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Bread Mold Lab: Experiment & Data Analysis

Bread Mold Lab
1) Look at the slice of bread on your table. Write down
some observations about the physical properties of
the bread
2) Trace the slice of bread on a piece of graph paper
Question: Come up with a question that you are going to find
the answer to during this lab.
Hypothesis: Predict what you think will happen if we place
one drop of water on the edge of the bread and then put it in bag
for a few days.
Experiment/ Procedure:
Day 1:
 Put a drop of water on the corner edge of your bread.
 Put your bread in a bag
 Place your bag in a warm, dark corner of the room.
On the first day you see mold:
 Sketch the shape of the moldy area on your graph paper
For the next 5 days:
 Use a different color to sketch the next growth
Record Data:
Count the number of squares that were covered with mold each
Number of squares
On a separate sheet of graph paper, create a graph that shows
the growth of the mold each day.
Make sure you:
 Give your graph a title
 Label all axis
 Create an appropriate scale
 Write neatly and clearly!