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Rethinking Asia: Power Shift & Global Perceptions

John Dave R. Cabunoc
G-12 St. Thomas
Title: “Rethinking Asia”
What is it like to be taken over by a Chinese firm? Executives, speaking to The
Economist tell of hungry decisiveness, followed by strange opacity: who is in charge,
what really do they want? When Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s dignified opposition
leader, was released from house arrest after 15 odd years, on and off, she spoke of using
a mobile phone for the very first time (‘It felt very inadequate to me;, she said: ‘It was
so small’). Her ignorance of one of the basic tools of modern life gave a small insight
into her long and unjust imprisonment.
Therein two views of Asia. The anxious: ‘They are predatory—what do they
want’? And the superior: ‘They do what we would not’ (never mind cases of
unjust imprisonment closer to home). As any tourist will tell you, who has signed
up to wander the foothills of the Himalayas, or trek through villages in Northern
Thailand to see ‘how they really live’, Asia (or ‘The East’) exemplifies the
unknown, a place where—by rubbing up against the curious and the
unfamiliar—we might discover something about ourselves.
Like latter day Marco Polos, we are in love with difference. ‘Let me tell you’, he
fizzes, ‘the truly amazing facts about the greatest lord of the Lords of all the Tartars, the
right noble Great Khan whose name is Kubilai….’ Chasing the exotic, we are secure in
the belief that it can always be found elsewhere (we are our own reference point—there
is nothing exotic about known and knowable us). At the root of the security, is an
unthinking arrogance. We are the ones to do the discovering: our vantage point is
privileged because history has made it so. Unequal wealth, colonialism, and all its
crimes have conferred a sense that it is we who explore, we who conquer and own.
But the balance of power is shifting. It is all about power after all. Marco Polo—the
world’s first travel writer—understood that. He was a merchant, first, and the riches he
describes with such relish were all there to be traded, or taken: ‘The province produces
plenty of camlets and other cloths of gold, silk, and fustian, and many sorts of spice that
were never seen in our country…’
Buy a world map in China, and China (the Middle Kingdom) is in the centre; not
ragged islands on the edges of Europe, fringed by a small sea. We have not come to
terms with Asia’s rise, and can have no conception of what it means for us (beyond,
perhaps, a nagging anxiety that it can’t be good). As power shifts to the twin giants of
China and India, we can only realise we are small, and what we think might not matter
very much.
Odd, then, that our perceptions of Asia have changed so little (China: kung fu
movies, cheap electricals; India: the Taj Mahal, yoga, call centres). The political
shorthand is equally crude: when China is the news, human rights abuses are reported;
India: border wars, or nuclear ambition. If economic success is described, it is in a tone
of worry, not admiration. Perhaps most curious is how little Asia is mentioned at all.
This will change, inevitably. Soon, we will be the objects of curiosity; the observer
is fast becoming the observed. We will grow used to our relative insignificance. What
do those Chinese executives want? We had better learn fast. We need to adapt to a
different world view, one in which we are no longer in the centre of the map.
Kate Hoyland is the author of The Icarus Diaries, a literary thriller. For many years,
she was a producer at the BBC World Service, specialising in Asian and international
news. As a journalist, she has worked across Asia—from Bangkok, to Beijing, to
Seoul—and now lives with her young son in London, where she divides her time
between writing, counselling, and training for the BBC.
This article was made by Kate Hoyland to open our eyes about the economic growth
of Asian countries.Executives, speaking to The Economist tell of hungry decisiveness,
followed by strange opacity: who is in charge, what really do they want? According to her
article there are two views of Asia. The anxious: ‘They are predatory “what do they
want?” And the superior: ‘They do what we would not’ (never mind cases of unjust
imprisonment closer to home). Kate also mentioned the expedition of Marco Polo which
explains the economic success of other Asian countries.
Kate Hoyland is the author of The Icarus Diaries, a literary thriller. For many years,
she was a producer at the BBC World Service, specialising in Asian and international
news. As a journalist, she has worked across Asia from Bangkok, to Beijing, to Seoul and
now lives with her young son in London, where she divides her time between writing,
counselling, and training for the BBC.
Economic growth refers to the rate of increase in the total production of goods and
services within an economy. Economic growth increases the productivity capacity of an
economy, thereby allowing more wants to be satisfied. A growing economy increases
employment opportunities, stimulates business enterprise and innovation. A sustained
economic growth is fundamental to any nation wishing to raise its standard of living and
provide a greater well being for all. .Even factors determine economic growth. Natural
resources such as land, mineral deposits, waterways; climatic conditions provide an
essential foundation to economic growth. Combined with the other resources of capital,
labor and enterprises, natural resources can be developed and organized to increase the
productive capacity if the nation. Consequently the quality and size of the labor force is a
major determinant of economic growth. Education and vocational training are essential the
growth potential of a nation.
Globalization, aided by Internet development and ease of travel, has permanently
changed the world for both better and worse (Friedman, 2008). For this write up, we look at
the relative dangers and advantages of globalization for developing countries and how they
can capitalize on the advantages and avoid the dangers of Globalization. What is
Globalization?There is a wealth of literature on Globalization. Most authors have defined
Globalization as the increased economic interdependence amongst countries. Friedman
(2008) defines Globalization as globalized trade, political forces, Supply chaining and
outsourcing. Palmer (2004) defines Globalization as a complex global system in which
state-enforced restrictions are eliminated.
Globalization motives are idealistic, as well as opportunistic, but the development of
global free market has benefited large corporations based in the Western world. Its
remains mixed for workers, cultures, and small businesses around the globe, in both
developed and emerging nations.
On the upside, it can raise the standard of living in poor and less developed countries
by providing job opportunity, modernization, and improved access to goods and services.
On the downside, it can destroy job opportunities in more developed and high-wage
countries as the production of goods moves across borders.
Globalization is not a new concept. Traders traveled vast distances in ancient times
buy commodities that were rare and expensive for sale in their homelands. The Industrial
Revolution brought advances in transportation and communication in the 19th century
eased trade across borders.
Globalization is a social, cultural, political, and legal phenomenon. Socially, it leads to
greater interaction among various populations. Culturally, globalization represents the
exchange of ideas, values, and artistic expression among cultures. Globalization also
represents a trend toward the development of single world culture.