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World War I Acrostic Poem: Key Facts & Events

W – Weapons like poison gas and tanks were new
O - Only the USA refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles
R – Russia left the war to try to stop a revolution in their own
L – League of Nations was President Wilson’s idea for preventing
another world war
D – Death of the Archduke of Austria-Hungry was the spark that
started the war in Europe
W – Wanting control of more land is called imperialism
A – Alliances between nations were a major cause of the war
R – Reliance on women workers in American factories was
necessary when the men went off to war
O – Only after the USA arrived in France did the Allies begin to
push back the German invasions in Eueope
N – Nationalist feelings that some small countries should be
independent also caused the conflict
E – Europe’s map looked very different after the war