Good (G) OK Marginal (M) Poor (P) Entirely convincing, even compelling. Uses logical and/or emotional appeals effectively. Handles all elements of the assignment with skill; develops and supports ideas using well-chosen examples and creative details. Speaks to audience. Mostly convincing. Handles elements of the assignment with skill; develops and supports ideas in a better than average way. Considers audience. Some arguments are convincing. Handles assignment material competently; includes basic supporting information; is factually correct. Generally considers audience. Mostly unconvincing. Missing elements; leaves out essential supporting information; some minor factual errors. Too little consideration of audience. Entirely unconvincing. Missing major elements: major factual errors and misinterpretations exist. Projects a negative image of the writer and/or the organization. No consideration of audience. Mechanical Makes almost no grammatical or syntactical errors. Occasionally makes minor grammatical or syntactical errors that only a copy editor would notice. Proofreads well enough to eliminate most errors. Occasionally makes noticeable minor grammatical or syntactical errors. Occasionally makes disruptive grammatical or syntactical errors. Projects a negative image of the writer and/or the organization. Frequently makes disruptive grammatical or syntactical errors. Projects a dangerously negative image of the writer and/or the organization. Concision The words chosen are efficient and concise. All statements are relevant. Thus, expressed ideas can be more easily understood. The words chosen are to some extent concise; some irrelevant statements are included. Occasionally wordy; the words chosen are excessive and redundant or several irrelevant statements are included. Wordy; the words chosen are excessive or redundant. There is redundancy across paper sections. Some irrelevant statements or details are included. Overly wordy; the words chosen are excessive and redundant. Many irrelevant statements and details. Redundant statements. Thus, it is harder to follow the ideas expressed Clarity Entirely clear. The work follows a logical order, which can be easily identified. Background and detail support thesis well; facts and arguments are connected: there are no leaps in logic. Precise language is used. Mostly clear. The work follows a, more or less, logical order, which is not easily identified. Good background and detail; facts and arguments connected. Precise language is used. Moderately clear. The work follows a, more or less, logical order, which is not easily identified. Sufficient background and detail; facts and arguments mostly connected. Choice of language should be more precise. Too much is unclear: unclear topic sentences and arrangement of ideas, The work has a vague/weak logical structure and several logical gaps and repetitions. Weak background and detail; some facts and arguments disconnected. The words chosen are ambiguous. Mostly unclear. The work lacks an identifiable structure and it is impossible to follow many of the ideas expressed. Insufficient background or detail; facts and arguments not connected. The words chosen are ambiguous. Persuasiveness Excellent (EXC) Flow Followed Instructions / Attn to Detail Flows so well that reader does not need to reread any passage. Flows well enough so that reader rarely needs to reread any passage. More or less flows, such that a complete readthrough of the whole is necessary to understand any part. Some transitions among sentences or paragraphs are missing. The work is difficult to follow without rereading many passages, some several times. Too many transitions among sentences and paragraphs are missing. Does not flow at all. Requires several readthroughs to understand a little bit. Almost no transitions among sentences and among paragraphs. A very disorganized, unprofessional document. Followed all instructions. Missed some instructions. Too many instructions not followed.