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Traditional Tales Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade

Librarian: Elisabeth Borowicz
Lesson Plan/Unit Title: Elements of Traditional Tales/ARC Research Lab: Traditional Tales
Appropriate Grade Level(s): 3rd Grade
Required Time: 3 Class Periods (40 min/each)
Library Context: (Check one below)
___ Fixed
___ Flexible
___ Stand-Alone Lesson
Collaboration Potential:
X Combination
___ Individualized Instruction
___ Lesson in a Unit
___ None
X Limited
___ Moderate
X Multiple Lessons in A Unit
___ Intensive
Mrs. Penn, a 3rd grade teacher, will be launching the next ARC (American Reading Company) research lab,
“Traditional Tales”, in the next few weeks. In seeking out an opportunity for collaboration, we determined that
I will help front-load her students with important information and conceptual understandings about the genre.
I (teacher-librarian/TL) will conduct two introductory lessons with the students to introduce the traditional
literature genre as well as guide students to the understanding that there are different types of traditional
tales (connect, wonder, investigate). The classroom teacher will build-upon my lessons to have students
study each type of tale in a more in-depth fashion (construct) and students will complete the research lab by
writing their own traditional tale (express).
Content Topics:
Genre Study
Traditional Tales
○ Fairy Tales, Fables, Myths, etc.
Connection to State or Local Content Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse
cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key
details in the text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or
feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
GCS 3rd Grade ARC Research Lab: Traditional Tales
AASL Standard(s)/Indicator(s):
Skills 2.1.1 Continue an inquiry‑based research process by applying critical‑thinking skills (analysis,
synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new
understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge.
Dispositions in Action 4.2.3 Maintain openness to new ideas by considering divergent opinions,
changing opinions or conclusions when evidence supports the change, and seeking information about
new ideas encountered through academic or personal experiences.
Responsibilities 2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world.
Self-Assessment Strategies 1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to
guide own inquiry process.
Assessment Traditional Tales:
Anticipation Guide
and Criteria:
Students will use this to assess their understanding in the first
lesson I deliver and then again at the conclusion of the unit to
assess what they’ve learned. The classroom teacher will use the
assessment to see how students’ understanding has changed over
time, as well as check the validity of their understanding.
Traditional Tales:
Investigation Checklist
Minimum- Student does not complete the checklist, or completes
the checklist with multiple errors.
Average- Student completes the checklist with 2-4 errors.
Exemplary- Student completes the checklist with 1 or fewer errors.
Reflective Journal
Minimum- Student provides one pattern for first EQ. The second EQ
is answered with a simple “yes” or “no” and no explanation is
Average- Student provides at least two observed patterns for first
EQ. The answer to the second EQ demonstrates an understanding
that there can be different kinds of traditional tales.
Exemplary- Student provides all the patterns observed for the first
EQ. The answer to the second EQ demonstrates an understanding
that fairy tales, myths, and fables are all types of traditional tales,
and that even though they are a little bit different, they still have
certain elements that make them a traditional tale.
What are some of the
patterns we see in
traditional literature?
Do you think all
traditional tales are the
same or can they be
written in different ways?
Required Resources and Materials:
Lesson 1
● Mystery Bag and “Clues”
● Traditional Tale Examples (books from collection)
● Whiteboard/Marker
● Document Camera and Projector
● Pencils
● Class set of Traditional Tales: Anticipation Guide
Lesson 2
● Computer Lab
● NetSupport Software
● Traditional Tales Padlet
● Class set of Traditional Tales: Investigation Checklist
● Self-Questioning Guide
● Pencils
INSTRUCTION AND ACTIVITIES: Lesson 1/one class period (Connect & Wonder)
The TL will have the Essential Question posted and the Mystery Bag and Clues assembled. Before class
begins the TL will need to have copies of traditional tales pulled and on nearby table, as well as run off a
class set of the Anticipation Guide.
Essential Question:
What are traditional tales?
Direct Instruction:
Hook- The TL will introduce today’s lesson by saying we will be taking a close look at a specific genre. The
TL will show students the “Mystery Bag” and explain inside the bag are clues for the students to use to figure
out which genre they will begin studying. The TL will pull one item out at a time and let students identify
items. After every few items are revealed, the TL will allow students to make connections and guess which
genre the Mystery Bag represents.
When the class is able to connect the clue items to traditional literature, the TL will provide students with a
definition of traditional tales (stories that have been passed down from generation to generation, usually first
told orally and then written down later).
