Constructivism Approach in Learning Mathematics The constructivist experts agree that learning mathematics involves active manipulation of meanings not just numbers and formulas. Therefore, experts recommend providing an effective learning environment where students can reach the basic concepts of mathematics themselves. Mathematics itself is a lesson that emphasizes world activity (ratio), which means that mathematics is taken a lot from our daily lives that are modeled into mathematical models. For that reason, teachers in providing mathematics material must use a constructivism approach that is close to the activities we do everyday. Learning will not achieve maximum goals if the steps of learning are ignored. Likewise the application of the constructivism approach has several steps. The steps of learning mathematics with a constructivism approach include the following: 1. Look for and use students' questions and ideas to guide the lesson and the whole teaching unit 2. Letting students express their ideas 3. Developing leadership, collaboration, information seeking, and student activities as a result of the learning process 4. Using students' thoughts, experiences, and interests to direct the learning process 5. Develop the use of alternative sources of information both in the form of written materials and materials from experts Previously it has been stated that according to constructivism, knowledge cannot be simply transferred from the teacher to students. That is, students are required to be mentally active in building their knowledge structures based on their cognitive maturity. In other words, students are not just 'bottles' or collections of the knowledge given by the teacher. In building student activity, the teacher directs them to form (construct) mathematical knowledge so that a mathematical structure is obtained. This makes the teacher's position to negotiate with students, not giving final answers to student questions. This negotiation means in the form of submitting questions back (feedback), or statements that can make students think further so that their mastery of mathematical concepts is stronger. Teachers are also expected to try to develop students' abilities to reflect and evaluate the quality of student construction.