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David Copperfield Study Guide Questions

David Copperfield
1. What three items does David recall being in his backyard?
2. Why does the best parlour seem doleful to David?
3. What memories does David have about the churchyard?
4. David says that the fruit on the trees in his yard were “riper and richer than fruit has even been since, in any other
garden. ”What does this reveal about his view of those early years?
5. What is David’s reaction to the gentleman with “beautiful black hair and whiskers”who walked his mother home?
6. What causes the argument between David’s mother and Peggotty after David has fallen asleep?
7. List three characteristics of Murdstone’s face that David sees upon scrutiny?
8. What joke did Murdstone, Quinion, and Pasnidge make at David’s expense?
9. What is David’s mother’s reaction when David tells her what the men had said about her?
him at the door?
11. Who informs David that he has a new father? When is he told?
12. What has happened to David’s bedroom while he was away?
13. Who does David’s mother blame for David’s attitude toward the marriage?
14. What implied threat does Mr. Murdstone make to David in an attempt to force him to succumb to his authority?
15. What happens to make a bad situation worse for David?
16. What purpose does David feel his imposed lessons really served?
17. What does Mr. Murdstone do when David is not able to recite his lesson correctly?
18. In what way does David believe he has changed by the end of six months with his new father?
19. What keeps David from becoming “almost stupefied”?
20. According to David, what do the books do for him?
21. How is he punished for his action?
22. What plan for David’s future does Peggotty reveal to him? How does she communicate with David?
23. What promise does Peggotty make to David?
24. To what source does David attribute his mother’s tears when he sees her just before leaving for school?
25. what does that comment of David’s indicate about his attitude toward and understating of life?
26. How well do you think Dickens succeeds in telling things from a child’s point of view? Explain?
11. What does that comment of David’s indicate about his attitude toward and understating of life?