Uploaded by Jasmine Ghoniem

Homeostasis Worksheet: Exercise & Heat Response

Name: _____________________ Per:____
Please answer the following questions:
1. What measurable changes to the body do you expect to observe after 8 minutes of
vigorous exercise? (Hint: think vital signs)
2. Explain why there is an increase in body temperature after 8 minutes of vigorous
exercise? How is this different than an increase in body temperature when you are sick?
3. What does your body do to compensate for increased body temperature?
4. Diagram a negative feedback loop that illustrates how the body maintains homeostasis
when it is exposed to extreme heat.
5. Why does your body’s breathing rate increase after vigorous exercise?
6. Explain why perspiration level and skin color changes after exercise. How does this help
the body maintain homeostasis?