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PLC Control System Q&A: Door & Intercom Integration


QUESTION: Will it be necessary for the contractor to remove the existing 42U equipment rack at the current location and replace it with a wall-mounted enclosure, sized appropriately for the equipment at this location? Will the contractor be required to supply any racks, backplanes, or enclosures at any other locations?

BOP RESPONSE: Please refer to the Statement of work

PLC based integrated control system to control up to 12 doors and 4 analog intercom stations.

Motorola Door control head end and Stenofon analog intercom head end shall be replaced. The existing field devices and field wiring are to be reused. All devices to be reused shall be tested by vendor and a report of device functionality/serviceability to be submitted to owner prior to installation of any new equipment. New I/O (In-put/Output) must be in enclosure supplied by vendor. All existing field wiring must be terminated at equipment room with no field splices.

QUESTION: There are currently two wall-mounted door control buttons in the main control/equipment room that open/close the inner and outer control room doors. Will these buttons remain and need to be integrated into the new system, or should they be removed by the contractor with a blank-off plate provided?

BOP RESPONSE: Please refer to the Statement of Work.

PLC based integrated control system to control up to 12 doors and 4 analog intercom stations.

Motorola Door control head end and Stenofon analog intercom head end shall be replaced. The existing field devices and field wiring are to be reused. All devices to be reused shall be tested by vendor and a report of device functionality/serviceability to be submitted to owner prior to installation of any new equipment. New I/O (In-put/Output) must be in enclosure supplied by vendor. All existing field wiring must be terminated at equipment room with no field splices.

QUESTION: There were two remote locations noted during the site visit that have intercoms and/or door controls terminated at locations that are not the main control/equipment room (Back/East Gate and Training Center). Please confirm that local head-end equipment will be required at these two locations.


QUESTION: For connectivity for door control and intercom audio to these remote locations, please confirm that the facility will be responsible for fiber run from the two remote locations (Back/East Gate and Training Center).


QUESTION: Please provide the fiber type and connector type for any fiber runs required.

BOP RESPONSE: Single Mode, connector type as required by the contactor/ equipment.

QUESTION: Please confirm that the facility will be responsible for all fiber terminations, splicing, and patch panels at each end of any fiber required.


QUESTION: Please confirm that all fiber will be run from the main control/equipment room to any remote locations, and the contractor will only be required to provide the appropriate fiber jumpers from the facility-provided patch panels to the new equipment provided by the contractor.


QUESTION: Will the facility be responsible for providing any required UPS units at all equipment locations?

BOP RESPONSE: Please refer to the Statement of Work for required equipment.

QUESTION: Can the existing door control panel and enclosure be reused to mount the new 24" touchscreen monitor, located where the existing door control buttons are located?

BOP RESPONSE: Yes, with necessary modifications.

QUESTION: Due to the anticipated nature of this work where head-end equipment is completely removed, please confirm that up to 2 days of downtime for all devices currently connected to the existing system is acceptable.

BOP RESPONSE: No, Intermittent down time is acceptable, all other down time will be addressed after award.

QUESTION: The solicitation states that up to 12 doors and 4 analog intercoms will be integrated into the new system. Please confirm these counts are accurate, and include any man gates and vehicle gates, and that no other devices will be required to be interfaced with the system.

BOP RESPONSE: Please refer to statement of Work.

QUESTION: During the site visit, it was unclear if all four intercom stations landed in the main control/equipment room location. Please clarify if the intercom station wiring lands in one central location, or if a fiber converter will be required to connect remote intercom wiring to the head-end equipment.

BOP RESPONSE: All land in the control room, no converter is needed.

QUESTION: Would intercom head-end equipment as manufactured by Harding Instruments be acceptable in lieu of the TechWorks, Quam, and Weidmuller equipment listed in the solicitation?

BOP RESPONSE: If providing a quote for an equal product then all salient characteristics for the alternate equipment must be submitted with the quote.

QUESTION: In regard to the response time for emergency issues, will the contractor be required to troubleshoot the contractor-supplied equipment in order to prove it is in full operational condition before the facility investigates the existing devices for issues?

BOP RESPONSE: All devices to be reused shall be tested by vendor and a report of device functionality/serviceability to be submitted to owner prior to installation of any new equipment.

Refer to statement of Work for Warranty information.

QUESTION: In regard to the response time for emergency issues, will the facility be responsible for troubleshooting contractor-supplied equipment with phone support to look for blow fuses, power issues, etc. prior to requiring on-site emergency support?



Warranty a.



One year equipment and workmanship warranty.

Response time for warranty issues.

Emergency – On site no later than 4 hours from receipt of call from facility.


All other issues – on site within 24 hours


Include in base bid 24/7/365 unlimited phone support at no additional cost to the owner for duration of warranty period.

QUESTION: In regard to the response time for emergency issues, will the contractor be allowed to bill for emergency trips to the site when an issue that was initially deemed a contractor issue is actually an existing facility wiring, power, or device issue, as discovered after an on-site visit by the contractor?

BOP RESPONSE: Include in base bid a total of two trips for maintenance purposes, not to exceed two hours on-site, per trip.

BOP RESPONSE: Include in base bid a total of eight (8) hours emergency time on-site. Price shall include all wages, per diem and travel

QUESTION: During the site walk, gate projects and modifications were mentioned. Please confirm that the contractor will not be responsible for additional on-site work including wiring, hook-up, or troubleshooting of any new gate or device installation, modification, or replacement as part of this project.

BOP RESPONSE: The existing field devices and field wiring are to be reused. All devices to be reused shall be tested by vendor and a report of device functionality/serviceability to be submitted to owner prior to installation of any new equipment.
