“The Civil War” – by Ken Burns 1.) The Civil War was fought in ____________________ places. 2.) More than _____ million Americans fought in it, and over _______________ men, 2% of the population, died in it. 3.) In two days at Shiloh, more American men fell than in all previous _____ combined. 4.) At Cold Harbor, ___________ Americans fell in _______ minutes. 5.) Between ___________ and __________, Americans made war on each other and killed each other in great numbers, if only to become the kind of country that could no longer conceive how that was possible. 6.) What began as a bitter dispute over ___________ and ______________________ ended as a struggle over the meaning of _______________________ in America. THE CAUSE 7.) By the time the nation was founded, slavery was dying in the _______________. 8.) In 1793, a Northerner, ______________________, taught the South how to make slavery pay. 9.) The cotton gin could crank out ____________ pounds of cotton lint a day. Production soared, and so did the demand for slaves. 10.) By 1860, _____ out of every ______ Americans belonged to another American. 11.)________ million men, women, and children were slaves. ARE WE FREE? 12.) In Boston in 1831, William Lloyd Garrison began publishing a militant antislavery_______________________, The Liberator. 13.) The abolition movement grew, inspired by passionate leaders: _______________ ___________________, called “Moses” by the slaves who followed her North to freedom. 14.) ____________________________________, the son of a slave and a white man. He wrote an ______________________________________ and purchased his freedom for $600. 15.) More and more Southerners worried about the growing ____________________ and economic power of the North. Northerners were increasingly ________________ towards slavery. A HOUSE DIVIDED 16.) By mid-century, the country was deeply divided: Southerners feared the North might _________________ slavery; Northerners feared slavery might move ______. 17.) As each new __________________ was added to the Union, it threatened to upset the delicate balance of power. 18.) In 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe published ______________________________. Its portrayal of slavery’s cruelty moved readers as nothing else had. Within a year, 1,500,000 copies were in print worldwide. 19.) In 1854, Congress allowed settlers in the Kansas and Nebraska ______________ to decide for themselves whether or not to permit slavery. Kansas exploded. In the next 3 months, 200 men died in “________________________________________”. 20.) In 1857, the Supreme Court refused to free a slave, _______________________, even though he had lived for many years on free soil. Chief Justice Roger B. _______ said a black man had no rights that a white man had to respect. 21.) Violence reached the floor of the U.S. Senate, where Congressman ___________ ________________ of South Carolina savagely beat abolitionist senator Charles Sumner with his cane. Southern sympathizers sent him new canes. THE METEOR 22.) On Oct.16, 1859, the radical abolitionist ___________________________ led 18 followers into Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He planned to start a slave _______________ and head South to destroy slavery. 23.) Brown and his followers seized the federal _________________ at Harpers Ferry and took hostages, including George Washington’s great-grandnephew. Federal troops were sent from Washington, D.C. to capture Brown, led by U.S. Army colonel _______________________________. 24.) On Dec.2, 1859, John Brown was executed for _______________against a state. SECESSIONITIS 25.) The nation was coming apart. In the presidential election of 1860, the ________________ Party was fatally split over the issue of slavery. 26.) The _______________________, a new party, nominated Abraham Lincoln. 27.) On Nov.6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the presidency with only _______ of the vote. He did not even appear on the ballot in _________ Southern states. 28.) When Lincoln was elected president, there were ______ states in the Union. By the time he was inaugurated 5 months later, just ________ states remained. South Carolina was the first state to go. 29.) On Feb.18, 1861, ____________________________________ was inaugurated as president of the Confederate States of America. 30.) When Lincoln was inaugurated, he promised not to interfere with slavery, but denied the right of any state to ___________________. 4:30 AM, APRIL 12, 1861 31.) The Civil War began at ______________ on the 12th of April, 1861. 32.) General P.G.T. Beauregard ordered his Confederate gunners to open fire on ____ __________________, in Charleston, South Carolina. 33.) _________ hours later, a white flag over the fort ended the bombardment. The only ______________________ was a Confederate horse. It was a bloodless opening to the bloodiest war in American history. TRAITORS AND PATRIOTS 34.) On the day Sumter fell, the regular army of the U.S. consisted of fewer than ____ men, most of whom were stationed in the far West. 35.) Only _____ of its generals had ever commanded an army in the field, and both were long past their prime. 36.) General Winfield Scott, the hero of the __________________ War, was too fat even to ride a horse. 37.) The odds against a Southern victory were long. There were nearly ______ million people in the North, just _______ million in the Confederacy, and 4 million of them were slaves. 38.) The most promising officer in the regular army was ____________________ of Virginia, but he followed his state when Virginia seceded from the Union. 39.) Both sides thought it would be a ___________ - day war. 40.) And both sides agreed it was to be a _______________ man’s fight. AfricanAmericans who tried to sign up were turned away.