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Present Simple vs. Continuous: Grammar Exercises

Present simple vs Present continuous
Present Simple
We use the present simple to express facts or
He works as a
Present Simple
We use the present simple to talk about habits
or routines.
We usually watch
T. V. at night.
Present Simple
We use the present simple to express
schedules or programs.
The train leaves
at 10 p. m.
Present Simple
We use the present simple to instruct.
Open the
Present Continuous
We use the present continuous for actions that
are happening now, at or around the time of
She is sleeping at
the moment.
Choose the correct tense.
Exercise 1
We ____ some French homework every day. (do)
We do some French homework every day.
1. I _____ on the chair now. (sit)
I am sitting on the chair now.
2. My parents _________ to do shopping every Saturday. (go)
My parents don´t go to do shopping every Saturday.
3. Vince _________ to the radio now. (listen)
Vince is listening to the radio now.
Present Continuous
We form the present continuous with the
verb to be and the main verb + ing.
They are dancing.
Use 1
We use the present continuous for actions that
are happening now, at or around the time of
She is mopping
the floor now.
Use 2
We use the present continuous for actions
happening around the moment of speaking.
Mary is studying
hard this week.
Use 3
We use the present continuous for fixed
arrangements in the near future.
They´ re having a
party tonight.
Exercise 1
Write some sentences using present
continuous using your own ideas.
Negative Form
We form the negative form of the present
continuous with the subject + verb to be + not
+ main verb in –ing form.
I ´m
The verb to be goes before the subject in
Is heis riding a horse ?
What time of the year is it?
Where is she?
What is she doing?
What is she feeling?
Exercise 2
Respond the questions given.
What kind of clothes is she wearing?
What time of the year is it?
Where are they?
What are they doing?
What kind of clothes are they wearing?
What are they feeling?
What time of the year is it?
Where are
What are they doing?
What are they feeling?
What kind of clothes are they wearing?
Exercise 3
Example: I am dancing.
Am I dancing?
1. She is painting a body.
Is she painting a body?
2. Karla and Luis are having dinner.
Are Karla and Luis having dinner?
3. Monica is playing the sax.
Is Monica playing the sax?
Change the affirmative
statements to questions.
State Verbs
A state is when something stays the same.
An action is when something happens. State verbs are not usually used in any
continuous form.
State verbs:
appear, hear, look like, see, taste
like, hate, love, prefer, want, wish
agree, believe, forget, know, think, understand
belong to, contain, have, own
be, exist
cost, depend on, mean, need
•Some of the verbs in the previous list can have a ‘state’
meaning and an ‘action’ meaning: - be, have, taste, think.
I have two sisters. (permanent state )
I’m having problems with this TV-set. (temporary action )
Sometimes state verbs can describe temporary feelings.
How are you getting on at your new school?
I hate / I’m hating it!
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