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Hitler’s rise revision

Hitler’s rise & consolidation of power revision
Hitler and Stalin things in common
- Both ruthless, opportunistic, tactically flexible
- Both underestimated
- Boh had to win over their own parties first
Born in Austria
Beaten by father
Had sizeable fortune
Incredible memory (like Stalin)
No link to anti Semitism
State of the country prior to WW1
Germany before WW1
- Prior to 1871 made up of a lot of small states (cluster of 25 german-speaking states)
- Unified in 1871
- Franco-Prussian war victors
- Very capitalist
- Imperialist
- Industrial
- Embryonic
- Foreign policy: Bismarck chancellor under Wilhelm I - friends w everyone
- Wilhelm II has an aggressive foreign policy (came to power in 1890)
Germany on the eve of WW1
Political system (Kaiser, Chancellor, the Reichstag - what were the powers and functions of
- Prussia’s victory over France in 1871 precipitated unification and the creation of
Imperial Germany under Wilhelm
- Kaiser: (Emperor​) head of army & state
Wilhelm I from 1871-88, Friedrich III during 1888, Wilhem II from 1888 to 1918
- Imperial Germany was technologically and industrially advanced, with some
progressive social policies – however, it was also strongly shaped by militarism,
nationalism and government authoritarianism
- Pre WWI: an imperial court co-existing with a weak and deeply conservative
legislature, in which the Bundesrat (federal council) exerted more influence than the
- A one-party state, which had abolished political parties and trade unions, and only
had to fear the complaints of the church, which it also duly suppressed.
Before and during most of WWI Germany was an imperial monarchy but also with a
parliament, called the Reichstag.
- Although the Reichstag had some influence real power resided with the monarch,
Kaiser Wilhelm II.
- When it became obvious that the war was lost in 1918 the Kaiser was forced to
abdicate under pressure by the German high command.
- He went into exile to avoid prosecution as a war criminal by the victorious allies.
Political parties
- Conservatives (traditional, nationalists, authoritarian)
- Free conservatives (commercial, industry, wealthy) stood for same as conservatives
- National liberals (industrial middle classes)
- Liberal progressives (middle classes) in favour of parliamentary gov.
- Centre party (Catholic, middle and low classes, anti-Prussian and anti socialists)
- SDP (social democrats, Marxists)
Economic growth
- The economic powerhouse of Europe by 1914
- Technological revolution
- Steel, engineering, chemicals
- Spin-off industries in energy, electricity, petroleum
- Oil-based engines, siemens (electricity), pharmaceutical
- Massive urbanization
Pressure groups as a result
- Nationalists (colonial interests)
- Pan-German (German influence in Europe)
- Navy (campaign to promote navy)
- Economic (industrialists and Agricultures)
- Hitler influenced by a cult/secret group
- Known to be very racist and anti-semitic
- Believed in the Teuton people who had psychic powers
- Germanic origin
- Became base for the myth of Arian people
- The group becomes politically active after the WW1 defeat
- Set up the DAP (German Workers Party)
- Hitler was a government spy and was tasked to observe them
- Takes party over very quickly
- Members of the party see him as very inspiring
- Goering was in the party and later becomes a member of the Reichstag
- Rudolf Hess
- Heinrich Himmler
- Alfred Rosenberg
- Dietrich Eckart
- Hess and Eckart quickly came to believe Hitler was the long-awaited saviour
- The patronage of the Thule Soc. aided Hitler greatly
Dietrich Eckart
- Supported Hitler massively
- Influential poet/playwright
- Extreme right views
- Spotted Hitler’s oratory gift and started to work to refine him
- As Hitler embarked on aggressive propaganda drive (first responsibility in the party)
Thule society was abandoned in favour of the Nationalist Socialist movement
Both worked to develop party together
- Changed its name and gave it a 21 point program
- Grandmaster of the party (Sebottendorff) owned the Eher publishing house which
Hitler later bought, turning the newspaper into the Nationalist Observer, became a
major weapon in nazi propaganda
1932 Nazi party struggling
- A community of Interest of Dyestuff Industry incl.
- Group of 25 leading industrialists who helped Hitler financially
- In return, Hitler promised he would abolish trade unions and establish free trade
- Historians believe this is significant to his rise
- Danger of seeking for profit getting entwined with Nazism
Political turmoil between 1928 and 1933
- Richard Evans says WSC of 1929 broke down societies globally
- Hitler campaigning against Young’s plan at that point
- Using it as another argument against current politicians
- Grand coalition breaks down which allows extremist parties to have a chance
- Left want to introduce more welfare to help people through crisis
- Right wanted cutbacks
- Hindenburg appoints conservative Bruning
- Used article 48 to rule
Makes conditions worse
Article 48: Reichstag is bypassed, no democracy
Politics oversaw by a tight circle around Hindenburg
July 1932 Nazis have 32% and 230 seats, commies only 89 seats
Streets are a jungle
November 1932 decline in Nazi vote and increase in communist vote
Nazi still the largest party in Reichstag
Historian views
Wehler: structuralist approach, suggested how the system, largely authoritarian, in
place in the 1900s was the main cause that facilitated and enabled Hitler’s rise, and
that said system was exploitable due to its deeply rooted deficiencies. He says it
normalized an authoritarian Germany before Hitler came into play.
Broszat & Mommsen: structuralist approach, why was Hitler able to build such an
outstanding power base? They didn’t deny Hitler’s importance, but considered that
the main factor is the people: studied “ordinary” Germans, studied 3rd Reich from
bottom up.
Some historians argue that Nazism is a result of capitalism, and used it as an
argument to support communism.
Main structuralist historians to quote
- William Shirer
- Ian Kershaw
Hitler Consolidation of Power 1933-34
Reichstag fire
● Accused communists
● Leads to emergency powers
- March 5 General Election, gets more seats (still no majority)
- Enabling act March 1933
- To gain the vote he threatens people, bans communists from vote, and does many
side deals including with the catholic church
- 440 votes for, 90 against
- Only party that tries to stand against him is social democratic party, but to no
- SPD Wels criticized enabling act
- Emergency decree: possible to restrict all basic civil rights and freedoms
- Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the constitution of German Reich
- No need for parliament to pass laws (article 1)
- Suspends constitution (article 2)
- Reich Cabinet has all the power to create laws, and it is controlled by chancellor
(article 3)
- suspended until further notice
- Reforms
● Political parties banned
● Trade unions banned
● Local gov reformed
● Law courts reformed
- Hindenburg dies, Hitler combines role of chancellor and president, becomes dictator
- Night of the long knives 1934
● 85 killed
- Oath of allegiance (like kaisers)
- “Shape and mold the people until they become our slaves”
- Created a machinery of indoctrination
- Controlled the press
- Banned undesirable newspapers
- Daily press conference where he told writers what to write in tomorrow’s newspaper
- Radio systematically promoted
- Radio was nicknamed Goebbels gob
- Promoted cult around pop stars
- Surprised by how fast Hitler gained power through enabling act
Jan 34
- State parliaments are abolished
May 33
- Trade union leaders arrested
June 33
- SDP banned
April 33
- HItler creates gestapo
- Local gov reorganized (Gaus set up)
April 34
- People's court set up