Chapter 1 FRK 122 Present economic resource Controlled by the entity Due to past events Non-Current Asset Controlled by the entity for a period longer than 12 months Current Asset Controlled by the entity for a period shorter than 12 months Tangible non-current asset Assets one can experience with one’s natural senses Controlled by the entity for a period longer than 12 months E.g (property, plant & equipment) Intangible non-current assets Assets one cannot experience with one’s natural senses Controlled by the entity for a period longer than 12 months Cost of non-current asset = purchase price (historical price) + (any costs incurred to get asset ready for use) Asset Depreciation The systematic allocation Of the depreciable amount of an asset Over the estimated useful life of the asset To reflect the pattern in which income is generated through the useful life of the asset Depreciation accounts for the usage of an asset and is recognised as an expense in the Statement of Profit/loss… Depreciation does not account for the decrease in the value of an asset Depreciation of an asset starts when the asset is ready for use, when sold the asset will no longer be depreciated Depreciation is an expense and is a decrease in equity and is therefore debited in general journal & ledger, depreciation must be closed off in the profit/loss account Unless asset is scrapped, depreciation is recorded at the end of the financial year Depreciable amount Residual Value Useful Life Cost of the asset less its residual value This is the amount depreciation is calculated on Estimated amount asset will be worth at the end of its useful life Estimated when asset is ready for use Estimated period of time the asset will be used by the entity or the number of production units expected from the use of the asset Determined when asset is ready for use Accumulated Depreciation Depreciation expense per year is accumulated over the life of an asset, known as a contra asset (negative asset) Carrying Amount Cost of Asset – Accumulated Depreciation Reflects the amount that can still be depreciated Shows the entity has not yet recovered the full cost of the asset through usage Depreciation Methods Straight Line The same amount of depreciation is allocated every year over the useful life of the asset (fixed instalment method) (Cost – Residual) X Depreciation Rate X Number of months/12 [(Cost – Residual Value)/ Useful Life] X Number of months/12 Diminishing Balance Depreciation is calculated on the carrying amount of the asset (cost – Accumulated Depreciation) X depreciation Rate X Number of months/12 Production Unit Method Depreciation according to the actual use of the asset (Cost – Residual Value)/ estimated units X actual units/1 Asset Realisation (asset disposal) 4 ways of asset disposal Scrapping of asset – no profit realised, and no loss incurred Selling of asset – profit realised Selling of asset – loss incurred Trade-in where a loss is incurred When an asset is realised an asset realisation account is used which is used to determine whether profit was realised or if a loss was incurred, The account is not an asset, equity or liability Amortisation is depreciation for intangible assets Impairment of Assets – downward adjustment in value of a non-current asset (impairment loss) Carrying amount for intangible non-current assets = cost – accumulated amortisation Carrying amount on non-current assets = cost – accumulated depreciation The contra account for impairment losses is the accumulated impairment loss account which is a contra asset and is treated like accumulated depreciation