ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ УДК 373.4 Babina N.F. Associate Professor, Candidate of pedagogical sciences Chernysheva E.I. Associate Professor, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Voronezh State Pedagogical University MONITORING OF COMMUNICATIVE UNIVERSAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS Abstract. The article presents a brief analysis of the concept of “communicative universal educational actions” as the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and interact productively and collaborate with peers and adults. The influence of the communication style of teachers with students on the development of their communication skills is considered. The teacher needs to constantly replenish his vocabulary, work on the expressiveness of speech, to improve his communication skills. It is necessary to continuously monitor the level of their formation to work effectivelyon the development of communicative UEA of students. It is proposed to conduct a study of the communicative educational actionsdevelopment level in the framework of information monitoring. To do this, the criteria should be identified and indicators should be formed. It is proposed to consider communication as three interrelated components: as an interaction; as cooperation; as a condition of interiorization. In order to properly organize and carry out monitoring, it is necessary to follow certain basic principles, rules, requirements. Keywords: monitoring, communicative universal educational actions, pedagogical communication, interaction, criterion, indicator, communicative skills, methods and techniques. Universal educational actions (UEA) are the results of schoolchildren's learning, performing productive communication in joint activities, manifested in the ability to express their thoughts and desires within the framework of the current conversational etiquette. “Communicative UEA is the ability to correctly, appropriatly, clearly explain thoughts and to adequately perceive information from communication partners. Communicative skills are a complex of conscious communicative actions based on highly theoretical and practical preparedness of an individual, which allows creative use of knowledge to reflect and transform reality ”[9, p. 24]. Communicative UEA should reflect: 1) the ability to carry out oral communication, to clearly convey thoughts both verbally and in writing; agree in the process of joint activities, work out a joint decision; prevent conflicts, respect other people's opinions, take into account the interests of other people and at the same time be able to argue their point of view and defend it convincingly; 37 2) the ability to build statements in accordance with the situation and the task; master non-verbal communication; describe and explain the surrounding reality; 3) ability to work with texts, including using information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT competence); formation and development of competence in the field of information technology. Communicative UEA promote student socialization. This includes taking into account the position of other people, a partner in communication or activities, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and interact productively and collaborate with peers and adults. “Adolescence is considered to be a particularly favorable period for the development of communicative competence, due to the fact that communication here goes to the level of leading activity. Interest in the peer is becoming higher, there is an intensive establishment of friendly contacts and various forms of joint activity. Acquiring skills of interaction with a group of peers and the ability to make friends is one of the most important tasks of development at this stage, the successful solution of which largely determines the well-being of the personal development of a teenager” [1, p. 36]. Formed UEA contribute to the development of motivation, search activity, independence, the ability to solve emerging problems and draw the right conclusions. To accomplish this task, a restructuring of the whole educational process and the style of communication between teachers and students is required, since the desire to learn depends on the style of pedagogical communication. “Pedagogical communication is a multi-faceted process of organizing, establishing and developing communication, mutual understanding and interaction between teachers and students, generated by the goals and content of their joint activities” [10, p. 393]. Mastering communication technologies requires a certain effort from a teacher: first, it is necessary to realize the importance of pedagogical communication in organizing joint activities with students; secondly, it is needed to get acquainted with the literature on verbal and non-verbal communication in order to understand what a particular gesture means, posture, facial expressions, how to manipulate intonation. It isimportant in order to competently build interaction, to avoid or prevent conflict situations. The teacher should be well aware of himself, his features, disadvantages. It is necessary for the teacher to work continuously to improve his speech, to replenish vocabulary, to expand his horizons, to work on the expressiveness of speech, that is, to improve his communication skills. The result of communication often depends on the initiative of the teacher, including certain behavior, which is expressed in gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, voice. It can be confirmed that initiative is the most important communicative task of the teacher. It is the communicative skills of the teacher that determine the style of communication and interaction with students. 