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ADMN 703 Strategic Management Syllabus

Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics
ADMN 703 (05): Strategic Management: Decision Making
Fall - 2019
Instructor: Jianhong Chen
Office: 360A
Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 11:10am-12: 30 pm
Room: Paul College Business & Econ 225
E-mail: Jianhong.Chen@unh.edu
Office hours: Tuesdays 3:30pm -4:30pm or by appointment
Course Overview
Course Description
ADMN 703 is the capstone course for all undergraduate business students in the
Paul college of Business. The course is designed to integrate the business
administration curriculum with current business phenomena by applying theories and
analytical tools to address challenges and problems that firms face.
Course learning objectives
To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of business practices as
they relate to local, national and global competitiveness.
To allow students to integrate conceptual and analytical skills to think
To help students to develop the viewpoint of the General Manager as an
ethical and strategic leader in her/his role in creating and sustaining
organizational competitive advantage.
To reinforce the importance of teams and to continue the development of
group decision-making skills.
To help students sharpen their written and oral communicative skills and
Course material
I have created a custom textbook and a custom case study book. They are
available in the UNH bookstore.
Strategic Management: Text ADMN 703 (ISBN13: 9781308872582)
Strategic Management: Cases ADMN 703 (ISBN 13: 9781307088946)
Course expectations
ADMN 703 is designed to be fast-paced and rigorous. Sometimes the material
will be new and difficult, while at other times it may be a refresher of concepts you
have learned in your other classes at the Paul College. The key to being successful
in this class is to keep up with the material and make sure you constantly ask
yourself how the topics can be integrated into a coherent view of strategic
To enhance the rigorousness and quality of this class, I significantly modified the
syllabus from previous semesters. I expect that you spend at least 5 hours each
week in order to get an A.
Grading Policies
Grading criteria
1. Class participation
2. Exam 1
3. Exam 2
4. Online quizzes and Case analysis
5. Group case presentation
6. Business simulation report
7. Business simulation performance
8. Final group project presentation
9. The group project write-up
10 points
15 points
20 points
3 points X 9
4 points
2 points
8 points
4 points
10 points
100 points
I expect you to raise any questions about grades on exams or deliverables
during regularly scheduled office hours (or by making an appointment) within one
week of receiving the grade. Grades will not be changed after more than one week
has passed from the posting date. There will be no “extra credit” assignments
offered or accepted.
Grading Scale
I will NOT round grades and the following grade scale represent the thresholds for
each letter grade (e.g. an 89.99 is a B+, and 90.01 is an A-).
Letter Grade
Raw Score %
Letter Grade
Raw Score %
Individual Tasks
Class Participation
The benefit that you will derive from the course will depend upon the extent to
which you expose your own viewpoints or conclusions to the critical judgment
of the class. Thus, class attendance is essential and part of being
professional. However, there is no formal attendance policy for this course. It
is important to note that participation in class is 10% of your overall
grade, and you cannot participate if you are not in class. Two or more
absences for the semester will seriously affect course overall grade.
Simply attending class is necessary but not sufficient. This course has a large
case component and thus requires discussion than a conventional, lecturebased course. Please refer to Grading Rubric for Class participation at the
end of the syllabus. I would strong encourage you to write down how
many times you answer questions for each class on your name card.
To ensure a climate of learning for all, disruptive or inappropriate behavior
may result in exclusion (removal) from this class. As a reminder, cell
phone/pda, etc. use, including text messaging, and videotaping and recording
is not permitted in this class by Faculty Senate rule unless by instructor
You will have 2 in-class exams during the term. Exams will cover all readings,
lectures, cases, exercises, and class discussions (Cumulative).
Except in very specific cases, missing an exam will result in a zero. Contact
me immediately in cases of medical emergencies, immediate family
emergencies, job interviews, or travel on official university business (for
example intercollegiate athletic competitions), or other extraordinary
Online, open-book quizzes
There will be 9 online, open-book quizzes during the whole semester. Each
quiz includes 6 multiple-choice questions (3 questions are about course
material and 3 questions are about the case) and 1 essay questions
(about the case). Please read both the relevant case and book chapter
before you take the quiz. The time limit for each quiz is 2 hours. All of
questions are to be done individually.
Team Tasks
Group case presentations
Each team needs to have 5 students.
Each group will need to present and lead one case discussion in the course.
The cases topics are “first come, first served”. The case presentation
should be around 30 minutes and should include detailed information about
the core concepts, theories and analytic tools in the focal chapter.
The content of Presentations:
o Case summary
This section should report the basic information about the case. Following
points should be included:
 Background of firm being analyzed
 The purpose of your case analysis
 The highlights of the case
Linking theory to practice
This section should explain the link between the theory and the
business itself. Think about how would the core concepts and analytic
tools help us improve our understanding of the case study? Also try to
develop an analytical approach that facilitates our case analysis (this
requires a lot of thinking and the team needs to work together)
I strongly suggest that each group set up an appointment with the instructor to
lay out the key discussion questions.
Business simulation Report
The course includes a simulation in which you will work with other students to
run a simulated company. You will do 4 practice rounds and 8 competition
At the end of the semester, you need to submit a two-page summary about
lessons you learned from business simulation.
Business simulation Performance
You will have a tournament in which you will run a simulated company for a
hypothetical period of eight years. The capstone simulation will provide
cumulative points at the end of each round. Your score will be determined by
your cumulative points.
Your cumulative points
8 points
7 points
6 points
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Group project
Teams will also collaborate on the preparation of a full strategic analysis. Each team
will produce a joint presentation and paper reflecting a style acceptable to the entire
Selection of a company
o Your first task is to determine what company you will analyze. In selecting
companies try to focus on companies that (1) are publicly traded and (2)
operate in a few product markets / industries. The basic idea is to pick a
company that would be interesting and faces major strategic decisions in
the present or near future. You may wish to choose a firm that you are
considering as a future employer. You may not use any of the companies
discussed in detail in the text or assigned for individual case analyses.
Once you choose a company to study, you are not allowed to change the
company without prior approval from the instructor. Also, only one team
will be allowed to examine a company. Therefore, if your team has a
company you’d really like to study, let me know as soon as possible since
we are operating in the time-honored tradition of “first come, first
Full Paper
o The minimum length is 20 (excluding the title page and references).
Please use 12-point type font, double-spaced, with 1" margins on all sides.
Appropriate references MUST be cited for all of your arguments and
o You need to submit the report on Canvas website.
Final in-class presentation
o The group presentation will consist of a 15-minute presentation followed
by a 3 minute Q & A session. Since you have limited time, carefully
choose the most important information for your presentation. Be creative
and try to engage your audience.
o I expect all of you to be present at each group presentation and show
common courtesy—you will lose participation points for missing
presentation. Think of this as a presentation to your client.
o The specific presentation date for each team is “first come, first served”.
Each team member’s score will be deducted by 3 points for late
All of the guidelines and rubrics are attached at the end of the syllabus.
Team member evaluation
Since the purpose of the group project is to learn to work in a team environment,
each member of the team will be given a chance to evaluate the relative
contributions of all other members.
The team evaluation is on a 5-likert scale. If your average score is below 3 or
equals to 3, you will lose one full letter grade. This means that an “A”
becomes “B” if your average team evaluation score is less than 3 or equals to
3. Individuals will be able to evaluate their team members along the following
Whether or not the member attended scheduled team meetings
Whether or not the member responded to team communications in a timely
The amount of participation and contribution at team meetings as well as in
class discussion
Whether or not the member worked well with other team members
The member’s overall contribution to the team
Other Issues:
I expect members of each group to meet regularly with one another to work on this
project over the course of this semester. The best policy is to make sure each team
member knows what his or her responsibilities are upfront so that there is no
misunderstanding later. I expect all students to be present at every group
presentation, use active listening skills and ask good questions.
If there are any problems with a particular member, the group has the option of
expelling the problematic individual from the group.
Any individual expelled from a group must do an individual project following
the same general guidelines as the group project.
Any individual expelled from a group must choose a different company to do
their individual project on, although it could be from the same industry.
Team members should provide the deviant team member with the opportunity
to improve his/her performance prior to expelling that team member. In other
words, expulsion from the team SHOULD NOT be a surprise. This should
include a written warning that is provided to the team member (an additional
copy should be given to the instructor at the same time).
Please notify the instructor immediately of any expulsion.
University Academic Policy
University Academic Honesty Policy
Tutorial on Plagiarism
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended, 2008),
each student with a disability has the right to request services from UNH
to accommodate his/her disability. If you are a student with a documented
disability or believe you may have a disability that requires
accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
at 201 Smith Hall. Accommodation letters are created by SAS with the
student. Please follow-up with your instructor as soon as possible to
ensure timely implementation of the identified accommodations in the
letter. Faculty have an obligation to respond once they receive official
notice of accommodations from SAS, but are under no obligation to
provide retroactive accommodations.
