International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 A REVIEW ON COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DESIGN OF WATER TANKWITH IS3370-1965 AND IS3370-2009 Parag R. Chopade1, Dr. P. O. Modani2 1PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, PankajLathad Institute of Technology and Management Studies, Buldana, India. 2Asst. Prof. Department of Civil Engineering, PankajLathad Institute of Technology and Management Studies, Buldana, India. -----------------------------------------------------------------------***------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract - Indian standard has recently revised IS 3370 code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids. In that provisions of code IS 3370: 1965, the method which is adopt for designing the water storage tank is working stress method only. The new provision of IS 3370:2009 adopts both WSM and LSM. In this paper, comparison of the design provisions of water tank by IS 3370:1965 and IS 3370:2009. In IS 3370:2009 limit state method considering two aspects mainly it limits the stress in steel and limits the crack width. Keywords - IS 3370:1965, IS 3370:2009, Working Stress Method, Limit State Method, Crack Width Theory I. INTRODUCTION TOP DOME TOP RING BEAM Water is considered as the wellspring of each creation and is in this manner an extremely pivotal component for people to carry on with a solid life. Popularity of Clean and safe drinking water is rising step by step as one can't live without water. It ends up important to store water. Adequate water conveyance relies upon structure of a water tank in certain territory. A lifted water tank is an expansive water stockpiling compartment built to hold water supply at certain stature to pressurization the water dispersion framework. Water tanks can be named overhead, laying on ground or underground relying upon their area. The tanks can be made of steel or cement. Steel tanks are commonly utilized in railroad yards. Water tanks laying on ground are ordinarily roundabout or rectangular fit as a fiddle and are utilized where huge amounts of water should be put away. Overhead water tanks are utilized to circulate water specifically through gravity stream and are ordinarily of littler limit. As the overhead water tanks are available to general visibility, their shape is affected by the stylish view in the environment. Round tanks have least surface region when contrasted with different shapes for a specific limit of capacity required. Subsequently the amount of material required for round water tank is not exactly required for different shapes. The hoisted Water Tank (WT) comprises of tank upheld by organizing framework made out of segments, supports and establishments. Lifted water tanks have for the most part performed well in a seismic zones. Because of the absence of learning of supporting framework a portion of the water tank were fell or intensely harmed. So there is have to concentrate on seismic security of help structure as for exchange supporting framework which are protected amid quake. © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 CYLINDRIC ALWALL BASE SLAB Fig.1.1 Components of Circular WaterTank 1.1 Basis of water tank - The primary parts of circular water tank is top dome, top ring beam, barrel shaped divider i.e. cylindrical wall, base slab. Top Dome is the best most piece of tank. Top dome is intended for self weight and live load. There are two sorts of stresses are following up on arch which are called as meridional and circumferential burdens and the thickness of vault is depends up on premise of limit of tank. Structure of ring pillar in water tank is important to oppose the flat segment of the push of the arch. The ring pillar will likewise be intended for the band pressure initiated. Round and hollow tank divider is the component of superstructure where it exchanges and controls the weight from best arch and best ring shaft to down segment. The base piece ought to be sufficiently able to transmit the heap from the fluid and the structure itself to the ground. The base chunk creates spiral and additionally circumferential pressure. According to seismic code IS 1893 (part):2002, more than | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1361 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 60% of india is prone to earthquake. After an earthquake property loss can be recovered to some extent however, the life loss cannot the main reason for life loss is collapse the structures. It is said that earthquake itself never kills people, it is badly constructed structure that kill. Hence it is important to analyze the structure properly for earthquake effects. 3.2.1Limit State Design:- II. OBJECTIVE Limit state of collapse Limit State Requirement All relevant limit States shall be considered in the design to ensure an adequate degree of safety and serviceability. 1. To check about design philosophy for safe design of water tank. The recommendations given in IS 456 shall be followed. Limit states of serviceability 2. To make the guidelines for the design of liquid retaining structure according to IS code. 3. To check economical design of water tank. 4. To make the study about the analysis and design of water tank. a) Deflection - The limits of deflection shal1be as per IS 456. b) Cracking- The maximum calculated surface width of cracks for direct tension and flexure or restrained temperature and moisture effects shall not exceed 0.2 mm with specified cover. 