38 We define the style of communication as individual-typological features of the socio-psychological interaction of the teacher and the students. The style of pedagogical communication is closely connected with the style of pedagogical activity, reflects the general culture of the teacher, his professionalism. The specificity of pedagogical communication determines the level of neurotic reactions. A.A. Bodalev revealed that the way of communication, which is used by a person in contact with other people to create and transmit certain emotional experiences, is of great importance. “Numerous facts show that, frequency and nature of communication depend on how people satisfy the needs of the person communicating with them, using their external and internal appearance, knowledge, skills and actions.” [4, p. 80]. Communicative activity - communication in the interaction of two or more people, with the goal of the exchange of information, coordination, clarification and networking, etc. The time of schooling is a period of development and maturity of the personality. At the same time, the process of joining the team, socialization take its place. Acquaintance and maintaining relationships require the ability to communicate. And here a great role is played by communication skills. It is necessary to continuously monitor the level of their formation in students to work on the development of communicative UEAseffective. To do this, it is needed to identify the criteria and form indicators of the level of development of communicative UEA. A criterion is a sign, translated from the Greek as "means for judgment", on the basis of which something is evaluated, defined or classified. The indicator is a component of the criterion that characterizes its content, the degree of manifestation. Certainty criteria expressed in specific indicators. Let us consider communicative UEA as three interrelated components: - communication as interaction; - communication as cooperation; - communication as a condition of interiorization. Communication as an interaction is a communication process highlighting the position of the interlocutor. That is, it is necessary to take into account different points of view and respect them, to substantiate convincingly one’s own position for correct understanding by the interlocutor. To do this, it is necessary to expand horizons, read more and reflect on materials being red, formulate your thoughts more clearly. Pupils should be taught that other opinions are possible with which to reckon, learn to hear the interlocutor, and be proficient in speaking and writing. The teacher should encourage students to ask questions, engage in dialogue, participate in conversations, discussions, monitor the proper use of their native language, both in oral and in written language. The extent to which collaboration (cooperation) is widely used in the classroom and during extracurricular time depends largely on the teacher. It is well known that the most effective learning process takes place in organized training activities in pairs and small groups, where it becomes necessary for pupils to coor- 39 dinate their actions and efforts in accordance with the goals and objectives which were set. Here are manifested abilities to negotiate,acquiesce, assure, reasonably insist,choose the most acceptable solution, while not offending and insulting comrades. Here we can note the development of communicative educational actions aimed at harmonizing efforts to achieve a common goal. Attractingstudents to peer learning results in theirsuccessful learning of transmit information. At the same time, peer learning helps to absorb study material more firmly and consciously, to transmit information in an understandable form, patiently listen to any questions and look for answers to them. Peer learning helps to develop self-reflection when pupil asks himself such questions as: “What my speech is like?”, “Do I know the material that needs to be explained to a friend?”, “Can I make it clear?” and so forth.That is, communication is a condition of interiorization. The process of interiorization can be considered the most important criterion for the assimilation of communicative universal educational actions - the transformation of external actions into internal through speech forms. The level of formation of communicative UEA can be identified by such criteria as: - mastering verbal and non-verbal communication, sharing knowledge in a team, receiving information, formulating questions; the ability to express thoughts in oral and written form (interaction); - the ability to work in a team, respecting partners (cooperation); - the ability to introspection and reflection (interiorization); As indicators could be chosen: 1) methods of information- the ability to listen, to read, to get numerical and graphical information, to understand gestures and