Chapter 11: Measurement and data analysis A. Uncertainty in Measurement: -IN ANALOG INSTRUMENTS:+- Half the smallest division -IN DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS: THE SMALLEST SCALE DIVISION Additional sources of uncertainty:-reaction time of experimenter (for time measurements), judging color change, voltage of an electrochemical cell at any given time -SIGNIFICANT FIGURES: DIGITS IN THE MEASUREMENT UP TO AND INCLUDING THE FIRST UNCERTAIN DIGIT B. Experimental Error DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RECORDED VALUE AND GENERALLY ACCEPTED OR LITERATURE VALUE -CAN BE RANDOM OR SYSTEMATIC a. RANDOM ERROR- equal probability of being too high or too low on a reading Caused by: readability of the instrument Changes in the surroundings which affect the reading (temp variations, air currents) Insufficient data Misinterpretation of the reading by the observer CAN REDUCE RANDOM ERROR THROUGH REPEATED MEASUREMENT- balance too high and too low readings MUST DUPLICATE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS TO REDUCE RANDOM ERROR REPEATABLE RESULTS: same person duplicates the experiment with the same result REPRODUCIBLE RESULT- several experimenters duplicate result If given several results to take an average- report result as +- range SMALLER RANDOM ERROR= GREATER PRECISION b. SYSTEMATIC ERROR: DUE TO POOR EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN OR PROCEDURE, CANNOT BE REDUCED BY REPITITION Due to: misreading the volume in a graduated cylinder (always from the top of the meniscus) Overshooting the volume of liquid in a titration—leads to volumes too high Using the wrong acid-base indicator with wrong endpoint Heat loss in An exothermic reaction CAN BE REDUCED BY IMPROVING EXPERIMNENTAL DESIGN SMALLER SYSTEMATIC ERROR= GREATER ACCURACY PRECISE MEASUREMENTS HAVE SMALL RANDOM ERROR AND ARE REPRODUCIBLE WITH REPEATED TRIALS ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS HAVE SMALL SYSTEMATIC ERROR AND ARE CLOSE TO ACCEPTED VALUE C. Percentage Uncertainties -helpful to express uncertainty as a fraction of the total measurement or as a percentage of the total measurement to show how significant it is Fractional uncertainty = uncertainty/total measured value Percentage uncertainty= absolute uncertainty/toatal measured value x 100 THIS IS NOT PERCENTAGE ERROR WHICH EQUALS ACCEPTED VALUE-EXPERIMENTAL VALUE/ACCEPTED VALUE x 100 D. HOW TO PROPAGATE UNCERTAINTIES: -ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION: SUM THE ABSOLUTE UNCERTAINTIES -MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION: Find the percentage uncertainty of each individual measurement and add them E. SIGNIFICANT FIGURES -MULTIPLICATION ANDD DIVISION: ANSWER QUOTED TO SAME NUMBER OF SIG FIGS AS LEAST PRECISE DATA -ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION: SMALLEST NUMBER OF DECIMAL PLACES B. Graphical Techniques: -independent variable: horizontal axis, dependent variable- vertical axi RULES FOR PLOTTING GRAPHS: -TITLE -LABEL AXES WITH Quantities and Units -USE SENSIBLE SCALES- no big jumps -DRAW A LINE OF BEST FIT -IDENTIFY POINTS WHICH DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TREND a. Often best procedure is to find a way of plotting data in a straight line b. EXTRAPOLATION- extending line beyond the range of measurements c. INTERPOLATION: assuming that trend line applies between two points d. TWO IMPORTANT PROPERTIES OF A STRAIGHT LINE= GRADIENT AND INTERCEPT e. Y= mx +c x=indepent variable, y= depent variable, m= slope (gradient), c is intercept on vertical axis f. M= change in y/change in x- should have units (y units/x units) g. THE GRADIENT OF A CURVE AT ANY POINT IS THE GRADIENT OF A TANGENT TO THE CURVE AT THAT POINT CHOOSING WHAT TO PLOT TO PRODUCE A STRAIGHT LINE: P=1/v (P and V are inversely proportional) USING LOG SCALES: allow straight lines for some relationships Rate = k (A)n C. Spectroscopic ID THREE TYPES OF ANALYSIS -QUALITATIVE: detection of the presence but not the quantity of a substance in a mixture -QUANTITATIVE: measurement of the quantity of a given substance -STRUCTURAL- analysis of how atoms are arranged in molecules THREE INSTRUMENT FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: - IR SPECTROSCOPY- to identify bonds in a molecule - MASS SPECTROMETRY- to determine relative atomic and molecular masses - NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY- to show the chemical environment of isotopes of C, H, P, F in a molecule 1. Mass Spectrometry: - Can be used to find the mass of individual atoms and the abundance of isotopes- also can be used to find the relative molecular weight of a compound- IF EMPIRICAL FORMULA KNOWN FROM COMPOSITIONAL ANALYSIS, MOLECULAR FORMULA CAN BE DETERMINED - Mass spectrometer works by electron from electron gun hitting the species to remove an electron X (g) + e- X+(g) + 2eCollision can break the molecule up into fragments LARGEST MASS PEAK= PARENT ION ESCAPING THROUGH UNSCATHED, all fragments are also detected Mass/charge 15 17 18 28 or C double bond O + 29 31 C. 45 CH3+ OHH2O CH2 double bond CH2 CH3CH2+ CH3O+ COOH C. Degree of unsaturation (IHD), -INDEX OF HYDROGEN DEFICIENCY PROVIDES CLUE TO STRUCTURE OF MOLECULE IF ITS FORMULA IS KNOWN CHO+ -A MEASURE OF HOW MANY MOLECULES OF H2 NEEDED TO CONVERT MOLECULE TO THE CORRESPONDING SATURATED NON_CYCLIC MOLECULE Cyclohexane and hex-1-ene—have same formula (C6H12) so same IHD (same amount of unsaturation) One molecule of hydrogen needed to convert both to hexane (C6H14) Ethene (C2H4) also has IHD = 1 Ethyne (C2H2) IHD = 2 C2H5OH has an IHD of 0 because only one H atom is needed— so does C2H5Cl D. DIFFEDRENT REGIONS OF THE EMS GIVE DIFFERENT INFO ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF ORGANIC MOLECULES There is a type of spectroscopy for each main region of the EMS EMS= waves characterized by wavelength and frequency (v) V x lamba (wavelength) = c speed of light 3.0 a 10-8 m/s IN IR (INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY) THE FREQUENCY IS MEASURED IN WAVES PER CENTIMETER. THIS IS CALLED THE WAVENUMBER DIFFERENT PARTS OF EMS INTERACT WITH SUBSTANCES IN DIFFERENT WAYS: -radio waves are absorbed by certain nuclei and make them reverse their spin (NMR) -microwaves: increase rotational energy in molecules , can give info about bond lengths -IR is absorbed by certain bonds causes them to stretch or bend -Visible light and UV light can produce electron jumps (transitions)- tell us about electron energy levels in an atom -XRAYS: are produced when e- jump between energy levelshave wavelengths of the same order of magnitude as interatomic distances—tell us about molecular/crystal structure. F. IR SPECTROSCOPY: -a chemical bond is like a spring- each one vibrates at its own natural frequency—depends on the bond strength and the masses of the atoms LIGHT ATOMS VIBRATE AT HIGHER FREQUENCY THAN HEAVIER ATOMS, MULTIPLE BONDS VIBRATE AT HIGHER FREQUENCY THAN SINGLE BONDS -simple diatomic molecules, HCl, HBr, HI only vibrate when the bond stretches (HCl vibrates the fastest of the threehigh bond strength, lightest halogen BENDING CAN ALSO OCCUR IN MORE COMPLEX MOLECULES -ENERGY TO MAKE BONDS VIBRATE AND STRETCH COMES FROM IR REGION- MOLECULE MUST BE POLAR TO INTERACT WITH IR- WHEN IT VIBRATES A CHANGE IN THE DIPOLE MOMENT OF THE MOLECULE OCCURS, INTENSITY OF IR ABSORPTION DEPENDS ON POLARITY OF BOND SYMMETRICAL NONPOLAR BONDS (N-double bondN or O double bond O do not vibrate) -Stretching and bending in a polyatomic molecule- (like H2O)- stretching and bending occurs more for the whole molecule than for each bond WATER VIBRATES AT THREE FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCIES (3650 cm, 3760 cm, 1600 cm) CO2- 4 frequencies but one bend causes no change in dipole moment (so doesn’t count)- 2350, twoat 670 THE ABSORPTION OF PARTICULAR WAVENUMBERS HELPS TO IDENTIFY THE BONDS IN A MOLECULE—USUALLY A RANGE OF WAVENUMBERS BECAUSE PRECISE ABSORPTION DEPENDS ON THE BOND ENVIRONMENT C-O 1050-1410 strong C double bond C 1620-1680 medium-weak, multiple bonds C double bond O 1700-1750 strong C triple bond C 2100-2260 variable O-H, hydrogen bonded in carboxylic acids 2500-3000 strong C-H 2850-3090 strong O-H, hydrogen bonded in alcohols and phenols 3200-3600 strong N-H 3300-3500 strong H bonds will broaden the absorption at a specific frequency MOLECULES WITH DIFFERENT BONDS WILL VIBRATE IN SEVERAL WAYS AT DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES—MAKE THEIR OWN FINGERPRINT, CAN ALSO BE COMPARED TO KNOWN COMPOUNDS FOR AN UNKNOWN E. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY: -NMR depends on combo of nuclear physics and chemistry -NUCLEI OF ATOMS WITH AN ODD NUMBER OF PROTONS, H, C13, F19, P31 SPIND AND BEHAVE LIKE BAR MAGNETS. IF PLACED IN A MAGNETIC FIELD , SOME OF THESE NUCLEI WILL LINE UP WITH THE FIELD, SOME WILL LINE UP AGAINST IT - radio waves provide the energy for the nuclei to reverse their spin and change their orientation in a magnetic field - HIGHER ENERGY SPIN STATE: NUCLEUS LINES UP AGAINST THE MAGNETIC FIELD -LOWER SPIN STATE: NUCLEUS LINES UP IN THE SAME DIRECTION AS THE MAGNETIC FIELD The sample is placed in a magnetic field—radio waves applied at different frequencies until the nucleus flips over and spins in opposite direction- RESONANCE- RECORDED ON A SPECTRUM - THE CHEMICAL SIGNALS PRODUCED DEPEND ON THE ENVIRONMENT AROUND THE NUCLEI. THE H MOLECULES ACT AS SPIES AND GIVE INFO ABOUT THEIR POSITION IN THE MOLECULE - SIGNALS MEASURED AGAINST A STANDARD – the 12 H nuclei in tretramethylsilane (TMS) CH3 CH3 Si CH3 CH3 THE POSITION OF THE NMR SIGNAL RELATIVE TO THIS STANDARD IS CALLED THE CHEMICAL SHIFT OF THE PROTON. HYDROGEN IN PARTICULAR CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTS HAVE DISTINCT CHEMICAL SHIFTS Example NMR shift p 561 G. SPECTROSCOPIC ID OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS -NMR ARE MEASURED AGAINT TMS STANDARD- used because H attached to Si absorbs at a different frequency than H attached to C- will not overlap CHEMICAL SHIFT OF A PROTON = (v (freq absorbed by H in compound) – Vo (frequency absorbed by TMS)/vo x 106 TMS IS CHEMICALLY INERT, SOLUBLE IN MOST ORGANIC SOLVENTS, CAN EASILY BE REMOVED FROM THE SAMPLE AS IT HAS A LOW BOILING POINT HIGH RESOLUTION NMR (for organic compounds)- does not usually show series of single peaks—peaks are usually split or resolved intop smaller parts (compared to low resolution) THE PEAKS SPLIT BECAUSE THE MAGNETIC FIELD OF EACH NUCLEUS IS MODIFIED BY THE MAGNETIC FIELD OF SURROUNDING NUCLEI= SPIN SPIN COUPLING H. X-RAY DIFFRACTION -visible light will not reflect off a molecule and show us how it looks because wavelength is too long—X-rays are used, when they pass through a crystalline solid they are scattered- interact with each other to form a DIFFRACTION PATTERN WHEN WAVES IN PHASE, INTERFERE CONSTRUCTIVELY— LARGER WAVE DESTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE WHEN OUT OF PHASE- can also cancel each other out completely SAMPLE MUST BE IN SOLID STATE- MUST BE AN ORDERLY STRUCTURE TO GIVE INTERPRETABLE DIFFRACTION PATTERN An electron density map is made from the X-ray diffraction pattern—can be used to determine the identity of atoms (H ATOMS INVISIBLE—ELECTRON DENSITY TOO LOW)