Uploaded by Laura Morales Palacio

Storytelling Peer Coaching Card: Improve Your Skills

Peer Coaching Card for Storytelling
It worked when you…
Next time try…
Speaking at a speed I can understand. You spoke too fast/slow
when you said _________
Slowing down when you say _________
Speaking quicker when you say _________
Checking the audience is understanding you when _________
Getting quieter when you say _________
Get louder when (suggest a place where they should be angry
or excited) _________
Emphasizing a key word like _________
Dramatic Pauses
▪ Paused before you said _________
Pausing before you say _________ (suggest a place where
they are about to share something sad or exciting)
Pausing before you say _________ (suggest a place where
they are “remembering” something)
Body Language
Spoke at a speed I could understand.
Slowed down when you said
Spoke faster when you said
Got quieter when _________
Got louder when _________
▪ Made your voice sad, happy, angry,
etc. when you said _________
▪ Emphasized the word _________
Gestured when you said _________
Eye Contact
Made eye contact with the audience
when _________
Didn’t look at your book very often
Shifting in your seat to show you are uncomfortable when you
say _________
Clenching your seat to show you are angry when you say
Shaking your head to show you are disturbed when you
Putting your hand to your forehead to show you are
distressed when you say _________
Raising your eyebrows to show something is surprising when
you say _________
Making more eye contact with the audience
Looking at your script less
Breaking eye contact when you say _________ (suggest a
place where they say something sad)