Geography 101 (Climatology) 2S, AY 2019-2020 Instructor: Darlene J. Occeña-Gutierrez, PhD Office: Pavilion 2236 / AS 101 Email: Consultation Hours: 2:00-5:00 TW, 10-12WF, others, by appointment Text: Meteorology Today whatever edition available: C. Donald Ahrens The Atmosphere 9th Ed., Lutgens and Tarbuck Any Climatology or Meteorology Textbook available in the library COURSE DESCRIPTION: Climate elements, types and regions COURSE GOALS: Understand the different atmospheric processes that contribute to the condition, changes, and distribution of the various climatic elements. Acquire the necessary skills in reading, analyzing and understanding climatic data. Appreciate the relevance of the knowledge regarding climate and the atmospheric processes in our everyday lives. Learning Outcomes: Upon successfully completing the course the student should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding and appreciation of the concepts, dynamics, and application of meteorology and climatology and their applications to everyday life. The student should be able to demonstrate familiarity with different types of meteorological phenomena and climatological data, including weather maps, satellite images, graphs, and tables. Grading: Four examinations at 100 points each plus class exercises, weather journal, or out of class assignments (100 points). Any deviation from honesty during examinations will result in a "0" with no make-up potential and a possibility of a case at the SDT. Make-up exams are scheduled and formatted at the discretion of the instructor. I do not curve grades. Class attendance and participation will be factored in and really make a difference in grades that are on the borderline. Below is the distribution of points for each exam, etc. Exam #1 100 points (20%) Exam #2 100 " (20%) Exam #3 100 " (20%) Exam #4 100 “ (20%) Weather Journal Exercises, etc. 100 " (20%) Total 500 " 100% Classroom Policies: 1. You are expected to attend class every meeting. University rules allow you only a total of 6 excused and unexcused absences. You will be asked to drop the course if this limit is exceeded. In cases of excused absences, please present medical certificate if reason for absence is sickness. 2. Punctuality, both in attendance and in the submission of the requirements, will be given emphasis in the class. Late works will be deducted by 10% of total score per meeting of late submission. A student is considered late 10 minutes after the start of class or after attendance has been checked. 3. All requirements shall be passed during class hours unless otherwise stated. For non-class-hours submissions, you can leave your works at my pigeonhole in CSSP FC 403. Please do not leave any requirements elsewhere. 4. If you have any concerns about the course or the class, please do not hesitate to contact me during my consultation hours. You can likewise e-mail on the address provided. 5. All cell phones must be turned off or placed in the silent mode. Texting or checking of messages will not be tolerated. Topics to be covered Note: Dates indicated are subject to change January 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, Feb 5 Introduction Structure of the atmosphere Elements and Controls of Climate Energy and Temperature Wind, Global Circulation Local Circulation (Winds and Ocean Currents) Exam 1 (February 7) February 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28, Mar 4, 6 Moisture, Condensation Precipitation and Clouds Air Masses and Fronts Exam 2 (March 11) March 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, April 1, 3 Thunderstorms, tornadoes Cyclones and other weather phenomena Weather Forecasting Weather Hazards Exam 3 (April 15) Lenten Break (April 6 - 10) No classes April 17, 22, 24, 29, May 6, 8 Global Climates, Climate Types Koppen Climate Classification, other climate classifications (Air-mass control, Thornthwaite’s Climate classification) Climate Change: Issues and Concerns Wrap-up and Review Exam 4 (May 13)