Uploaded by Mary Beth Westbrook

Reading Workshop Choice Board Assignment

Reading Workshop Choice Board
Due: Monday, December 16 , 2019
Directions: Choose three blocks of your choice and complete the assignments that correlate to those blocks;
No matter what you choose, you MUST use the center block as one of your three blocks!!!
Do not lose your book given to you with this assignment as it has been issued to you. Do not leave the
assignment until the last minute. This is going to take some time to complete.
Journal Entries: create 5-7, 1-2
paragraph journal entries as if you
were writing a diary or record of
the events. You will be writing
from the point of view of one of
the characters in the story
about their experiences. You
may NOT choose the main
Cause and Effect Maps: Using a
basic multi-flow thinking map as a
base, identify 2 major events, with
a min. of 3 causes and 3 effects
for each event. This means that
you will do two complete cause
and effect maps, one for each
event you choose.
Create a soundtrack: using only
music with lyrics, select pieces of
music for the opening, climax, and
conclusion of the book. With each
musical selection, write 3-5
sentences to explain your
selection and how the music and
lyrics reflect the tone and mood of
the story.
Director’s Chair: If you were to
make this novel into a movie, who
would you cast to play the
characters? You will select a
famous person to play each of the
main characters in the list
provided. For each character,
write an explanation of 4-6
sentences explaining why the
famous person you chose would
best depict that character. Use
specific evidence from the text to
support your answers.
Reader Response Journal: For
each chapter of your book, give a
short summary of what happened
in that chapter (1-2 sentences).
Then give your personal reaction
to those events (2-3 sentences).
For longer books, chapters can be
combined. See me if you want to
chunk chapters together.
PowerPoint: Create a 15 slide
(minimum) PowerPoint analyzing
the major themes of your novel.
You must include at least three (3)
themes, five (5) quotes from the
novel, and three (3) pictures. A
slide must be added to list your
Poem: Write a 20 line poem from
the point of view of any character
in the novel EXCEPT the main
character. The poem should
include one quote from the novel
and each line must cointain
between five (5) and fifteen (15)
words. Create an appropriate title
for your poem. You will also write
a paragraph explaining why you
chose your character, the mood of
the poem, and explain what
message you wanted to convey.
Artistic Representation: You will
choose a quote from the novel
and paint/draw a visual
representation of that quote. The
picture must capture the mood
and emotion of the quote. Your
quote will need to be a part of the
picture. You will also write a
paragraph explaining why your
chose the quote and how your
picture represents the mood and
emotion of the quote.
Symbolism Circle Map: Using a
basic circle map thinking map as a
base, identify a symbol that is
represented in the story. Place the
symbol in the center ring, then
identify a min. of 3 times the
symbol is emphasized or stressed
in the book( citing the page # &
text selection where used), and
then in the outside box or square
3 demonstrations of the
significance of the symbol.