Uploaded by Tina Tetzlaff-Wallis

Human Body Levels of Organization Quiz


Test Booklet

Subject: Wall, Grade:

7th Grade Human Body Levels of Organization

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Author: Tina Tetzlaff-Wallis


Printed: Tuesday January 15, 2019

7th Grade Human Body Levels of Organization

1 Examine the tissue below.


A scientist studying the brain examines the above tissue under a microscope. Which statement best identifies a function of this tissue type?

A It breaks down food and processes it for use in the body.

B It conducts information from one part of the body to another.

C It moves oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.

D It provides a basic framework and support system in the body.

2 The diagram below shows the levels of organization in a multicellular organism.

Which level of organization is made up of cells working together to do just one job?

A cells

B tissue

C organ systems

D organism

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7th Grade Human Body Levels of Organization

3 The diagram below shows a plant structure.


4 The numbered drawings below show the organization within a multicellular organism from simple to complex.

Which levels of organization are included in the diagram?

A cell and organ

B cell and tissue

C organ and organism

D organ and organ system

Which of these numbered drawings represents a tissue?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

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7th Grade Human Body Levels of Organization

5 An average adult male African elephant has a mass of 7,000 kilograms.

The mass of a newborn African elephant can range from 90-120 kilograms. Which change occurs as the mass of the young elephant increases?

A The elephant’s cells multiply to form tissues.

B New organ systems are added in the elephant.

C All of the elephant’s body cells increase in size.

D New organs are formed in the elephant’s organ systems.

6 Human bodies have complex structures that support growth and survival.

What is the most basic structure of the human body that supports growth and survival?

A a cell

B a tissue

C an organ

D an organ system

7 Which body structure is matched to its proper level of biological organization?

A the blood—organ

B the brain—tissue

C a liver—tissue

D a lung—organ

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7th Grade Human Body Levels of Organization

8 Several different types of cells are shown below.

Which two types of cells are most similar in shape?

A skin cells and bone cells

B nerve cells and skin cells

C bone cells and nerve cells

D muscle cells and skin cells

9 Which cell part is correctly paired with its function?

A nucleus—controls cell activities

B chloroplast—outside boundary of plant cells

C cell wall—controls what goes in and out of cells

D cell membrane—where photosynthesis takes place


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7th Grade Human Body Levels of Organization

10 Which structure surrounds and protects an animal cell?

A Nucleus

B Vacuole

C Cytoplasm

D Cell membrane


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