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Election of 1800: A US History Presentation

of 1800
What Really Happened?
Jefferson supporter & newspaper
editor, James Callender wrote
that Adams was
"that strange compound of
ignorance and ferocity, of
deceit and weakness, a
hideous, hermaphroditical
character which has neither
the force and firmness of a
man, nor the gentleness and
sensibility of a woman.”
Adams did not spread the
rumor that Jefferson was
dead, but some evidence
suggests that the Federalist
Party did.
Dirty Campaign!
• Jefferson said that Adams was a, "a blind,
bald, crippled, toothless man who is a hideous
hermaphroditic character with neither the
force and fitness of a man, nor the gentleness
and sensibility of a woman.“
• Adams, in turn, said that Jefferson was "a
mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a
half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia
mulatto father.“
• Good times, huh?
Election of 1800
• Federalists
– John Adams
• 1st sitting president
who had to
seriously campaign
to keep his job
– Running Mate:
– Charles Pinckney
• Picked because of
success from XYZ
• Democratic –Republican
– Thomas Jefferson
• VP who really
wants to be
– Running Mate:
– Aaron Burr
• Popular politician
within Democratic
–Republican party
•Despite the problems Adams faced during
his Presidency, he did run for reelection in
•Jefferson & Burr ran against him.
•Republicans criticized Adams, Adams shot
back at Jefferson.
•Jefferson campaigned for himself, while
Adams did not. He thought the people knew
enough about him, so that he didn’t have to
do that.
•Another Federalist, Alexander Hamilton,
worked against Adams. This split the
Federalist party.
Election of
★ Adams vs. Jefferson
★ Jefferson is strongest in
the West and in the South
★ Adams would have won
without the ⅗ clause in
Jefferson and Aaron Burr win – but who will be
President? The Constitution says one must win a
majority (51%) of electoral votes to become president.
The plan was for one
elector to hold a vote
back from Burr –
effectively giving him 72
(and a clear second
place). But he forgot.
Since no
majority, the
A 12th amendment will
later be passed:
Presidents and Vice
Presidents will now be
elected on separate
ballots (so no ties from
the same political party)
In the case of a tie…House of
Representatives picks the new POTUS
• In the House of Representatives
– Most of the majority political party is the Federalists:
• They refuse to vote for Thomas Jefferson
– They pick Burr just because they hate Thomas
– The Democratic-Republican’s make up the rest
• They vote for Jefferson
• What happens?
– It’s a tie vote 30
straight times…
» Then, it gets weird….(wait, it wasn’t weird, til
Enter Alexander Hamilton
• From What we know
about Hamilton (and his
feelings about Jefferson),
what do you think is going
to happen?
Alexander Hamilton
• Because he hated Aaron Burr so much…but they used to be BFFS)
Burr was a lawyer who represented a woman named
Maria Reynolds…a woman Hamilton was having an affair
• He got the Federalists to not vote at all
That way Jefferson could win!
– Becomes 3rd POTUS
• Aaron Burr is furious
– He becomes VPOTUS
– Because of this….
» Aaron Burr and Hamilton will be lifelong enemies…
• Until one shoots the other.
Even though Hamilton hated Jefferson, he apparently hated Burr MORE, and came out in
support of Jefferson, So Jefferson won the next round of votes, and the Presidency.
So what happens after the election of
• Thomas Jefferson is excited!!!
– Gets to become next POTUS (President of the United
• John Adams is very disappointed he took 3rd.
– Goes home to Massachusetts to retire.
• Greatest legacy—”peaceful transfer of power” to the opposing
political party
– Showed that our government was strong enough to
• Aaron Burr and Alex Hamilton?
– It takes 4 years, but
• It’s time to duel it out…
The U.S. Constitution gets a new
• 12th amendment
– Added in 1803
• Created 2 ballots for
presidential elections:
• 1 for POTUS
• 1 for VPOTUS
• That way there can never
be a tie again….we hope.
The Duel at Dawn…July 11, 1804
• Aaron Burr challenges
Hamilton to the duel
– They are to meet in New
• Rules of duel:
– They will march off 10
– They will turn and present
– On command, they will
fire at each other
• If they both miss, you
The Death of Alexander Hamilton
• Hamilton shoots the tree next to
• Burr shoots Hamilton in the
abdomen—the bullet pierces
his liver and lodges in his spine.
– He dies the next day
• With his death and John Adams
– The Federalist party ends.