Uploaded by Abigail Florence Taghoy

Architecture & Design Terms: Enfilade, Terazzo & More

Additional terms to remember:
Enfilade – arrangement of rooms where the doors are aligned
Terazzo – chips of marble which were embedded in cement and were ground smooth
Cartona – combination of fresco and stucco
Scagliola – an imitation of marble composed of gypsum, marble chips, coloring materials, and
Oysterwork – a decorative technique using small branches of trees laid on structure in circular
Burl – a finishing style in furniture which looked like a tumor growth on a tree trunk that
produces a tortoise shell effect
Rocaille – French word referring to rocks, shells, and the shell-shaped ornaments used on
Trumeaux – French term referring to the portion above doors and fireplace mantels which
usually add decorative treatments
Grisaille painting – a type of painting with one tone in various tints and shades giving an
impression of sculptural relief
Escutcheon – a protective plate surrounding the keyhole of a door, switch, drawer handles, etc.
Chiffoniere – a cupboard secretary; a work table usually for women with little drawers and
removable trays for tea
Toilet table – a drawing table usually found in the bedroom which is considered as the most
graceful furniture