Company Introduction 2017 Clean Ship Scandinavia AB - Your partner for sustainable shipping We assist ship owners, designers and yards in complying with current and future regulations, whilst at the same time increase the environmental awareness and understanding of environmental management systems. We have for many years been working with environmental development within the maritime and offshore sector. In respect of the serious legal and environmental issues related to discharge at sea we can provide · Consulting services - Project Management and Training courses · Cost-effective and compliant solutions for Bilge water, Sewage and Garbage. · Environmental expertise By strategic partnership with leading manufactures and organizations within the maritime and offshore sectors we can serve clients worldwide. Project Management - New-building or Retrofit projects Environmental awareness and sustainability have become important factors within the maritime industry and we are facing new challenges with new/revised regulations and standards. At the same time there is an increased focus on reducing the overhead costs for the vessel operations. Many makers approach the owners & designers and promote the excellence of their equipment, while some makers approach the yards with “good prices”… In the end of the day, some of the most important factors are often forgotten the system integration and the onboard routines! Example P&ID - Bilge water Example P&ID - Sewage/Black water/Food waste Contact us for for further information. CSS Company Introduction 2017_170214 - Problems with your bilge water separator? High operational cost? - How to design a system for black- and grey water? - What are the design parameters for a sewage treatment plant? - Can ground food waste be discharge to a sewage treatment plant? - How to avoid clogged pipes downstream a food waste disposer? Gravity vs vacuum? - Review of Garbage Management Plan and improvements of the onboard garbage management. Your partner for sustainable shipping Training courses & Workshops - In-house or on board We can provide MARPOL compliance training tailored to your particular needs. Content: - Environmental awareness and image of shipping - Past, Present and Future - Port State Controls - Regulations and IACS EP notations (Environmental Protection), i.e. DNV GL Clean (Design) - MARPOL Annex I - Bilge water - MARPOL Annex IV - Sewage - MARPOL Annex V - Garbage (incl. food wastes) Increase the understanding of MARPOL and the environmental challenges onboard! IMO Polar Code - Ships operating in Polar waters IMO has developed an international code for ships operating in polar waters, the Polar code, which contains both safety and environmental related provisions and will be mandatory under SOLAS and MARPOL. New ships constructed on/after 1 January 2017 will need to comply with relevant requirements upon delivery. Ships constructed before 1 January 2017 will need to comply with relevant requirements by the first intermediate or renewal survey, whichever comes first, after 1 January 2018. Training course/Workshop: Polar Code Part II-A - Pollution prevention measures Duration: 1 day Location: In-house at your premises or onboard. Contact Clean Ship Scandinavia AB for further information. Contact us for for further information - Publications IMO Polar Code - Introduction to Part II-A/B - Pollution Prevention This guideline includes the minimum requirements of the IMO Polar Code. Guidance for DNV GL notation Clean and Clean (Design) Summary of the requirements for Bilge water, Sewage, Grey water and Garbage. UPDATED! Clean Ship Scandinavia AB Södra Hamnen 31 SE-471 32 Skärhamn, Sweden Email: