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Dinosaur Lesson Plan: Early Childhood Education

Communication and Language (CL)
Listening to a range of Dinosaur Stories
Learn, sing and recite Dinosaur rhymes and
Use non-fiction books to find out facts
about Dinosaurs
and explore fossils
Make up Dinosaur stories using Dinosaur
Small World Area
Literacy (L)
Sound out and read some dinosaur names
Begin to write own names without assistance
and some known words
Draw and annotate own dinosaur
Learning new vocabulary linked to stories e.g.
characters, settings, events
Focused identification of story features
Sequencing events
Record story ideas through pictures
Understanding the World (UW)
Dinosaur fact finding
Identifying where Dinosaurs lived
Talking about why Dinosaurs are
Using technology for a range of reasons
in school and at home
Personal Social Emotional Development
Small World Role Play
Mathematics (M)
Ordinal language- snail/rocket races
Counting and adding activities e.g. getting in a
1 more/1 less activities
Recording addition/subtraction sentences.=
Counting dinosaurs in 2s
Number recognition/formation
Recognising coins, buying cards/wrapping paper
from card shop
3D shapes- cube, pyramid, cuboid, cone, cylinder.
Number songs about dinosaurs, counting back and
Measuring- length, comparing dinosaurs, ordering.
Measure – time, days of the week/ actions in a
Expressive Art and Design (EAD)
Physical Development (PD)
Small and large ball skills
Dinosaur linked games/activities e.g.
balancing eggs, dinosaur actions,
dinosaur games, dinosaur hunt and
trails, creating footprints.
Dance- movement in different ways
linked to the telling of a story
Sensory exploration with playdough,
pasta etc
Dinosaur role-play
Dinosaur Dances
Make own Dinosaur Small World
using junk modelling and natural
Making Volcanoes using junk
Dinosaur Salt Dough Eggs
Dinosaur Pasta Shell skeletons and
Fossils in playdough
Dinosaur Footprints