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SAP Asset Accounting Exercise: Vendor & Fixed Asset Processes

SAP Exercise Chapter 3 03-03 & 03-04 Asset Accounting Process
Name: Mukhammad Sadriddinov
Date: 2.9.2020
Exercise 03-03
Q1: What is the transaction code to create the Vendor? XK01
Exercise 03-04
Q1: What is the transaction code to create a fixed asset? AS01
Q2: What is your asset number? 4000010
Q3: What is the current quantity of 4000? 0
Q4: What is the base unit of measure? EA (Each)
Q5: What is the useful life under book depreciation? 10
Q6: What does “ODep Start” stand for? Ordinary depreciation start
Q7: What is the transaction code to purchase a fixed asset? F-90
Q8: What does Posting Key 31 stand for? Invoice
Q9: What does Asset Transaction Type 100 stand for? External Asset Acquisition
Q10: What does the Posting Key 70 stand for? Debit Assest
Q11: What is the resulting document number? 1900000000
Q12: How many of your office computers do we have in stock? 5
Q13: What is your office computer classified as? Office Equipment and Computers
Q14: What is the depreciation life of your office computer? 10 Years
Q15: What is transaction code to view the asset explorer? AW10N
Q16: What is the amount of ordinary depreciation for the book depreciation? 916.67 USD
Q17: What is the amount of ordinary depreciation for federal tax? 733.33 USD
Q18: What is the transaction code to execute a depreciation run? AFAB
Spring 2020
Q19: What is the purpose to execute a depreciation run? Reduce Asset’s Monetary Value
Q20: What is the book value in Year 5.? 4,083.33USD
Q21: How much is the ordinary depreciation in Year 5? 1,000.00USD
Q22: What is the net book value in Year 5? 3,683,33USD
Q23: How much is the ordinary depreciation in Year 5? 1,000.00 USD