Linguistics 107 Syllabus: Intro to Phonology, Winter 2011

Linguistics 107, Intro to Phonology
Course Syllabus, Winter 2011
Mon, Wed 12:30 - 1:45
Phelps 1160
Dr. Robert Kennedy
Alex Walker
South Hall 3516
MW 2-3 pm
South Hall 5431 H
M 9-10 am T 3-4 pm
Course Description
This course focuses on phonological analysis: the study of the inventory and distribution of
sounds in languages. We will learn about phonemes, features, natural classes, alternations,
morpho-phonology, syllables, and more.
Prerequisites: Linguistics 20 (Language and Linguistics) and Linguistics 106 (Introduction to
Course Materials
Hayes, Bruce. 2009. Introductory Phonology. Blackwell.
Also see course website for errata sheets
Course website:
Elements of this course:
Wednesday March 16, noon. Cumulative.
All assignments are posted online.
Assignments are a crucial element of this course and will facilitate understanding of the
lecture material.
Assignments are due (a) in class if in hard copy or (b) by a time specified online if electronic.
Late assignments receive a 10% penalty for each subsequent weekday, counting 24-hour
periods. Late assignments are not accepted once the assignment has been handed back.
Please complete the scheduled readings either prior to or during the appropriate unit.
The midterm and final exams will include written short-answer and multiple choice
There is a participation component to your grade. You are not penalized for being quiet.
All students are expected to understand and comply with university policies regarding
plagiarism and originality of work. Plagiarized assignments (including copying of a friend’s
homework) will receive a grade of 0 and may result in additional disciplinary action.
If you have questions about an assignment, be sure to ask them at the beginning of class or
section, or bring questions to office hours.
Assignments must be typed.
Both examinations are closed book, closed notes, closed phones.
If you encounter a scheduling conflict with the examination dates, please notify me within the
first two weeks of the quarter so that we may arrange an alternative date.
All students must attend sections for which they are registered.
If you miss class, please do not ask for powerpoint slides. Ask a friend to lend you notes.
I will only post selected powerpoint slides, not the entirety of each lecture.
updated 1/5/2011 10:18 AM
Linguistics 107, Intro to Phonology
Course Syllabus, Winter 2011
Disruptiveness in class will not be tolerated and will result in grade reductions. This includes
usage of cellular phones and text messaging.
Regrade and Audit requests must be done in writing. Regrades due to clerical (i.e.
mathematical) errors will simply be recalculated. Other regrading requests will subject your
assignment or exam to undergo complete regrading.
Course crashing policy:
Getting Help
Our office hours are distributed at different times throughout the week so that each student
should be able to make it to at least one office hour. You are always welcome to see either of us.
Special Accommodations
University policy requests that any accommodation must be initiated by the student. If you need
special accommodations for the examinations, or if you have other learning needs that your TA or
instructor should be aware of, you may request accommodations by contacting the Disabled
Students Program.
Phone: (805) 893-2668
Location: 1201 SAASB
Schedule of Topics and Readings
Week 1
Jan 3 – Jan 5
Phonemes and Phonemic analysis
Chapters 1-2
Week 2
Jan 10 – Jan 12
Features and Natural Classes
Assignment 1 due Monday
Chapter 3-4
Week 3
Jan 19
Morphology and alternations
Assignment 2 due Monday
Chapter 5-6
Week 4
Jan 24 – Jan 26
Alternations, Neutralization
Assignment 3 due Monday
Chapter 7
Week 5
Jan 31 – Feb 2
Morphophonemic analysis
Chapter 8
Week 6
Feb 7 – Feb 9
Midterm Feb 7
Chapter 9
Week 7
Feb 14 – Feb 16
Boundaries; historical phonology
Assignment 4 due Monday
Chapter 10-11
Week 8
Feb 23
Assignment 5 due Monday
Chapter 12
Week 9
Feb 28 – Mar 2
Syllable structure
Assignment 6 due Monday
Chapter 13-14
Week 10
Mar 9 – Mar 11
Stress; review
Assignment 7 due Monday
Chapter 15-16
updated 1/5/2011 10:18 AM