antenna which potentially could be extremely large. In reference [1] a horn is introduced thhat had no metal or dielectric flare. This horn operated horn was w a dual linearly polarized horn for the S-Ku band. Based on this development the horn introduced in [3] was developed. This T horn improved some of the deficiencies on the pattern off similar horns that operated in the same 400MHz to 6GHz range. r The pattern problems were corrected using the same teechniques shown in [4]. To create a horn for the 100MHz to 1G GHz range the most sensible approach was to scale the hornn developed in [3] which is shown in fig. 1. 978-1-4244-9561-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 1251 Fig. 1 The 300MHz to 6GHz dual poolarized Open Boundary Quad Ridge Horn developed in [3]. While the development of the horn h described in reference [3] has shown that the design is scalable the problem is that scaling a horn is in some caases mechanically a very big challenge and in many cases the result is an antenna that although having the expectted performance it is not economically feasible to manufa facture. II. SCALIN NG ISSUES The horn shown in figure 1 was scaled and analysed numerically using CST MW stuudio. The results show that the resulting antenna had the expeccted performance for the range of interest. However at 1.67m by b 1.67m by 1.52m (see figure 2) Fig. 2. The 100MHz to 1GHz Open Bouundary Quad-ridge horn (OBQH) showing the dimensions in ft. This was a physically veryy large antenna with a lot of weight. The weight of the ridgges can be reduce by using an aluminium honeycomb sandw wich structure where the low weight honeycomb is sandwichhed between to thin sheets of aluminium. This structure is very strong and rigid while having a very low weight. Annother approach is to have the ridges hollowed as shown in figgure 3. AP-S/URSI 2011 through connector to get the signals to the inputs of the antenna. The actual; implementation of the design is shown in fig. 6. The braces between the ridges are towards the front of the horn as the mechanical designer deemed that no braces were necessary close to the feed. The ridges are an aluminum honeycomb sandwich and the overall weight of the horn was only 69kg. The performance of the horn was adequate for the use as a measurement antenna. The measured VSWR, and measured cross port isolation are shown in figures 7 and 8. The computed patterns where used to obtain the Half Power Beamwidth shown in figure 9. Fig. 3. The same OBQH with the hollowed ridges for weight reduction. The holes on the ridges do not have a significant effect of the performance. This is evident in figure 4 where the results of the horn with and without the hole are compared. Fig 5. The OBQH antenna with open cavity. The dielectric struts for additional mechanical support of the ridges are also modelled. Fig. 4. The VSWR with and without the hole. Additionally the result with a smaller gap between the ridges at the feed point is shown. The problem of the high weight of the ridges has two possible solutions as to how to mechanically implement the design. One is to hollow the ridge and the other is to use a honeycomb sandwich. The feed cavity is a more complicated problem. The horns described in [2] and [3] had cavities machined of a single piece. This approach means that the horn can be mounted by the flange to the shield of the chamber to maintain the shielding integrity of the enclosure. However, for the scaled horn this cavity is 45cm in diameter and the flange is 1.01 m in diameter. Machining the internal features of the cavity becomes extremely difficult and expensive. It is not practical to do so. A different approach must be used to implement this horn. Octagonal cavities have been used in the past in place of circular ones. The cavity can then be manufactured of smaller pieces fastened together to complete the octagonal cavity. The results for the octagonal cavity versus the circular cavity show almost no change. This brought up the idea of having a totally open horn where the cavity is also “open boundary”. III. THE SUPER-OPEN BOUNDARY HORN Figure 5 shows the horn with the open cavity. The trade off of this design is that when mounted on the wall of an anechoic enclosure it is necessary to have a penetration panel with feed 1252 Fig. 7. Computed S11 from the Horn shown in figure 5. The concept of the open cavity was also applied to the higher frequency model 3164-08 [5]. The results show that the Super-OBQRH concept can be used at different frequency ranges. While the horn in [5] has a lower frequency of 700MHz, the Super-OBQRH version can be pushed down to 450MHz and is even usable down to 400MHz. Figures 10 and 11 show the resulting design and its performance. IV. CONCLUSION The paper has shown the limitations of scaling horn designs. [2] The limitations on the machining of large parts forced the designer to arrive to a design that could be implemented. The result is a horn of moderate size with a good performance from 100MHz to 1.5GHz. This horn can be used as a feed in [3] taper chambers or in large rectangular chambers or in outdoor ranges. The low VSWR (under 2:1 from 105MHz to 1GHz) makes it also usable for pulse and radar applications. [4] REFERENCES [1] V. Rodriguez, “An Open-Boundary Quad-ridged Guide Horn Antenna for Use as a source in Antenna Pattern Measurement Anechoic Chambers” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 2, April 2006. Fig. 8. Measured cross port isolation. [5] V. Rodriguez “Open Boundary Quadridge Horn Antenna for the 80 MHz to 1 GHz Range: A Dual Polarized Solution for Testing Antennas in the VHF and UHF Ranges” 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Barcelona, Spain 12-16 April 2010 V. Rodriguez, S. Weinreb “A Lower Frequency (UHF and S-Band) Open Boundary Quadridged Horn Antenna and the Use of the S to Ku band Horn as a Feed for Reflectors” 29th Annual Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium AMTA 2007, St. Louis MO, Nov. 4-9 2007 V. Rodriguez, “Recent Improvements to Dual Ridge Horn Antennas: The 200MHz to 2GHz and 18GHz to 40GHz Models” 2009 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. Austin, TX Aug 17-21 2009. 3164-08 Open Boundary Quad-Ridged Horn Antenna. Fig. 10. The 400MHz to 10GHz Super Open Boundary Quad-Ridged Horn. Fig. 9. Computed half power beamwidth. Fig. 6. A picture of one of the Super-OBQH with open cavity. Fig. 11. VSWR of the antenna featured in Fig 10. 1253