Dial-up Internet access From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dial-up Internet access is a form of Internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a connection to an Internet service provider (ISP) by dialing a telephone number on a conventional telephone line. Dial-up connections use modems to decode audio signals into data to send to a router or computer, and to encode signals from the latter two devices to send to another modem. nternet access is the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to the Internet using computer terminals, computers, and other devices; and to access services such as email and the World Wide Web. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dial-up_Internet_access DSL is defined as an abbreviation that stands for digital subscriber line which is defined as the way a computer connects to the Internet at high speeds using telephone lines. An example of DSL is the phone service that might be down when your Internet connection isn't working. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enPH831PH831&ei=6DRfXr-DHKTKmAW5IWQCg&q=DSL+ways+of+internet+connection&oq=DSL+ways+of+internet+connection&gs_l=psyab.3...25365.27406..27877...0.2.. Cable modem A cable modem is a hardware device that allows your computer to communicate with an Internet service provider over a landline connection. It converts an analog signal to a digital signal for the purpose of granting access to broadband Internet. A cable modem works by connecting a coaxial cable and then a Cat 5 (Ethernet) cord from the modem to a computer or network router. Network routers are used to share your Internet connection between multiple computers. WIRELESS Wireless Internet enables wireless connectivity to the Internet via radio waves rather than wires on a person's home computer, laptop, smartphone or similar mobile device. ... Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless LANs are also options for wireless Internet connectivity. SATELLITE INTERNET Satellite internet is simple. Your computer sends a signal request through your modem to your satellite dish and then up to a provider's orbiting satellite, which sends a signal to the provider. Then, the provider transmits the signal back to the satellite, then to your dish, your modem, and finally, your computer. Cellular Mobile broadband is the marketing term for wireless Internet access delivered through cellular towers to computers and other digital devices using portable modems. ... Some mobile services allow more than one device to be connected to the Internet using a single cellular connection using a process called tethering. Activities: ENCIRCLE THE MISSING WORDS BELOW: 1. PESONET 2. SATELLITE 3. CELLULAR 4. INTERNET 5. CABLE MODEM 6. COMPUTER 7. NETWORK 8. BROAD BAND 9. WIFI 10. WIRELESS C A B L E M O D E M P H N K W F P E S O N E T U G O D K M I S Q W E R T Y U K I I D D B F A L H K B E A J R N A A S R I T C E L L U L A R T S S G O G E J L N U J K R E E M L F A F L S D V I G L B D R W B I D R L F C I O E A N D N Q J K B E I G O U A X Z S S E A I L A S T U M I K T S D S T S O L N D E H P E H M M O K H R R H D A D F U S N E T W O R K E G R W F G T R G H H L L S R D F E Q L F E E U Y H W W D R S G G J W I R E L E S S E R H A G H G