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ecology revision

1. Considering Earth's ecosystem, consumers are classified as
a) autotrophs
b) heterotrophs
c) tertiary autotrophs
d) secondary autotrophs
2. Population that interact with one another and live in a particular habitat are best classified as
a) community
b) biosphere
c) ecosystem
d) population
3. Considering Earth's ecosystem, producers are called
a) autotrophs
b) heterotrophs
c) tertiary autotrophs
d) secondary autotrophs
4. Animals that are fed on plants are classified as
a) secondary producers
b) herbivores
c) carnivores
d) omnivores
5. Organisms that make up the living part of an ecosystem
a) Biotic factors
b) Abiotic factors
c) Ecology
d) Community
6. A group of the same type of organisms living in the same place at the same time
a) Population
b) Threatened species
c) Limiting factor
d) Community
7. Ecosystems are
a) Always changing
b) Never changing
c) Always balanced
d) Never balanced
8. Which statement is correct?
a) A population is the same as a community
b) A community is a group of populations
c) A population is a group of communities
d) A community is a part of a population
9. The role of an organism in its ecosystem is called the organism’s
a) Leading roll
b) Habitat
c) Niche
d) Keystone roll
10. Decomposers get their food by
a) Making it themselves
b) Feeding on live organisms
c) Feeding on dead organisms
d) Feeding on live and dead organisms
11. The arrows in a food chain or web represents
a) They point to the organism that is being eaten
b) It shows how sunlight flows within an ecosystem
c) They show the flow of energy from one organism to another
d) They show how water is transferred between one organism to another
12. This is a relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed
a) Symbiosis
b) Mutualism
c) Parasitim
d) Commensalism
13. This occurs due to organisms need for certain limiting factors
a) Predation
b) Symbiosis
c) Competition
d) Commensalism
14. Ecological niche of an organism represents
a) The resources it utilizes
b) Its functional role in the ecological system
c) The range of conditions it can tolerate
d) All of the above
15. The wide variety of living organisms is called
a) Diversity
b) Biodiversity
c) Population
d) Community
16. When the birth rate is greater than the death rate the population will
a) Increase in size
b) Decrease in size
c) Reach equilibrium
17. The maximum number of individuals an area can carry is called
a) Limiting factor
b) Carrying capacity
c) Carrying exponential
d) Exponential capacity
18. When a snake feeds on a shrew, the shrew is the
a) Preadtor
b) Prey
c) Host
d) Parasite
19. A relationship in which 2 species live closely together, both benefiting from each other is
a) Mutualism
b) Symbiosis
c) Parasitism
d) Commensalism
20. Pioneer species break down rocks , forming the beginnings of
a) Soil
b) Succession
c) Trees
d) Mosses
21. A forest fire is followed by
a) Primary succession
b) Secondary succession
c) Lichen and mosses
d) Draught
22. Why are secondary successions faster than primary successions?
a) There is no soil
b) Secondary succession isn’t faster
c) Soil already exists
d) It already has pioneer species
23. Association of nitrogen fixing bacteria with the leguminous roots is
a) Mutualism
b) Commensalism
c) Parasitism
d) Symbiosis
24. Many of the bacteria living in our large intestines feeding on our undigested food without harming
us are
a) Commensals
b) Parasites
c) Predators
d) Symbiotics
25. Competition between 2 species
a) Results in the extinction of one species
b) Forces one of the species to live elsewhere
c) Forces one of the species to switch over to another food source
d) All of the above
26. The climax community is
a) The first stable community
b) Unstable community
c) The last stable community
d) Unstable community that develops at the beginning of succession
27. Series of changes on a previously barren area is
a) Climatic climax
b) Primary succession
c) Secondary succession
d) Pioneer succession
28. Keystone specie is
a) Always dominant
b) Useful in maintaining the structure and function of an ecosystem
c) With maximum biomass
d) Al of the above
29. Net amount of energy that is fixed by plant is called
a) Gross primary productivity
b) Net primary productivity
c) Net usage
d) Total energy
30. The number of individuals of a single species per unit area is known as
a) Carrying capacity
b) Population growth rate
c) Population density
d) Logistic growth
31. Under ideal conditions and unlimited resources, a population will continue to grow in a pattern
a) Logistic growth
b) Exponential growth
c) Density dependant growth
d) Population distribution growth
32. If a population grows larger than the carrying capacity of its environment, the
a) Birthrate will rise
b) Death rate will fall
c) Death rate will rise
d) Immigration will increase
33. Density independent limiting factors include
a) Competition
b) Predation
c) Parasitism
d) Hurricanes
34. A graph that shows an S-shaped curve that happens when a populations' resources become less
available and the population growth slows down represents
a) Logistic growth
b) Exponential growth
c) Independent growth
d) Natural growth
35. What does the graph represent?
a) Emigration
b) Immigration
c) Exponential growth model
d) Logistic growth model
36. Trophic levels are formed by
a) Only plants
b) Only animals
c) Heterotrophs
d) Organisms linked in a food chain
37. In a food chain of grassland ecosystem the top consumers are
a) Herbivores
b) Carnivores
c) Bacteria
d) Either carnivores or herbivores
38. What proportion of energy biomass is transferred between trophic levels?
a) 100%
b) 25%
c) 90%
d) 10%
39. What proportion of the energy reaching the leaf is used in photosynthesis to increase the plant’s
a) 100%
b) 10%
c) 90%
d) 1%
40. ___________ flows through an ecosystem and does not recycle.
a) Water
b) Nitrogen
c) oxygen
d) energy