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Advanced Lewis Structures Worksheet

Advanced Lewis Structure
Lewis Dot Structures
Shows Placement of
 All Atoms want to have a stable e- configuration
o Octet rule:
o Duet rule:
 Unshared pair:
o Sometimes called the
 Shared Pair:
o Sometimes called the
Drawing Lewis Structures for Covalent Compounds
1. Place lowest electronegative atom in the center (never H+) and surround it with
other atoms.
2. Count total valence electrons (include charge if applicable).
3. Form one bond to each outer atom.
4.Add the lone pairs until the octet rule is satisfied: (All atoms need 8 electrons
around them except hydrogen.)
5. Count the electrons in your drawing. If there are more electrons than the
valence electrons you counted in step 1, add a bond. Reduce electrons to satisfy
the octet and check the valence electrons from step 2, and if they don’t, add
another bond.*
*Do not make a double bond with halogens and hydrogen.
1. CH4
2. H2O
3. CN-
4. CO
5. CHCl3
6. PCl3
7. SiCl4
Resonance Structure