poses, facial expressions and body motor skills, to distinguish intonation; 2) transmission of information - the ability to speak, write, transmit numerical and graphical information, through gestures, facial expressions and pantomime, by intonation; 3) information processing - the ability to search in traditional sources, in dictionaries, in encyclopedias, in computer sources, on the Internet, in electronic books, in electronic catalogs, archives, using searching programs and databases; 4) the ability to work with various sources; 5) processing of information on the basis of analysis or synthesis. In order to obtain objective information about the level of formation of communicative universal educational actions among schoolchildren of 5-7 grades, when implementing the second version of Federal state educational standards, monitoring can be used in studying of the real situation in this area. Monitoring as a study of objective reality exists in various fields of human activity. Monitoring means“tracking, evaluation, forecast”.Such concepts as “feedback”, “reflection”, “control”, “review” are close to the concept of “monitoring”. At the same time, according to E.F. Zeer, monitoring includes all these concepts as individual elements or its particular cases. 40 Pedagogical monitoring is a long-term observation of the state and management of the educational process, timely informing the participants of this process about the likely occurrence of adverse or critical situations. There are several requirements to information received: - it should reflect the real state of affairs, that is, to be objective; - measurement errors should be minimal; - the survey should be complete; - the volume and depth of the information received allows to make an informed decision; - information from different sources should be operational, structured and represent the interests of different groups of users; - information must be really accessible to obtain. In particular, monitoring in education in the field of determining the level of formation of the UEA, aims identifying the compliance of the result with the initial assumption. Communicative universal educationalactions are evaluated by comparison with age, psychological norms and predetermined requirements. For monitoring the following are required: a bank of diagnostic methods, technological cards, personnel resources. The data obtained during the monitoring can be used for the executive correction of the educational process. It is possible to diagnose the level of development of a student's UEA based on the results of his activity regarding the criteria that determine their success or failure. As a result of the analysis, we can conclude that themost optimal methods and techniques are pedagogical observation, survey, conversation (observation of the adaptation and effectiveness of the educational activities of students E.M. Aleksandrovskaya, St Grombakh, modified by E.S. Eskina, L. Bolbot); methodology for determining organizational and communicative qualities according to L.P. Kalininsky, methodology for assessing communicative and organizational inclinations according to V.V. Sinyavsky, B.A. Fedorishin, methods of J. Moreno ("Sociometry"), of M.A. Stupnitskoy [2, 3, 7, 8]. Certain requirements are imposed on the methods, techniques, organization, evaluation, and interpretation of the results of monitoring the formation of communicative universal educational actions. The following criteriacould be the basis forchoosing of diagnostic tools: - demonstrativenessof a specific type of UEA for a general description of thedevelopment level of personal, regulatory, cognitive, and communicative UEA; - system-related nature of universal educational activities (some universal learning actions can be viewed as included in various types of UEA. For example, reflection can be identified as personal or regulatory UEA. A speech display of an action can be interpreted as communicative, and as a regulative, and sign-symbolic action, etc.); 41 - taking into account the age specificity of the UEA types formation. Growing up, students move from one age group to another, respectively, demonstrativeness of the development of UEA changes, too. There are several requirements for methods of assessing the level of development of universal learning activities: - compliance of the chosen methods with the goals and objectives of the study; - scientific and theoretical rationale for the use of diagnostic techniques; - conformity of the methods and techniques (in content, task complexity) to the age and socio-cultural characteristics of the students being diagnosed; - validity (adequacy) and reliability (noise immunity) of the methods used; - special training of personnel with professional competence and relevant training, conducting the survey (collection of diagnostic data), processing and interpretation of results; - observing ethical standards during the study. The selected criteria and indicators are aimed at assessing the basic components of communicative educational actions, which meets the objectives and requirements of adequacy. The selected methods contain tasks that correspond to the age characteristics and abilities of students, which meet the requirement of adequacy. Validity and reliability of diagnostic methods is confirmed by a large