5. This report is to provide guidance in the design and construction for Circular water tanks. Partial safety factors The recommendations given in IS 456 for partial safety factor for servicebilityshall be followed. III. METHODOLOGY Basis of Design 3.1 FLOW CHART OF PROJECT Design and detailing of reinforced concrete shall be as specified in Section 5 of IS 456 except that 37.1.1 of IS 456 shall not apply. Crack widths Crack widths due to the temperature and moisture effects shall be calculated as given in Annex A and that in mature concrete shall be calculated as given in Annex B. Crack widths for reinforced concrete members in direct tension and flexural tension may be deemed to be satisfactory if steel Stress under service conditions does not exceed 115 N/mm2for plain bars and 130 N/mm2 for high strength deformed bars. 3.2.2Working Stress Design Basis of Design The design of members shall be based on adequate resistance to cracking and adequate strength. Calculation of stresses shall be based on the following assumptions: a) At any cross-section plane section remains plane after bending. b) Both steel and concrete are perfectly elastic and the modular ratio has the value given in IS 456. © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1362 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 c) In calculation of stresses for both flexural and direct tension (or combination of both) relating to resistance to cracking the whole section of concrete including the cover together with the reinforcement can be taken into account provided the tensile stress in concrete is limited d) In strength calculations the concrete has no tensile strength. 0.3 0.3 0.3 m Permissible stress of Steel σ st 150 130 230 N/ mm 2 N/ mm σ ct Depth of water In IS 3370:1965 design criteria adopts working stress method and in revised version of IS 3370:2009 adopts working stress method as well as limit state method with crack width theory. IS:3370 adopted limit state design method in 2009 with the following advantages - limit state design method considers the materials according to their properties , treats load according to their nature , the structures also fails mostly under limit state and not in elastic state and limit state method also checks for serviceability. IS:3370-2009 adopts limit state design method with precautions. It adopts the criteria for limiting crack width when the structures are designed by considering ultimate limit state and restricts the stresses to 130 MPa in steel so that cracking width is not exceeded this is considered to be deemed to be satisfy condition. This precaution ensures cracking width to be less than 0.2 mm i.e. fit for liquid storage. This also specifies clearly how a liquid storage structure differs with other structures. The value of permissible stress in Steel (in direct tension, bending and shear) in IS 3370: (1965) σst is 150 N/mm2 and in IS 3370: (2009) σst is 130 N/mm2. 2 1.2 1.5 2 2.7 2.7 2.7 m Area of water tank A 185.18 185.18 518 185.18 m2 Diameter D 16 16 16 m Radius r 8 8 8 m r 2 2 2 m R 17 17 17 m θ 0.49 0.49 0.49 rad 28.08 28.08 28.08 deg DESIGN OF TOP DOME Rise of dome Radius of curvature Semicentral angle Total load W 3.5 3.5 3.5 kN/ m Meridional thrust T 31.61 31.61 31.61 kN 0.32 0.32 0.32 N/ mm Meridional stress IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 2 Circumferential force 4.1 Design of circular water tank of capacity 5 lakh litre resting on ground and having rigid joint at base. Depth of tank is 3 m with a free board of 0.3m. Use M20 grade of concrete and Fe415 grade of steel. Using WSM (1.IS 3370: 1965,2.IS 3370: 2009,)Using LSM. (1.IS 3370: 1965, 2.IS 3370: 2009,) 1965 (WSM) 2009( WSM) 2009 (LSM) UNI T 50000 0 50000 0 50000 0 lit Volume V 500 500 500 m3 Depth of water tank H 3 3 3 m © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 C Circumferential Stress Table 4.1 DESIGN COMPARISION Capacity F. B Permissible stress in concrete 3.3 Major Variations In IS 3370: 1965 and IS 3370: 2009 DIMENSION OF WATER TANK Free board 20.89 20.89 kN 0.21 0.21 0.21 N/ mm 2 Area of steel A st 300 175 120 Spacing S 167.46 287.08 418.66 mm DIMENSION OF WATER TANK DESIGN OF RING BEAM Horizontal P component | 20.89 mm 2 1965 (WSM) 2009( WSM) 2009 (LSM) UNI T 27.89 27.89 27.89 kN ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1363 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Hoop tension Area of steel Dimension of ring beam Width of ring beam Depth of ring beam CYLINDRICAL WALL Intensity of water pressure at base Hoop tension Area of steel H. T. As t 223.12 5 223.12 5 167596 .625 223.12 5 1716.3 4 127587 .4519 b 300 300 300 mm d 558.65 425.29 332.00 mm 1487.5 970.10 REFERENCES kN 1) M Bhandari and Karan deep Singh, “Comparative Study of Design of water Tank with Reference to IS: 3370”, IJETAE Publication, Vol-4,Issue-11, November 2014. mm 2 99601. 05978 2) Ranjit Singh, Dr.Abhay Sharma and Dr.VivekGarg, “Design of Intze Tank in Perspective of Revision of IS: 3370,”IJSET Publication, Vol-3, Issue09,1September2014. 3) R.V.R.K.Prasad, AkshayaB.Kamdi, “Effect of Revision of IS 3370 on Water Storage Tank”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 2(5), 2012. P H. T. 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