Modeling and Guided Practice:
The TL will model a brief think-aloud to create the start of a traditional tales concept map. Table groups will
be given a few minutes to look through examples of traditional tales in order to activate their background
knowledge of traditional tales. Then the class will work together to create a concept map with what they know
about traditional tales (story elements).
Independent Practice:
*Take a break and let students circulate books. While students are browsing and reading independently,
quickly type in students’ answers into the Anticipation Guide template and print a class set.*
Students will complete the anticipation guide about traditional tales.
Sharing and Reflecting:
After all students have completed their Anticipation Guide they will share their ideas, examples, and
questions with the people at their table.
INSTRUCTION AND ACTIVITIES: Lesson 2/two class periods (Investigate)
The TL will use the computer lab management software to pull up the Traditional Tales Padlet website up on
every computer. The TL will need to bring a class set of copies of the Traditional Tales Elements checklist
and pencils to the computer lab.
Essential Questions:
What are some of the patterns we see in traditional literature?
Do you think all traditional tales are the same or can they be written in different ways? Explain.
Direct Instruction:
The TL will quickly review student understandings from Day 1 by having students recall the elements of
traditional tales they added to the class concept map. TL will offer the opportunity to modify any part of the
concept map based on student’s argument/evidence.
Modeling and Guided Practice:
TL will introduce and explain the Traditional Tales Investigation Checklist activity.
First, the TL will model how to use the Padlet site to access each tale. Once students understand how to
navigate the website, the TL will pass out materials to the students. The TL will then work with the students
altogether to practice how to view a traditional tale on the website and model a think-aloud of
synthesizing/analyzing the information by using the investigation checklist.
Independent Practice:
Students will use the Traditional Tales Padlet and work with a partner to complete their checklist. When all
students have completed the activity, they will break back into their table groups from Day 1 and discuss
what new understandings they’ve formed after listening to the traditional tales using the Self-Questioning
The TL will monitor group discussions throughout this part of the lesson and answer any clarifying questions
students may have. After the discussions are complete, the TL will prompt students to answer the two
Essential Questions in a reflective journal entry.
Sharing and Reflecting:
As students complete their journal entry, they can conference with the TL to discuss how their understanding
has changed. Save the last 10-15 minutes of class to give the class a chance to modify the concept map that
they made in Lesson 1. TL will use this time to reinforce the concept that traditional tales can have similar
elements, but that they don’t all have to be exactly the same, and to explain how fairy tales, fables, and
myths are all types of traditional tales.
Learner Profile:
There are 20 students in Mrs. Penn’s third grade class; nine are girls and eleven are boys. Two students
receive EC services for both reading and math. Three students receive ESL services and one student is
designated as LEP but his mother has refused services. There is only one student with behavior issues; he
frequently displays habits like disruption and defiance. The TRC (Text Reading & Comprehension
assessment) levels of Mrs. Penn’s students are as follows: 4 blues (above grade-level), 3 greens (at gradelevel), 5 yellow (approaching grade-level), and 8 red (below grade-level).
The TL will work with the classroom teacher to ability-group students into table groups (four) and pairs to
provide opportunities for scaffolding.
The TL will provide individual conferencing with students during the second lesson to those who need help
closing gaps in understanding.
Students who struggle with written expression will have the option to type their reflective journal entry.
Students with extreme written expression and/or typing issues may dictate their reflection to the TL and she
will write it down.
Reading Comprehension:
The TL will read-aloud all instructions for activities, as well as any text for students who request assistance
for the Anticipation Guide activity and any part of the Self-Questioning Guide.
The Investigation Checklist activity has students access traditional tales by viewing videos instead of
requiring them to read texts. The videos provide visual cues to help students make meaning and connections
as well as audio of the text. Having students listen to the traditional tales instead of reading independently
will ensure that all students can access the tales since traditional tales almost always include Tier 2 and Tier
3 vocabulary and can have sophisticated sentence structure.
Multiple Literacies:
This unit will provide opportunities for students to develop different literacies. Cyber literacy will be addressed
through their understanding of and use of a new Web 2.0 tool (Padlet), which will give students an
opportunity to strengthen their media literacy by analyzing information in video format. The morals embedded
within traditional tales and reflections they prompt allow students a chance to activate their social//emotional
literacy. In addition, since many traditional tales come from all around the globe, students will work on
expanding their global competency/multicultural literacies by learning about other country’s stories, cultures,
and values.