Aug. 29
Overview of the course
Class preparation and team set-up (no
need to come to class)
Sep. 10
Topic: Strategic management
Topic: Analyzing external
Case discussion 1-- Kodak and the
Sep. 12
Sep. 19
Form the team
Select the date and topic for
case presentation (First
come, first served)
Purchase the textbook and
case package
Submit Quiz 1 before
Sep.10 at 10:00am.
I will present and lead the
Topic: Analyzing internal
environment and Value chain analysis
Case discussion 2 — Is one Ford
Really Working?
Topic: Competitor analysis
Submit Quiz 2 before Sep.
17 at 10:00am
Team 1 will present the
Simulation registration, due
at 10:00pm on Sep. 19
Case discussion 3 - Airbus and
Boeing: Superjumbo Decisions
Submit Quiz 3 before
Sep.24 at 10:00am
Team 2 will present the
Sep. 26
Topic: Business-level Strategy
Simulation introduction
Cases discussion 4 –Southwest
Simulation demonstration
Submit Quiz 4 before Oct.1
at 10:00am
Team 3 will present the
Submit Quiz 5 before Oct.8
at 10:00am
Team 4 will present the
Digital Revolution
Oct. 8
Oct. 15
Topic: corporate-level strategy
Exam review
Case discussion 5 – How Apple’s
Corporate Strategy Drove High
Simulation practice round 1
Exam 1
Classes follow Monday schedule
Oct. 22
Topic: Merger & Acquisition,
Strategic alliance
Simulation practice round 2
Oct. 24
Oct. 29
Case discussion 6: Facebook and
WhatsApp: Acquire or Ally?
Topic: International strategy
Case discussion 7 — Uber in China:
Driving in the Gray Zone
Simulation competition round 1
Oct. 31
Topic: Corporate governance and
strategic leadership
Nov. 5
Case discussion 8– Hewlett Packard
Spying Scandal
Simulation competition round 2
Nov. 7
Nov. 14
Nov. 19
Nov. 21
Nov. 26
Nov. 28
Dec. 3
Dec. 5
Topic: innovation and business ethics
Simulation competition round 3
Case discussion 9 —The rise and fall
of Blackberry
Simulation competition round 4
Exam 2 review and final group
Simulation competition round 5 & 6
Exam 2
Simulation competition round 7 & 8
Thanksgiving holiday
Final group project presentation
Final group project presentation
Simulation practice round
3 due at 12:00pm on Oct.
Simulation practice round
4 due at 11:59pmm on
Oct. 23
Submit Quiz 6 before Oct.
24 at 10:00am
Team 5 will present the
Submit Quiz 7 before Oct.
29 at 10:00am
Team 6 will present the
Submit Quiz 8 before
Nov. 4 at 11:59pm
Team 7 will present the
Submit Quiz 9 before Nov.
12 at 10:00am
Team 8 will present the
The group project write-up and
business simulation report are due
at 11:59pm on Dec. 5
Grading Rubric for Class participation
Frequency Attends class
regularly and
always contributes
to the discussion by
raising thoughtful
analyzing relevant
issues, building on
others’ ideas,
synthesizing across
readings and
expanding the
class’ perspective,
and appropriately
assumptions and
Attends class
regularly and
contributes to the
discussion in the
Attends class
regularly but
rarely contributes
to the discussion
in the
Attends class
regularly but
never contributes
to the discussion
in the
Group project paper Grading Rubric
Authors directly cover and address all
the main questions, and add insightful
recommendation. The authors have
retained nearly all of the knowledge
presented in class. Authors are able to
synthesize this knowledge in new ways
and relate to material not covered in the
Authors competently address
main question or issue, but do not
add much new insight into the
subject. That said, it is clear that
the author has learned a great deal
in class and is able to
communicate this knowledge to
Essay contains a clear argument—i.e.,
lets the reader know exactly what the
author is trying to communicate.
An argument is present, but
reader must reconstruct it from
the text.
Provides compelling and accurate
evidence that convinces reader to accept
main argument. The importance of all
pieces of evidence is clearly stated.
There are no gaps in reasoning—i.e.,
the reader does not need to assume
anything or do additional research to
Provides necessary evidence to
convince reader of most aspects
of the main argument but not all.
