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Greek Archaeology Exam Monuments List

ARH 215 Archaeology of the Greek World
Final Exam Monuments List
Temple of Zeus, Olympia, ca. 480-460 BC
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, ca. 480-470 BC
Parthenon, Architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates, Sculptor: Phidias, Acropolis, Athens, 447-432 BC
(with sculpture)
Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens, ca. 421-406 BC
Propylaia, Architect: Mnesikles, Acropolis, Athens, 435-404 BC
Temple of Athena Nike, Architect, Mnesikles, Acropolis, Athens, ca. 420 BC
Nike Balustrade, Acropolis, Athens, ca. 410-405 BC
Hephaisteion, Agora, Athens, ca. 450 BC
Stoa Poikile, Agora, Athens, ca. 475-460 BC
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios, Agora, Athens, 430-420 BC
SE Fountain House, Agora, Athens, ca. 420 BC
Kritios Boy, by Kritios, Marble, Athens, ca. 490 BC
The Tyrranicides, Kritios and Nesiotes, Marble, Athens, ca. 490 BC
Artemision Zeus, Bronze, Artemision, ca. 460 BC
Diskobolos, Marble, Myron, Roman Copy, ca. 450 BC
Doryphoros, by Polykleitos, Roman Copy, Museo Nazionale, Naples, 440 B.C.
Nike of Paionios, Olympia, 420 B.C.
Athena, Attic Red Figure Neck Amphora, Berlin Painter, ca. 490 BC
The Revelers, Attic Red Figure Kylix, Brygos Painter, ca 500 B.C.
Apollo and Artemis Slaughter the Niobids, Attic Red Figure Kalyx Krater, Niobid Painter, ca.
460 BC
Temple of Apollo at Bassae, 420-390 B.C.
Temple of Apollo at Didyma, ca. 330 BC
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, for Mausolus and Artemisia, ca. 350 BC
Agora, Priene, 399-300 BC
Altar of Athena Polias, Priene, 399-300 BC
Pastas Houses, Olynthos, ca. 432-318 BC
Eirene and Ploutos, by Kephisodotos, Roman Copy of Greek Original from the Athenian Agora,
marble, ca. 374-360 BC
Hermes and Infant Dionysos, Precinct of Temple of Hera, Olympia, by Praxiteles, Marble, ca.
340 BC
Aphrodite of Knidos, Praxiteles, Marble, ca. 400-330 BC
Apoxyomenos, Lysippos, Roman Copy of 350-325 BC original
Pothos, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, orignial by Skopas, ca. 330 BC
Philippeion, Olympia, Marble, ca. 330 BC
Tomb of Philip, Great Tumulus, Vergina, ca. 350-300 BC
Alexander the Great, by Lysippos, Alexandria, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Marble, ca. 332-300 BC
Alexander the Great as Zeus Ammon, Silver Tetradrachm of Lysimachus, ca. 323-281 BC
Battle of Issos, Alexander Mosaic, House of the Faun, Pompeii, after wall painting of Philoxenos
of Eretria, original ca. 310 BC
Dying Gaul, Roman Copy of Greek Original, ca. 220 BC
Suicidal Gaul, Roman Copy of Greek Original, ca. 220 BC
Great Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, ca. 175-150 BC
Tyche of Antioch, Eutychides, Marble Roman Copy of ca. 300 BC Original in Bronze
Nike of Samothrace, Pythokritos of Rhodes?, Marble, ca. 180 BC
Sleeping Satyr (Barberini Faun), Rome, Marble, ca. 200 BC
Sleeping Eros, Bronze, ca. 150-100 BC
Crouching Aphrodite, Roman Copy, Marble, ca. 200-150 BC
Aphrodite, Pan, and, Eros, Guild of the Poseidoniasts of Berytos, Delos, Marble, ca. 100 BC
Old Market Woman, Marble, Late Hellenistic Copy of 300-200 BC Original
Terme Boxer, Rome, Bronze, ca. 100-50 BC
Eumenes II, Pergamon, Marble, ca. 180 BC
Terme Ruler, Rome, Bronze, ca. 150 BC
Monument of Aemili us Paulus, Delphi, Marble, ca. 167 BC
Exam Format
Section I. Unknown Images. Provide an educated guess as to the provenience, artist (if
applicable), and date of the unknown images. Be sure to discuss the images in conjunction with
known examples with which they share similarities. Identify three (3) of the following 4 images.
(15 pts.)
Section II. Short Answer. Answer two (2) of the following 3 questions related to the images
below. (20 pts.) (I will provide known images and ask questions related to them).
Section III. Synthetic Essay. Answer one (1) of the following essay questions on a broad
theme found throughout the semester. (20 pts.)