number of studies conducted on them. Validity (substantive and criterial) indicates the relevancy of themethodology application, the content and the instruction to users is clearly presented. Reliability of a technique provides its resistance to external hindrances. In addition, it reflects the degree of correlation between the results obtained and the basic theoretical concepts. A part of the tasks that are compiled specifically for the evaluation of the UEA passed the necessary testing. In order to properly organize and carry out monitoring, the following basic principles, rules and requirements must be observed. Principles: - special training of persons conducting diagnostics; - personal responsibility; - ensuring the rights of the individuals; - objective presentation of information; - practical expediency. The procedure for organizing and conducting monitoring includes: - setting goals and objectives; - analysis of the material on the identified problem; - selection of criteria and indicators; - selection of psychodiagnostic methods and tests; - preparation of diagnostic tools; - according to the chosen methods testing in accordance with a given instruction is conducted; - analysis and interpretation of the results; - preparation of recommendations based on the results of the study. 42 For further work of teachers for the development of communicative UEA it is recommended: - tousetrainings in small groups, peer learning and mutual controlmore frequently; - toencourage students to be praised and approved; - to carry out correctional and developmental work with students who have a low level of formation of UEA; - to attract students to participate in project research activities, to participate in contests and competitions, in the preparation of essays, reports, etc. The following types of tasks can be proposed for the formation of communicative universal educational actions: - todraw up instructions for checking the quality of the manufactured product; - to propose the role of a teacher, controller, etc., and conduct an appropriate dialogue; - tocompile a description of the future shoulder product; - to write a review on the creative project of a friend; - working in pairs to conduct a crossword puzzle; - to check a safety knowledge of a friend; - toexplain the process of manufacturing the productaccording the process card, etc. However, mentioned forms of classes are possible if the school has a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, the children feel supported and trusted by the teachers. The most important condition for the development of communicative skills is the presence of society, socio-cultural environment, as well as the need to participate in various types of human communication. The teacher plays a decisive role as a model of cultural behavior and communication, able to lead discussions and having general education and communicative culture. References 1. Asmolov A.G. The formation of ULA in primary school: from the action of thought. M .: Meaning, 2007. 526 p. 2. Afanasyev N.V. Starting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of universal educational actions of fifth grade students. Vologda: WIRO, 2014. 108 p. 3. Babina N.F. Modern means of evaluating learning outcomes: a teaching aid. Voronezh, 2010. 182 p. 4. Bodalev A.A. Personality and communication. M .: International Pedagogical Academy, 1995. 328 p. 5. Borytko N.M. In the space of educational activities: Monograph / Scientific. ed. N. K. Sergeev. Volgograd: Change, 2001. 181 p. 6. A.V. 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С. кандидат технических наук, ГОУ ДПО ТО «Институт повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки работников образования Тульской области» СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЕ СЕССИИ КАК ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ФОРМА НЕПРЕРЫВНОГО РАЗВИТИЯ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО МАСТЕРСТВА РУКОВОДЯЩИХ РАБОТНИКОВ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ Аннотация: в статье рассматривается опыт проведения стратегических сессий для руководителей образовательных организации г. Тула в рамках реализации федерального проекта «Учитель будущего». Ключевые слова: управление, стратегическая сессия, воркбук, кадровый потенциал, фасилитация. В рамках реализации федерального проекта «Учитель будущего», паспорт которого был утвержден протоколом заседания проектного комитета по национальному проекту «Образование» от 07.12.2018 г. № 3, профессорскопреподавательским составом кафедры профессионального образования и менеджмента ГОУ ДПО ТО «ИПК и ППРО ТО» был разработан каскад из трех стратегических сессий для руководящих работников центров образования города Тулы. Всего на территории города Тулы расположено 63 центра образования. Таким образом каждая стратсессия проходила в пяти итерациях. В период апрель-май 2019 года проведены две стратегические сессии. Проведение третьей стратегической сессии запланировано в октябре 2019 года. Стратегическая сессия – это один из методов фасилитации, который используется в первую очередь для взаимодействия руководящего состава организации с целью выработки целевых ориентировав развития организации. Читается, что по цели проведения стратсесиси бывают трех видов: – выработка взаимопонимания; – поиск альтернатив; 44