The importance of some evidence
presented may not be totally
clear. Reader must make a few
mental leaps to fully accept all
Needs Improvement
Authors attempt to
address main
question or issue, but
fails. The authors
have retained some
information from the
course, but does not
fully understand its
meaning or context
and cannot clearly
convey it to others.
Authors attempt, but
fail, to make an
argument (e.g., starts
with a rhetorical
question/statement or
anecdote that is never
put into context).
Not enough evidence
is provided to support
authors’ argument, or
evidence is
incomplete, incorrect,
or oversimplified.
Information from
Essay does NOT address
main question or issue, and it
is obvious that author has not
retained any information
from the course.
No attempt is made to
articulate an argument.
Either no evidence is
provided, or there are
numerous factual mistakes,
omissions or
oversimplifications. There is
little or no mention of
information from lectures
accept main argument.
aspects of main argument.
All evidence is properly cited in
footnotes or endnotes.
All evidence is cited in footnotes
or endnotes, but there are some
minor problems with
completeness or format of some
Organization Essay contains an intro, main body, and
conclusion. Introduction lays out main
argument and gives an outline of what
the reader can expect in the essay. The
conclusion brings everything together,
acknowledges potential shortcomings of
the paper, and gives the reader a sense
of what further work might be done to
advance the subject matter described in
the paper.
Essay contains an intro, main
body, and conclusion. The
introduction lays out the main
argument but gives the reader
little idea of what to expect in the
essay. The conclusion nicely
summarizes the main argument
and evidence, but does not move
beyond what has already been
presented in the paper.
lectures and readings
is not effectively
Some pieces are
unreferenced or
referenced, and there
are problems with
completeness and
format of citations.
Essay contains an
intro, main body, and
conclusion. The
introduction gives the
reader an idea of
what to expect in the
paper, but does not
effectively lay out the
main argument. It
may begin with a set
of rhetorical
questions, or an
anecdote that is never
fully explained. The
conclusion does little
more than restate the
introduction. Intro
and/or conclusion
may be too wordy or
and readings.
No attempt is made to cite
Essay has no clear
organizational pattern.
Clarity and
All sentences are grammatically correct
and clearly written. No words are
misused or unnecessarily fancy.
Technical terms, words from other
languages, and words from other
historical periods are always explained.
All information is accurate and up-todate. Paper has been spell-checked
AND proofread (ideally by you and
somebody else), and contains no errors.
All sentences are grammatically
correct and clearly written. An
occasional word is misused or
unnecessarily fancy. Technical
terms, words from other
languages, and words from other
historical periods are usually, but
not always, explained. All
information is accurate and up-todate. Paper has been spellchecked AND proofread, and
contains no more than a few
minor errors, which do not
adversely affect the reader’s
ability to understand the essay.
A few sentences are
incorrect or not
clearly written.
Several words are
misused. Technical
terms, words from
other languages, and
words from other
historical periods are
rarely explained. Not
all information is
accurate and up-todate. Paper has been
spell-checked AND
proofread, but still
contains several
errors. Reader’s
ability to understand
essay may be
compromised by
these errors.
Paper is full of grammatical
errors and bad writing.
Several words are misused.
Technical terms, words from
other languages, and words
from other historical periods
are rarely explained. Not all
information is accurate and
up-to-date. Paper has not
been spell-checked or
proofread, and contains
numerous errors. Reader has
a difficult time
understanding essay because
of errors.
Presentation grading rubric
Content of
Effective slides (e.g. coherent, logical
progression, well organized, include main
points not details). Slides clearly aid the
speaker in telling a coherent story.
For the most part, slides are
helpful in telling the story with
only a few important points
Presentation is coherent for the
Communication- Presentation is coherent, with clear
introduction, transitions, language use, and most part, but missing 1 or 2
conclusion; speaker demonstrates intimate
knowledge of the subject
Communication- Presentation is polished, speaker uses
sentences, enunciates well, is fluent in the
delivery, maintains an effective pace and
eye contact, doesn’t run over allotted time
important elements
Presentation is polished, for the
most part, but missing 1 or 2
important elements within the
allotted time.
Needs Improvement
Slides have included Slides interfere with the
some important
points, but are not
effective in aiding
the speaker in telling
a story.
Presentation is only Presentation lacks coherence
coherent for some
Presentation is only
polished for some
parts. The speaker
only covers some
important parts
within the allotted
Presentation is not polished
and the speaker significantly
runs out of time