Uploaded by Anna Sergeevna

Command terms vertical planning intro session

Vertical planning of command terms
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(removed Padlet collaboration link for participants)
Vertical planning
Vertical Planning is to allow for us as teachers to meet within
subject groups/disciplines to discuss and plan approaches to
teaching, learning and implementing command terms with
the input from the PYP, MYP and DP teams, to support
backward planning and academic rigour.
Standard C1: Collaborative planning
3. Collaborative planning and reflection addresses vertical and horizontal articulation.
Standard C3: Teaching and learning
3. Teaching and learning builds on what students know and can do.
8. Teaching and learning demonstrates that all teachers are responsible for language development of
The associated verbs (command terms) used
in SOLO Taxonomy (PYP)
See page 4 of the guide ‘SOLO Taxonomy’ from the IB Programme
Resource Centre (PYP) or on Padlet. MYP/DP see your subject guides.
Designing learning
outcomes across a
unit of inquiry
(I have one idea)
(I have many ideas)
(I can connect my
Extended abstract
(I can take my ideas
List properties of
different solids, liquids
and gases.
Compare the
properties of different
solids, liquids and
Design an experiment to
test properties of matter.
Describe, outline, list,
follow a procedure to…
Sequence, classify,
compare and contrast,
explain causes or
effects, analyse, make
an analogy, organize,
distinguish, interview,
question, apply
dissect, test, establish.
Generalize, predict, reflect,
evaluate, hypothesize,
create, prove, plan, justify,
suggest, argue, compose,
prioritize, design,
construct, perform, invent,
conclude, criticize, debate,
explain, give reasons,
grade, judge, recommend,
support, test, validate.
The verbs used in SOLO Taxonomy (PYP)
Sample central idea:
Name a property of a
properties of matter solid, liquid and gas.
enables people to
manipulate materials
to meet their needs.
Command terms
(These can be used
by teachers and
students to help
construct learning
Define, identify,
name, draw, find,
label, match, recall.
Source: PYP SOLO Taxonomy guide. October 2018 (Updated December 2018).
Where do we go from here?
• Continue to document, plan and implement SOLO taxonomy and
the command terms (unit planners PYP, MYP & DP) throughout the
year and look closely how this can happen through approaches to
• Work more closely with other teachers across the school focusing
on shared understanding of IB terminology, to support academic
rigour and the IB continuum at our school.
1. In your groups, discuss how the command terms are
currently used in activities, lessons, assessments and
also our understanding of the command terms.
2. MYP and DP can share how the command terms are
currently implemented with the PYP and vice versa.
3. How can we design tasks and use the command terms?
4. In your groups, come up with an essential
agreement/common understanding for implementing
the command terms for Preschool/PYP, MYP and DP.
Share/type your shared agreement on the Padlet link.