Uploaded by Nas Hashi

Acasti Pharma: Cardiometabolic Disorders & CaPre Treatment

Nasrudin Hashi
Dr. Foard
November 18, 2019
Hello, my name is Nasrudin Hashi I’m a representative for Acasti Pharma. Have you ever
pondered how many people yearly suffer from cardiometabolic disorders? 25% of the world’s adults
suffer from this disorder and it is only going up, it is raising red flags across the globe. Cardiometabolic
disorders also known as cardiometabolic syndrome (CMS) is a blend of metabolic dysfunctions mainly
insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, and etc. “Cardiometabolic disorder is now
recognized as a disease entity by the World Health Organization and the American Society of
Endocrinology” (Ferdinand, K. C. 2018, August). People with cardiometabolic disorder are more likely
to die from coronary heart disease. This event is a reoccurring problem, if not treated properly
cardiometabolic disorder has proven to be fatal. The horrific part is that it’s hard to know you have
cardiometabolic disorder but on the bright side there are a few signs such as increased blood pressure,
high blood sugar levels, unneeded fat around the waist, and low levels of good cholesterol.
Cardiometabolic disorder may result in the hardening of arteries, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and
many more. There are a few medical ways to help stop or prevent it then that’s when Acasti’s steps in.
Acastis mission is to innovate the products of pharmaceutical studies we designed to help better the
lives of cardiometabolic disorders penitents. We are a sturdy company working for the betterment of
the community as a whole. Acasti Pharma is in the works of a first-class omega-3 therapeutic treatment
for all our patients. Our main source is from Krill it is designated too bring a hattrick of cardiometabolic
health benefits to patients. The treatment has omeaga-3s deprived from fish oils and 60% of omega-3s
are naturally bound to phospholipids and the rest are fatty acids. CaPre, Acasti’s prescription drug
candidate, is a highly purified omega-3 phospholipid concentrate derived from krill oil. Acasti’s growing
global patent portfolio encompasses CaPre and its composition until the last of its patents expire in
2031. Acasti currently holds numerous compositions of matter and method of use patents in various
jurisdictions around the world including in the U.S., China, Japan, Taiwan and Australia, and we have
numerous additional patents pending. (Acasit Pharma). All clinical production lots of CaPre for the
trilogy Phase 3 program have been completed. Acasti and our contract manufacturing partners
have made a unique and innovative continuous manufacturing process for CaPre that will allow
the company to efficiently scale-up the volume of CaPre as needed for commercial launch to
get the medicine too everyone that needs it. We even teamed up with Aker BioMarine to
supply us with Krill Oil for CaPre. Raw Krill Oil (RKO) is the starting material used by Acasti to
make CaPre, which is then further processed via a series of complex and proprietary extraction
and purification manufacturing steps to produce the drug substance for CaPre. This agreement
is intended to ensure an adequate krill oil supply to meet Acasti’s anticipated raw material
needs through at least mid-2021, including scale-up of production to build future inventory for
commercial launch. Furthermore, the parties have agreed to contemplate future commercial
collaborations. Aker Bio marine is a biotech innovator and Antarctic krill-harvesting company,
dedicated to improving human and planetary health. The company develops krill-based
ingredients for nutraceutical, aquaculture, and animal feed applications. The company’s fully
transparent value chain stretches from sustainable krill harvesting in pristine Antarctic waters
through its Montevideo logistics hub, Houston production plant, and all the way to customers
around the world (Our Science. n.d.). Acasti pharma is for the people and will always be if you have a
loved one that is suffering from cardiometabolic disorder don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about CaPre
by Acasti Pharma. It could help save their life at the end of the day we are not all immune to sickness
what with Acasti Pharma We can help eliminate the threat of cardiometabolic disorder and live long
lives knowing that Acasti Pharma is working day in and day out too protect all of us from this terrifying
and annoying disorder. That ruined so many happy live and that brought so many people’s lives to an
early end.
Work Cited
AHA 2019 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.acc.org/latest-incardiology/ten-points-to-remember/2019/02/15/14/39/aha-2019-heart-disease-and-strokestatistics.
Ferdinand, K. C. (2018, August). Global perspectives on cardiometabolic risk and cardiovascular
disease: from basic science to bedside. Retrieved from
Our Science. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.acastipharma.com/en/our-science.
Saklayen, M. G. (2018, February 26). The Global Epidemic of the Metabolic Syndrome. Retrieved
from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5866840/.
Saljoughian, M. (2017, February 16). Cardiometabolic Syndrome: A Global Health Issue. Retrieved
from https://www.uspharmacist.com/article/cardiometabolic-syndrome-a-global-health-issue.