GANPAT UNIVERSITY U.V.PATELCOLLEGEOFENGINEERING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LABORATORY JOURNAL B.TECH SEMESTER II 2ES112: BASIC ELECTRONICS This is to certify that MR/Miss/Mrs. Roll No. satisfactorily Of 2nd Semester completed Biomedical the Class Course has in Within four walls of U.V.Patel College of Engineering, Kherva. DateofSubmission................. StaffinCharge…...…........ HeadofDep artment………………………… INDEX Sr. No. Title Page From To 1. To study about Basic electronics component Usage and their measurement. 2. To study and perform Voltage-current (V-I) characteristics of a diode. 3. To study Rectifiers Circuits Half Wave rectifier 4 To study Rectifiers Circuits bridge and Full Wave Rectifier. 5. To study and perform Zener diode as voltage regulator. 6 To study and perform clipper circuits. 7. To study and perform the clamper circuits. 8. To obtain characteristics of common base configuration of bipolar transistor. 9. To obtain Characteristics of Common Emitter configuration of bipolar Transistor. 10. To study and plot the VI characteristics of MOSFET Drain Characteristics 11. To verify the truth table of various types of logic gate using trainer kit. Initials Date Date of of of Remarks Start Completion start